12 and 1

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A/N: 13 is an important number in the criminal justice system. Most people who have been convicted by a jury reference it because a jury consists of 12 people, and then there's one judge.

I don't like being in trouble any more than anyone else does, but I always seem to find myself in it. A friend and I thought it'd be a good idea to shoplift something from a convenience store. Why, I do not know. It's never a good idea to take things that don't belong to you. It's illegal, and it's morally wrong as well. Regardless, we did it and we got caught.  Since I used to get myself into quite a bit of trouble, I expect to do a bit of jail time for my offense, and I'm unhappy about it. I'll probably end up losing my job, my home, and my friends. What really chaps my ass is that my friend probably will just get some easy probation for a few months, because he has NO criminal history. My attorney told me that Judge "F" is presiding over my case, and that he's really patient and understanding. I have quite the history with judges, and I feel as if Judge F isn't going to cut me any slack. I don't even know who he is, which is surprising considering I've rolled through this courthouse a million times. I sat in the holding cell waiting patiently to be sent into the courthouse to have my first trial hearing. One by one, the other women in the holding cell left and came back. Some were happy, others were...not. I was beginning to think that his honor had forgotten about little ole me. Finally, a deputy opened the thick metal door and informed me that it was my time to shine. I rose, my shackles clanking along with me. I grunted something as I walked by and took a seat where I was directed to sit. I looked up at the judge, who was buried in paperwork. Great. This dude is already giving off the impression of going by the books. I thought...but then he looked at me. God, he was attractive. For a brief moment, I considered continuing to get into trouble just so I could glance at that face now and again. "Miss (F/N) (L/N)?" He asked. If he had been any other judge, I would've responded with something sassy. Something like 'no kidding, isn't that what the docket says?' I couldn't do that to him though, I was too awestruck by his appearance. "Yes, your honor, that's me." I replied. He read off all the normal bullshit. My case number, my charge, and blah, blah, blah. I really wasn't listening, I was staring right at him, probably getting a bit red faced. When my attorney and the prosecutor started arguing for the jury, I didn't hear a word. I didn't care about who was occupying the witness stand, or what they had to say. I was too enthralled with Judge F, whoever he was. It wasn't until I heard him raise his voice that I realized there had been a serious argument going down before me. "This court is in recess." he said. "Be back here in thirty minutes." The deputy who brought me in rose to take me out, but Judge F stopped him. "I know this isn't exactly SOP, but I want a word with her in my chambers. Do me a favor and take her in there...take the shackles off her ankles, but leave her handcuffed for now." In all my years of fucking around I had never been in a situation like that one. I was unsure why he wanted to see me privately, but I definitely liked the idea of being in close quarters with him. The deputy reluctantly agreed, and led me behind the bench into Judge F's chambers. He seated me in front of a large desk and told me to stay put. He unlocked my ankle shackles and left, closing the door behind me. I looked around the chambers and admired all of the scholarly stuff. Obviously, Judge F was a smart cookie. I heard the door open behind me. I turned and looked and was happy to see Judge F. "Hello." he said, walking by me, his black robe flowing gracefully behind him. "Hello, your honor." I said. "You're probably wondering why I asked you to come here." he said. "I am." I replied. He stripped himself of his robe, and much to my surprise, he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt underneath. "You're very casual, your honor." I noted. He laughed. "Stop calling me that, my name is Mark." I raised my eyebrow. "Is this some kind of joke?" I asked. "No joke." he said. "I saw you, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Even with that ugly orange jumpsuit on, you are stunning." I blushed. "Thank you." I said, turning away. He came closer. "Now those handcuffs...are they comfy?" he asked. "No way! Have you ever been in these things? They hurt!" Mark laughed. "Well, sorry if this sounds bad, but I'm so glad." I looked at him sideways. "Pain and pleasure together...sounds good." he said, stalking over to me. I could see his bulge growing quickly and I felt heat and moisture drop into my core. "I think I might be able to work something out for you. I like bad girls, especially ones who look like you." He forced me to stand and then bend over his desk. I whimpered a bit, swaying my hips impatiently. "In my courtroom, we play dirty sometimes." he said, rubbing a finger on my clothed core. "Do you want to participate? It's up to you." "Y-yes." I breathed. "That's good to hear." he said, grinding against me. I moaned a bit, bumping against the desk. "Let's get this jumpsuit off." he said. He stood me up, turned me around, and unzipped the suit. He helped me step out of it. "Hm." he said, looking at me. "I can't take it all the way off...those cuffs are in the way." he picked up the legs of the suit and pulled them aside. "That's more like it." he said, fondling my heat through my panties. He bent me back over the desk, and I heard him removing his clothing. His warm body pressed against mine and my breath hitched, waiting for him to make his move. I felt his heat leave my back only to feel his hands sliding my panties down. Without warning, he entered, taking a fistful of my (h/c) hair at the same time. We both moaned, and for a moment we froze, enjoying the sensations. He bucked his hips slowly, breathing heavily. "We...have to be quiet, (y/n)." he breathed. "There are people all over this place." I nodded, though I knew damn well it was going to be hard to be quiet. He kept a vice grip on my hair while pounding into me roughly. "Fuck you feel amazing." he growled. I backed my hips into his, begging for more. "Fucking needy, are we?" he asked. "Y-yes." I moaned, feeling him speed up. "You must really wanna get off these charges!" he grunted, releasing my hair to hold onto my hips. "Yes, I do." I breathed. "Well, I'll get you off your charges if you get me off right now." he said, thrusting harder. My entire body tingled as my climax neared. "I'm so close (y/n)." he moaned, breaking out of his rhythm. "M-me too!" I moaned. He covered my mouth with his hand. "Shh. I don't want to get caught." he panted. I nipped at his fingers, and when a wave of pleasure finally washed over me, I moaned right into his hand. He all but threw me against the desk to ensure that he pulled himself out in time. I felt his essence land on the back of my thighs. I looked at the clock as I caught my breath. We had about 5 minutes to get ourselves back together. I heard him furiously dressing behind me. He put his strong arms on me and helped dress me back into that ugly orange jumpsuit. He finger combed my hair and made sure I looked just like I did when I came in. He got a serious look on his face as he studied me. "I gave you a bloody nose." he said. "Well, I should've told you that you didn't need to pull out...I'm fixed." He put a hand on his hip. "Well now, it's not that often that I hear a confession, but when I do, obviously I have to sentence the person who gave it.. You're in big trouble, (y/n)...I'm sentencing you to 8 inches of me. I want to see you back here tomorrow evening after this courthouse is closed. We'll go to my place and get your punishment started." He winked. He held a tissue to my nose until the bleeding stopped. "Good as new." he said. We exited his chambers as if nothing had ever happened. He seated himself on the bench, and a deputy came to put my shackles back on. I hoped that while he was bent down attaching those shackles, he didn't notice that I reeked of sex. Judge F listened to the arguments, and the jury left to decide my fate. As expected, they returned with a guilty verdict. "Look, everyone. I'm sure that you think this is the end of the road for miss (y/n)...but it's not. I do not accept this verdict on the grounds of the evidence submitted being insufficient." There was an audible gasp, followed by many disgruntled people mumbling and muttering. "Case dismissed." he said. A barrage of words from the prosecution rose up, but he waved them off in favor of glancing over at me and giving me a subtle wink. I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back a bit in my seat. "Good stuff." I muttered. I stood to be taken back to the jail so I could be prepared for release. Everyone was stunned and miffed by my sudden change in fate, but I was happy. I hoped to get out soon, because I had a lot of prepping to do before my date with his honor tomorrow night...

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