Journal Entry

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This was rq'd by @Usani2788

I typed the last bit of my journal entry for the day, feeling a bit red-faced rereading what I'd written. I like journaling, it's something that takes the edge off and allows me to express myself. After my younger brother read my diary to my classmates when I was 13, I moved my writing to the internet. It's hard for people to judge you when they don't know who the author is. I mostly write about my hidden desires...I have a boyfriend, Mark, and I think that he's too much of a gentleman to be into some of the things I am. That's fine by me, he's everything I want in a man otherwise, but...I can't shake my kink, so I resort to writing about it online, and dreaming about us doing...things... I've been working on a particular entry all day, and it's pretty crazy even for me. My eyes are tired, and I could really use a shower (not that showers can wash the filth out of my mind). I stood up, and stretched, pushing away the office chair I'd been sitting on for what felt like for months. I picked out a clean outfit and walked into the bathroom. Little did I know someone was just getting home and I had completely forgotten to 'burn down my evidence'. I didn't hear Mark calling for me while I was showering. I stood under the flow of hot water, scrubbing and singing along to my playlist. When I stepped out, wrapped up in my favorite fluffy towel, I saw Mark seated on our bed, and my laptop was wide open, journal entry still on the screen. I screamed internally, hoping he had just come into the room and hadn't bothered to read what I'd written. I couldn't slam the laptop shut first thing, that would be suspicious, to say the least. I just looked at him and smiled, asking him how his day had been. "Fine." he said. "I went out with the guys and had some much needed relaxation." I smiled. "That's great. I've just been lazing around the house, you know." I dressed quickly and tossed my towel into the hamper. Mark smiled back, but there was something off about it. I casually approached my laptop, carrying a casual conversation with Mark the whole time. I opened up a new tab and checked my Facebook, knowing damn well that I had no notifications. I had checked it no more than 10 minutes prior to showering, and I don't take long showers. I closed the browser and signed out. When I turned around to talk to Mark, I noticed that he had left. Anxiety made its presence known as I realized that there was no way he hadn't read what I'd written. He was acting strange and leaving the room undetected like he was Dark or some shit. I sighed. I had some serious explaining to do and I was NOT looking forward to the conversation. I sat in silence for awhile, unsure of what to do. I decided to just lay down for awhile. Maybe a nap would ease my mind.


Wow. I know (y/n) is a great writer, and that she loves adventure, but I've never read something so...adventurous. I never in my wildest dreams thought that little (y/n) was into such a kinky practice, but I'm not upset about it. I am upset that she hid her kink from me, though...and that makes me want to punish her. Seeing as how I just read a journal entry of hers that boldly declares how much she loves BDSM, I'm thinking she won't mind a punishment one bit. I'm thinking I won't mind it either. I have to get things in order to make tomorrow night perfect for us. For now, I've got to lay low and let her think that I'm indifferent about what I read, or maybe even upset. All I know is that I have about 24 hours to learn as much as I can about BDSM and that sounds like quite the task.


