Mark x Reader

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I woke up feeling the worst hangover I'd ever felt. I laid flat on my back for awhile trying to figure out how to get up without falling flat on my back, and nothing was really coming to mind. I stayed in that position for awhile before braving my symptoms and forcing myself to sit up. Dizziness, lightheadedness, dry mouth, nausea, the whole nine yards. Good stuff. I congratulated myself for being so stupid. I promised myself last night that I wasn't going to get that drunk. I was just going to go out, have a couple drinks, and go home to enjoy my weekend. I blinked a few times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the lighting. I didn't remember my apartment being so fucking dark. That's when I realized I was definitely not in my own home. I looked around trying to find out where I was. A hotel? A friend's home? My parents' home? I had to be somewhere because I wasn't laid out on the sidewalk. Some commotion from the bed beside me made me turn my head. There was someone in there. I ignored my throbbing skull long enough to get up and look around a bit. Alright, there was a dude in the bed, and he was flat out nude. I put the pieces together and put my palm to my head. Getting drunk AND going home with a stranger? I was really batting a thousand. I debated whether I should wake him up and find out what was going on or just leave. Since I had no idea where the fuck I was at, I decided on the former. I put my hand on the sleeping man's shoulder and shook him gently. He groaned and tried rolling away from me. "Wake up." I said softly. "Please?" His eyes fluttered open. At first, he looked irritated, but after awhile he smiled at me. "Well good morning, sleeping beauty." he said. I cocked my head. "Morning. Where am I?" He seemed hurt. "You don't remember?" he asked. "Nope." I replied. "Well, maybe that's for the better. Let's start from the top: I'm Mark, and last night you came home with me because you were wasted and found me attractive. You fell asleep before anything happened, though. I'm only naked because I enjoy sleeping this way. I swear (y/n)." He remembered my name. Odd...we must've had some kind of viable connection. I looked at him for awhile, confused about what was happening. "Um..." I started. "Yeah..." he replied, looking away. "This is really awkward...and I'm so sorry. I'll get going." I said. "You just have to tell me how to get back downtown because clearly we're not there anymore." Mark seemed a bit disappointed but agreed to help me get home. "I was kinda hoping you'd stay. We had some great conversations last night...but if you wanna go home, I certainly have no business stopping you." Conversations? "What did we talk about? I really don't remember anything." "Video games, movies, TV and I seem to have a lot in common. Plus, you're a pretty lady." I felt my face heat up. "I mean...if you want me to stay, I'm free. I have nothing do this weekend..." Mark beamed. "That sounds great, but...I have to get dressed." I walked out of his room and seated myself in the hallway, waiting for him to come out. When he did, I took a good hard look at him. I hadn't done bad for myself. He was beyond sexy. "What do you wanna do first?" he asked. "You decide." I said, getting to my wobbly feet. I stumbled forward right onto him, and he caught me. "Maybe you should lie down for awhile and get your bearings about you. You seem a bit unsteady." "Seem?" I asked, feeling my head spin. "Come on." he said, picking me up bridal style. "You can lay in my bed for awhile." That sounded appealing. "If you wanna join me." I replied without thinking. I heard his breath hitch in his chest, but other than that I got no response. Good going, moron. I thought. He set me on his bed and asked me if I needed anything. I couldn't think of anything so I said no. He looked at me for awhile before asking me if I really wanted him to join me. "Of course I do." I replied. He gave me a bit of a funny look before joining me in bed. "What was that face for?" I asked. "N-nothing." he replied, laying away from me. "Nothing?" I asked. "That was the most something nothing I've ever seen. Are you uncomfortable?" "Define uncomfortable." he replied. "Um...not being comfortable." He laughed quietly. "Dork." he muttered. "I heard that." "What? It was funny. Look, I'm not uncomfortable...I....never mind, alright? Just rest." "Well I rest better if someone is hugging me." His breath hitched again. "(Y/N), I don't know if you're gonna like me hugging you right now." he said. "Of course I will." I said. He very reluctantly hugged me and I felt his manhood pressing against me. I squirmed against it, and felt him respond to it positively. "So you DON'T mind?" he asked, bucking his hips a bit. "No, I don't." I said sweetly. "I kinda like it." I felt him wrap himself around me tightly, still bucking his hips against me. I pooled a bit in my panties, feeling a burning desire start to consume me. "So..." he said. "I was kinda hoping this would happen. I just wish you would've said something before I got all dressed up. Now I've gotta peel all these layers off again." I started to peel at my own layers. Mark helped me take my clothes off and I turned to face him. He was still dressed from the waist down, so I tugged at his t-shirt. He pulled it over his head and I traced his smooth body with my fingers, liking what I was seeing and feeling. He planted a few kisses and love bites on my chest, being gentle and rough at the same time. I grabbed at his fluffy black hair, tugging on it periodically. He looked up at me with lust filled eyes. "Do you wanna?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "Duh." I replied. He positioned me to his liking, lining himself up behind me. "God your entire being is gorgeous." he said, gently parting my heat with the tip of his member. I backed myself into his actions, eager for more. "You must really want this." he teased. "I do." I replied, teasing him right back. He mumbled something I couldn't understand, but I loved the way it sounded. He forced himself all the way in and just held himself there, letting me get used to his size, and there was plenty to get used to. I wiggled my hips impatiently. "So you just like to straight up fuck, huh?" he breathed. "Damn right." I replied, trying not to let my impatience become my dominant emotion. He put his hands on my hips and began to slam into me slowly at first, but he picked up the pace rapidly. "Fuck (y/n)..." he breathed, smacking into me harder. "God yes, Mark!" I cried, feeling him fill me in the right places. He pumped himself into me maintaining a pace that I thought until that moment was impossible. "You feel so fucking good." he growled, pounding into me. I whimpered, digging my nails into his sheets. "Don't stop!" I begged. "I'm not gonna stop til you're dripping on these sheets, baby." he replied. My entire body felt weak with pleasure, and before too long, I felt an intense climax creeping through my core. "You're so wet for me (y/n)..." Mark moaned, beginning to get sloppy with his technique. My walls tightened and my core gushed as a wall of pleasure washed over me. I growled his name a few times sounding more guttural than I thought I ever could. I felt his member leave my body rapidly, and something warm landed on my ass and thighs. Mark repeated my name until he got tongue tied over it. He and I flopped down on the bed. If my head wasn't swimming before it sure was then. Mark showered me with kisses and encouraged me to just lay with him for awhile before moving on to do something else. "You wore me out and it isn't even noon yet. What have I become?" he asked, playfully. "My new fuck buddy?" I suggested. He looked at me with a hint of a smile. "Oh?" he asked. "IF you're cool with it." I said. "I'm obviously cool with it (y/n), these sheets are a fucking wreck." I could feel that. They were damp, to say the least. "It's okay, I have to do laundry anyway." he said, kissing on my neck.  I wrapped myself around him tightly and watched the world over his shoulder. "I could stay here for quite awhile." I said. "I'd be happy with that. It isn't every day that I run into someone as cool as you." I smiled. "Damn right." I said. He snickered. "Is that your favorite phrase now?" he asked. "No, didn't you hear me ago? Clearly, it's Maark, oh my god, Mark!" We both laughed. "I think we have the beginning of a great friendship." he said, playing with my hair. "More than that." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I'm only being honest." I said. He gave me a peck on the lips before laying beside me and starting up a new conversation.

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