Evasion II

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I woke up to a rainstorm that looked like it was threatening to become a thunderstorm. I peeked out my window carefully and saw a crumpled mound of...Mark. He really had stayed out there all night. I debated whether I should attempt to go to work or not. On one hand, if I dressed quickly, I might be able to slip out the door and make a run for my car. On the other hand, he might be fake sleeping and just waiting for me to step outside so he could do...whatever. I decided to use one of my paid sick days, there was no sense in risking anything right now. I had plenty of food and drinks, a multitude of ways to entertain myself, and getting paid to miss work is a pretty good feeling. I decided to just play some video games to pass the time. My brother had sent me some new games for Chritmas, and they'd just been sitting there not getting used. I opened one of them. Grand Theft Auto V? Sounded...interesting. I put it in the trusty ol Xbox and started it. "Are you playing GTA V?" I heard a muffled voice ask. My nerves acted up and I suddenly felt discouraged and disinterested in having fun. "Y-yeah." I replied. "Now you have to let me in. I have an awesome mod for it on PC." I sighed and turned the volume up, trying to force myself to get back into the game. "(Y/N), I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out, but you don't understand. We have a connection. It's weird...I have never acted like this...this is something new and weird to me. Look, all I wat to do is talk. I'm not going to hurt you, I'd never." I contemplated letting him in before I stopped and questioned my sanity. Why the fuck would I let him in? He's out there stalking me, what if he's lying? I thought,returning to my game. "I can stay here all day." he said. "That's precisely why you're scaring me. That sounds threatening." "It isn't." he said. "I don't want to hurt you, I just want to talk to you." I growled, nearly tossing my controller. "Don't you have some 12 year old girls to impress with your shitty jokes and constant yelling?" I said, frustrated by the constant interruptions among other things. He was silent. "I do have to make more videos, yes." he replied. "Look...I don't know you. I've met you once, it was quick, it was rather impersonal, I was actually there for a friend. I didn't come for you, I came for her because she was too nervous to meet you alone, and if this is who you really are, I don't blame her for getting nervous about meeting you." "Well regardless, something sure happened." "And that one I cannot explain." "It was fate (y/n)." I sighed, setting the controller on the table. Perhaps if I just let him say his piece he'll fuck off. I heard a door swing open, then shouting from Mark and someone else. When I heard a gunshot, I immediately ran for the door and opened it. It was my dumb hillbilly neighbor. He explained he was tired of listening to Mark outside my home (weren't we all?) and I explained that if anyone was going to shoot him, it was going to be me. He reluctantly agreed to go inside and put the gun away, and I reluctantly agreed to let Mark come in. "Sit there." I said, pointing at my couch. He obediently took a seat. "See we do have a connection. You just saved my life." I sighed. "I doubt that. If he really wanted to kill you, he would've shot you. He was trying to scare you off." Mark looked at me and rolled his eyes. "You saved me. There is something between us." I shrugged his comment off. I sat across from him an studied him. He was more attractive than what I remembered him being. More everything...I caught myself checking him out, and quickly looked away. He seemed to not notice what I had just done. Fine by me.  "So explain yourself." I said. "I already did. I want to be an item (y/n), I feel like life wouldn't be worth it if we weren't together." "Did you just threaten to kill yourself if we don't end up together?" He shook his head. "Alright, cuz there's about a .1 percent chance that we will end up together. I mean if you wanna eat a bullet or something, that's cool...cuz then you won't bug me ever again." I was hoping against all hope that saying that would scare him off. I felt terrible for saying it...but I was desperate to get him away from me. Instead, he laughed. "You have a sick sense of humor, huh? You must know my twin." I furrowed my brow. "Your twin?" "Well, not twin...but close enough, let's not talk about that. I shouldn't have mentioned that." I was suspicious. "What is this? Some kind of stupid YouTube prank?" I asked, standing. "No. It's reality." I scowled. "You are strange. I'm beginning to wonder if letting you in was a bad choice." He shivered a bit, still soaked from the rain. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. I sighed. "Do you need something dry?" I asked. "That would be great." he said, looking up at me. "I've accumulated a lot of hoodies over the years, I think you'll be quite happy with one of them." I said, leaving the room. "When I return, let's have a normal conversation." "I think it's high time we did exactly that." he replied.

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