I woke up at night and Mark was asleep beside me. If what he read upset him, he had obviously calmed down enough to not leave me sleeping in our bed by myself. I felt good about that. I laid back down, and despite what had happened earlier, I wanted so desperately to add another entry to my journal. I laid awake looking at the ceiling, debating whether I should get out of my warm bed to write more. I decided against it since Mark was with me. One entry was enough for his eyes. That's when I realized that he knew my pseudonym...he could easily read everything. I sat straight up in bed. "What's wrong babe? It's late." I turned to see Mark half asleep, but managing to look up at me anyway. "Just a bad dream." I said, laying back down. He rolled over. "Go to sleep. I love you." he said. "I love you, too." I replied, sounding more frustrated than anything else. I sighed, defeated. What was I gonna do? Delete everything I'd spent literally years on? No way. Move it to another site? Pfft, too time consuming. All of that copying and pasting? Yuck. I pulled the blankets up and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, Mark was gone. I assumed he was recording, today is a recording day. I laid in bed for awhile, thinking about what to do that day. I dressed myself and sat down at my laptop, starting a new journal entry. I kept it short and sweet. I mainly expressed that my views were my views and I shouldn't be so ashamed of certain people knowing about them. Satisfied, I closed the browser and the laptop this time. I spent the morning watching old movies and eating junk food, one of my favorite past times. I spent the afternoon online playing games, and after dinner, I washed the dishes and went back upstairs to watch more movies. God, I loved having some time off from work. "Babe, can you run to the store?" I looked up from some dumb comedy flick to see Mark standing in the door. "For what?" He looked nervous. "Milk?" "I just bought some. Didn't you see it?" He bit his lip. "No, I honestly didn', there was something else...let's see...oh yeah! I need you to pick up condoms." "I'm fixed, babe. Do you want to get rid of me?" "N-no, of course not." he stammered. I looked at him. "Yes you do. Why? Are your annoying friends coming over?" "Yeah." he admitted, defeated. I was disappointed, but I'd rather spend the night out doing something fun by myself than be around some of his friends. Ugh, the fat one. He bugged me like crazy. Even when they just Skyped I cringed. Of course, I was kind to him anyway because he's Mark's friend and I don't want to wreck any of his friendships. "Alright, say no more. I'm out. I'll come back at around midnight." I stood and started to walk out of our room before I felt his arm around mine. "You don't have to be gone that long. He's just coming over for a bit." I cocked my head. "Alright, what time should I come back?" "Like 10." "Like?" I asked. "Alright, 10. Fifteen after at the latest." I smiled. "See you then, and don't tell them I said hi. Everyone knows I didn't." He gave me a playful shove. "Go. I love you." I winked. "I love you too." I said. I decided to take myself out to dinner. Yeah it was a bit late to be eating out, but who cares? I spent a few bucks on food, and then a few here and there at some local shops. I checked my phone, and time was ticking by so slowly. When it finally hit 9:50, I gleefully journeyed home. I arrived shortly after 10 and was glad to see that there were no strange vehicles in the driveway. I got out of the car and went inside, only to see that the house was dark. That was odd. Mark never went to bed that early, and if there had been people here, he'd still be up cleaning or something. "Mark?"I asked. "Upstairs." he replied. I went into our room and saw a glorious spread. Mark was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking straight at me. I saw an assortment of 'toys' behind him. My face turned bright red. "Yes, I read what you wrote. No, I'm not upset that you're into this...but I am upset that you hid it from me. I think you need to be punished." My heart beat faster hearing that. He stood up and grabbed me, turning me around. "Come on." he said. "You know what to do." I put my hands behind my back and he cuffed them swiftly. He turned me around, and gave me a push onto my back. I wriggled around in delight. "You take orders from me now. Are we clear?" I nodded. "I can't hear your head shake. Yes or no, baby girl?" "Yes." I replied. "Yes who?" "Yes sir." "Much better." he pulled my pants and panties off, wasting no time putting his fingers into my heat, swirling them around, torturing me. My breath hitched. "You're so fucking dirty. When did you become such a slut?" he asked, sliding out of his clothes. I couldn't even reply, the hazy pleasure had robbed me of my voice. Mark brought me to my knees, positioning my mouth over his member. "Never mind the question, I don't want anything coming out of your mouth, I just want me going in." I quivered in pleasure, happily taking his member into my mouth. He hit the back of my throat and I gagged hard, but kept it together. I wasn't used to him being so rough. He just bucked his hips right in my face, forcing himself deep in my throat, squeezing my hair and tugging it wherever he pleased. "Had enough, baby girl?" he asked, pulling out. I was unsure of what to say. "Or do you want to finish me off?" he asked. "I want to finish you, sir." I replied. He slammed himself back into my mouth. I matched his pace as best as I could, only raising my tongue to lick at his sensitive spot. He pulled my hair harder, and his pace got sloppy, signaling that he was close to release. I was quite sure that my core had leaked everywhere by now, and the burning desire in me continued to get hotter. His breaths hitched one right after another and suddenly, something warm and slightly sticky lined the inside of my mouth and throat. I choked it down, looking up at him the whole time. He bit his lip and looked away, afraid that if he kept looking at me, he'd break character. "Well done, baby girl." he said, pushing me backward again. "Roll over." he said. I finally managed to roll over, feeling exposed and excited. He smacked my ass, dipping his fingers into my heat now and then. I turned my face sideways on the pillow so I could breathe. Having my hands rendered useless killed me. I felt him pick something up off the bed. He inserted arguably the largest toy invented into my heat. He had fun experimenting, telling me to shut up if I yelped or resisted in any way before finally yanking out whatever toy he had bothered to put in that time around and replacing it with himself. "You wanna cum?" he asked. "Y-yes sir!" I moaned, swelling with pleasure. "You cum when I tell you to." he replied, taking a handful of hair. He slapped, pinched, and grabbed at me as much as he possibly could before his rhythm changed and he faltered a bit. "Fuck, baby." He growled. "Cum for me." I had no problem doing exactly that. We finished at the same time, no holds barred. It was amazing to say the least. Mark, a good-natured person decided to break character immediately. "Did I hurt you?" he asked, worried. "No!" I breathed. "Quite the opposite." My legs shook as my body recovered. "When are you going to write another entry?" he asked, smiling a bit. "Tomorrow first thing, why?" I asked. "Leave your laptop open again, okay?" I caught his drift. "Had fun, did you?" I asked. "Oh, fun doesn't even begin to cover it." he brought me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "I can't wait to play again." he breathed into my skin.

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