Mark x Reader II

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"I..." he said, confused, but understanding what I said at the same time. "I" "Mark, I was offering. I think you're really attractive, and it's been awhile." He blushed deeply but said nothing. I wanted to slap myself. "I'm sorry, I knew this was a bad idea." I said. "I should've just continued to be quiet." "Woah, wait, I didn't say it was a bad idea, I'm just really shocked. I had no idea you felt that way." I looked over. "It'd be fun." I said, suggestively. He smiled at me. "Alright, but remember, I'm off my game. I have that awful cough..." "Doesn't bother me." I said. I felt Mark's hand on my thigh. He traced it up dangerously close to my clothed core and just stopped. We were really doing this-and I was stoked. I drew my hand over Mark's clothed member and he bucked his hips against my hand. I kept stroking him through his sweatpants, watching him twist and turn. "Tease." he said, looking at me playfully. He pulled me into a kiss and snaked his tongue through my mouth passionately. I gently squeezed his growing member and he moaned into the kiss. I broke the kiss to strip myself of my clothes. Mark sat back, amused by the whole thing. "Slow down, (y/n), I'm not going anywhere." he said. I just laughed. "Come on, you want it too." I replied. "I never said I didn't, you're just..." I put my fingers in his mouth. "You're much sexier when you shut up." I said. He nipped my fingers and I pulled them out of his mouth. He tugged at his sweatpants and boxers until they were down around his knees. I took my position atop his lap, carefully easing myself onto him. "Fuck, (y/n)!" he moaned. "God damn, you feel so fucking good already." He pulled my hips down until he was fully inside my dripping heat. "Fuck me." he grunted, bucking his hips. He filled me so perfectly, and I was in heaven feeling every inch of him pound into my core. I braced myself on his broad shoulders and began riding him firmly. His breaths hitched in his throat and he choked my name out, still thrusting into me hard. "God, baby...don't stop!" he grunted, searching feverishly for my g-spot. "Right there, Mark!" I moaned, clawing at him. He focused his energy on my spot, and before too long, the only word I knew was Mark. He bounced me off his hips with no effort, moaning my name, and holding onto me like I was made of platinum. "I'm gonna cum!" he breathed, slowing down a bit. That was my signal to let my climax wash over me, and get off his hips pronto. I stopped holding in my climax, and was amazed by how incredible it felt. I'd never felt anything like that. "(Y/N)..." Mark breathed. I was enjoying myself so much I forgot I was still planted atop his lap. I moved quickly, and replaced my core with my mouth. "Oh god..." he moaned. "Faster baby." He tangled his fingers in my long locks, guiding my head where he wanted it. He bucked his hips into my mouth rapidly. I heard the sound of his breath hitching deep in chest, followed by a low growl of a moan. I did my best to swallow everything, but strings of cum dripped onto his thigh from my mouth. I licked them up as he caught his breath. "You are so amazing." he breathed. I cuddled up next to him, and he brought me into a passionate kiss. "I can be that one friend who puts the extra mile into our friendship." I said, playfully. "I'm in." he replied, giving me a series of kisses on the neck. "Movie night should be once a week." I suggested. "If you could come over here more often, that'd be fine too." I laughed. "That good?" I asked. "Oh I'm sorry, did someone else narrowly avoid cumming in you just now? I had no control over myself..." I snickered. "I'm glad you had fun...I did, too." He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped us in the blanket. Unsurprisingly we teased each other through the remainder of the movie, and he made me promise I'd be back the next day for more fun. "I'll be here." I said, standing up to leave. "Oh please do." Mark replied, walking me to my car. He gave me a deep kiss and saw me off, waving at me from the driveway.

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