Flunked Up

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I've been in school for three months now, and so far not so good. I've been failing my classes because I'm just no good at school. I've met some good friends here, though...so I may as well enjoy my classes while they last, because I've been given a good job offer that starts at the end of this semester, and I don't see any reason to stay in school when I'll be earning what my peers with degrees will...or maybe even more without one. I've decided to spend the weekend hanging out with Mark, my newest friend. He's kinda cute...and I'm really starting to get interested in him. "Hi Mark." I said, taking a seat on his bed. "It's about time you got over here, we've been waiting." he said, passing me a controller. "Oh excuse me, I had homework to ignore." He laughed. "This is (y/n), guys." I looked at the variety of guys, all looking just as friendly and fun as Mark. "Hi." I squeaked, waving weakly. They returned my reaction and before too long we were deep in video games, like usual. I copped out after awhile in favor of watching everyone else play. "Are you sure?" Mark asked, offering me his controller. "I'm positive. I'm worse at this game than I am at school." he shrugged, and turned his attention back to the game. I started racking my brain trying to figure out how I was gonna tell Mark about me leaving. We were growing together...just to grow apart. At least that's what it felt like. I frowned thinking about telling him my news. "Mark?" I said. "What's up?" he replied, not looking up from his game. "I'm going to head back to my place. I have something to tell you...come by later?" He stopped playing and looked at me. "Everything okay?" he asked. I didn't have the heart to say no so I lied and said yes. "Alright, I'll be over...maybe in an hour or two." I nodded and got off his bed, walking the short distance to my room. I sat at my desk thinking hard about how to break the news to him, and even more importantly, how to kill off the feelings that had been developing toward him slowly but surely. Mark came over just as expected and seated himself across from me. "What's up?" he asked. I wanted to tell him, but it was too hard to find the words, so I just walked up to him and planted a kiss on him. He seemed shocked, as he recoiled slightly, but after awhile, he was leading the action, pushing me against the wall, just like in my dreams. He ran his hands down my body and then pulled away. "I...I feel the same." he said, blushing. "I just didn't know how to tell you." My heart broke and skipped a beat at the same time. "Would you...would you wanna go do something tomorrow? Just me and you?" I smiled. "I think I'd like that a lot." I replied, pushing back the fact that I had some serious news to drop on him. I promised myself that it could wait one more day.

The next day, I walked the short distance to Mark's to see him sitting outside waiting for me. My mind was nagging me about not leading him on and telling him that I was leaving. I ignored it once again in favor of having another deep kiss with Mark. "The guys are gone." he said, almost suggestively. "Are they?" I asked. "Yep...they're home for spring break. I'll be leaving too, but not for a few more days." I frowned. "Don't worry, you can come with me. I mean if you want to be my girlfriend." Again, my heart broke and skipped a beat. "Of course I do." I said, internally cursing myself for not telling him that it was a bad idea because I'd be leaving school and the city in less than a month. He beamed. "I was hoping after yesterday you'd say that." he said. I forced a smile. "So let's go inside, it's chilly out here." he said, taking me and escorting me inside. I went in and sat on his bed just like I usually did, only this time it was different: he sat with me and began planting a flowering vine of kisses all over me. I instinctively laid back and let him take control of the action. "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do." he said. "I want to do everything with you." I replied. That was true. Ever since i met him, I'd had strong feelings for him...and they hadn't died down a bit. I undressed slowly, watching him do the same. I looked at him trustingly, and he eased us into position. He hugged me tightly, taking care of my body like I took care of his. His hands traced all of my curves and he left shallow bites from my neck to my chest. "M-mark!" I moaned, hanging onto him tightly. He cursed my name a few times before getting rougher. "Is that too hard, baby?" he asked, breathlessly. "No." I breathed. "I need you." he panted. "Fuck I need you. I always will." He growled my name, becoming rougher now. Everything felt so right, but in the back of my mind I knew I was wrong for not sharing my imminent departure. He pulled away, and finished outside of my body, laughing breathlessly. "Close call." he said, wrapping us both up in sheets. "Babe?" he asked, nudging me. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize not only did I not react to my peak, but I hadn't been moving. "Was it that bad?" he asked. "N-no. I'm just stressing about finals. I'm sorry, I'm a nervous test taker." he cuddled up to me. "Don't stress out. You'll do fine." I laughed to myself. "I'm a straight F student, Mark." He kissed my cheek. "So I'll help you study." I didn't reply. I just rolled over to face him and planted a kiss on his lips.

Time passed relatively quickly. Mark and I developed a phenomenal relationship, and when the time came for me to go, I couldn't tell him. I felt horrid inside for abandoning him, but I didn't have the heart to face him. I didn't want to fight, I didn't want tears, I just wanted to fade away. I woke up early in the morning to pack the rest of my things. I didn't have many items in my dorm, just the standard stuff. I zipped up my suitcase and told my roomie goodbye. She had been a great friend, and I was pleased to have her digits so we could still be friends. I walked out into the early morning darkness and got in my car. I paid a glance over to Mark's dorm and shook my head, tears welling in my eyes. I whispered out a goodbye, and took off into the night. I changed my number soon after, I didn't want him to get in touch...it'd just be pain for both of us. I worked up the nerve to ask my old roomie about the situation and what she had to say broke my heart. She said he had come by the day I left looking for me because he hadn't seen or heard from me. When she told him I was gone, he just curled up in a ball on my bed and wouldn't talk to her or anyone else for a few days. I asked if he was angry with me, and she simply said, you broke the man, he had no anger to give. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read her texts. Almost a year passed and when I asked what had happened to him, she said she had no idea. She hadn't seen him in awhile. Fearing the worst, I looked him up online, and the only thing I found were a few sad status updates on Facebook, and a promise to make something of himself to let me know he exists...and still cares...

A/N: Fuck yo happy ending ;)

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