Whatever II

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Sleep wouldn't come to me no matter what I tried. I couldn't get anything out of my head. I got out of bed at sunup and noticed a barrage of texts from Mark. Some sad, some angry, and some just flat out pathetic. After the night I had, I looked and felt like hell. I text him telling him to come get his Xbox. I was pissed,but not pissed enough to steal something. He replied telling me he would be there in half an hour. I showered and changed my clothes. I walked by my kitchen counter, but the box of cereal did not appeal. I got one of my suitcases from my hall closet and started to pack up random things here and there. A knock on my door startled me. I answered it to see a very nervous and unwell Mark standing in the hallway. "It's in the living room." I said, backing away from the door to let him in. He looked at me like he wanted to say something, but the stern look on my face told him I wasn't going to be receptive to whatever it was he had to say. He began to slowly unhook his Xbox, looking at me as I supervised. "(Y/N), please let me talk." he said softly. I scowled. "I don't think you have anything to say." I said. "You're wrong. I do." I sat on my couch, keeping a watchful eye on him as he abandoned the Xbox to sit Indian style on the floor before me. "She was not a friend, she was supposed to do work for me. Editing to be exact. I asked her to come over to meet with me...when we were sitting there going over the job description she just jumped on top of me. I guess that's what I get for asking a fan to work with me." I didn't believe a word of his story. "That's a nice story, Mark, but it's lacking facts as far as I can tell." he looked hurt. "It's true (y/n). I'd never do something like that to you. I swear. No, I can't prove it...but I can tell you that I booted her from my house and we're not working together ever again." I rolled my eyes. "Damage control much?" I asked, getting up off the couch to continue packing. I watched Mark watch me. "You're really gonna go?" he asked. "Yeah. I have no reason to be here anymore. The whole reason I packed up my meager life and moved out here was because of you, and you fucked that entire situation up." He looked broken, and for a minute I felt bad for coming down on him as hard as I was, but I got over that feeling rather quickly as soon as I remembered what I had seen yesterday. "(Y/N), please don't go." he said. "It's a bit late for that. I have no idea where I'm going, but I can't stay here now." Mark took a shaky breath. "I don't know why you won't believe me. I almost went to blows with that bitch after you took off. I had no idea. She seemed like she had it together and would be an asset...I was wrong. Don't take this out on me." The more he explained, the more honest and genuine he seemed. "Look, there's nothing you can do to prove to me that you're not lying. That's what the problem is." I said. He looked at me tearfully. "It's not what you think. I swear (y/n), I love you." he stood up and wrapped me in a hug. It's not often that grown men sob like small children, but Mark knows a bit about how to act. Still, he seemed so helpless about the whole thing. "Tell me exactly what happened. Word for word." I said, sitting us down on the couch. He sniffled. "I needed another editor. I started looking, taking apps if you will...she contacted me boasting about her skills and saying that she was an LA native who still lives here. I asked her to demo some of her work, and I was impressed, so I asked her to come and do a more formal interview. I just wanted to show her what her exact duties would be if I picked her. I was in the middle of showing her some of the editing software I preferred when she just blurted out that she wanted me and she just jumped on me. I couldn't even push her off, she had my arms pinned down. Right as I was managing to get away from her, you came in and now here we are." I reflected on exactly what I had seen. I couldn't confirm or deny that his arms were pinned down, but come to think of it...I had heard him say something like 'what the fuck, stop' right before I walked into the room. I guess the sight of seeing my boyfriend with a woman attached to him blocked out my judgement skills and memories. I looked at my half packed bag, and then at Mark. He seemed eager for a response. I sighed, and admitted what I vaguely remembered. "I told her to get off." he said. It was at that moment I realized that he had been honest with me all along. "If I ever see that bitch..." I said, playing with his hair. "You won't. Trust me. She's gone...and I'll make sure she can't reach either one of us again." I sighed, and swiped at my eyes. "I'm sorry." I muttered. "It's okay...I'm sorry that this happened. I mean, it'd be wrong for me to think that you could see something like that and just blow it off." We embraced tightly. "You're the only girl I wanna kiss (y/n)." he said softly. "Well are you gonna do it or not?" I asked, breaking away from our hug. He looked at me for awhile before cupping my face and bringing me into a passionate kiss. He nudged my bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. I parted my lips gently and allowed him to slip his tongue in. We stayed like that for what felt like hours before he broke the kiss to breathe. "How's that?" he asked, smiling, his face still looking worn down from the stress. "Perfect." I said, playing with his hair again. "Please stay." he said. I looked at my bag. "Well...if that's what you really want." "I mean it's whatever." he said, winking. I gave him a playful push. "I want to if you want me to." "Of course I do. You have no idea how I felt when I heard you were planning on going..." he said, cringing almost. I felt guilty. "Come on, don't look that way." Mark said, putting his arm around me. "It's okay." he said. "I placed my hand in his lap." he raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked, suggestively. I blushed and removed my hand. He grabbed my wrist and put my hand back where it was. We locked eyes on one another. He smiled warmly. "I'm willing if you are." he said. "Whatever." I replied with a smile.

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