Friends Forever II

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I didn't get an answer to my question no matter how much I pestered him. He just told me he wasn't going to ruin the surprise. I did however, get him to admit he'd be able to tell me what the surprise was on Friday. That was only three days away. I asked for more information and he said he couldn't tell me anything else. 

I sighed. Friday felt forever away now that I was looking forward to it. The minutes ticked by in what felt like hours. I made the executive decision not to contact Mark due to the fact that every time I did, he was nothing but cryptic and strange about things. He really didn't want me to find out about whatever the fuck it was he was planning. Mark is great at planning events, but I had just come back from seeing him so I was doubtful that whatever he had up his sleeve had anything to do with us seeing each other again. That just wouldn't make sense. Would it? I sprawled out on my bed, deciding to watch some of Mark's videos to fill my time. I scrolled through the uploads, settling on one I hadn't seen in ages. I watched my friend flail around like an idiot, screaming and yelling for seemingly no reason, but it wasn't helping quell the curiosity and anxiety that were building in me. My phone started to buzz, and the sudden vibrations made me drop it right on my face. "God dammit..." I muttered, looking to see who was calling. It was Mark. I hesitated to answer, but eventually did. "Hi." I said. "What's up?" he replied. "You tell me, you called." He laughed, a bit nervously. "So about Friday...what's your favorite thing to do in the world?" I was confused. "Nothing. I love doing nothing." he laughed. "That is so you...okay, let's put it this way: what's your favorite thing to go out and do?" he asked. "I guess walk. I walk my neighbor's dog for her sometimes.It's fun." "Hmm...sounds good." he said. "Why do you ask?" He snorted. "I'll let you guess that." he said. "Friday?" I asked. "Bingo. Have a good day, (y/n), I have to get back to recording." he hung up. Now I was really confused. What the hell was going on? I looked at the calendar and groaned. Still Wednesday, but at least night was rapidly approaching. I cursed Mark's name as I made myself a sandwich. Friday had to come sooner, that's all there was to it.

Thursday dragged on even longer than the day before. That had to be because the next day was the day Mark's surprise would come through...whatever it was. I was wondering if he had sent me something in the mail, so I asked the post office to really examine my mail for me. I asked one of our mutual friends if he knew about anything that was going on and he straight up blew me off, telling me he was well aware that something was up, but wasn't willing to let me know what it was. I called Mark, and he didn't answer, so I left a voicemail. About 5 minutes later he text me asking me if I loved surprises as much as he did. I text him a 'yes' back, and he confessed that he was worried I wouldn't like the surprise. Mark isn't that great at gift giving sometimes, but I'm always grateful when someone thinks of me enough to get me a present. I assured him that whatever it was, I'd love it since it came from him. He seemed satisfied with that response,and told me that he had to go and that I should get some rest. Get some rest? I looked at the clock. It was nowhere near bedtime. It was barely dinner time, in fact. I shrugged off the comment as Mark just being concerned about me warding off jet lag or something. I decided to play some video games to help passing the time. I kept my phone right next to me, constantly checking for more cluess via Mark, but I got nothing. By the time it was time to go to bed, I was incredibly antsy and didn't want to sleep. I forced myself to go to bed, flipping through pictures of me and my friends, including Mark, on Facebook to get my eyes tired enough to close. I fell asleep like most internet addicts, phone in hand and in an awkward position. When I woke up, it was late Friday morning. I jumped out of bed and rushed to shower and get dressed. It was early, but the mail carrier can come when he wants to, so I checked the mailbox. Nothing. I looked under the doormat, and around the side of the house. Still nothing. I half expected that, so I went back inside and checked my phone like I should have to begin with. I had a single text from Mark telling me to be outside at around one, because he'd arranged for my surprise to arrive about then. I thought about what an idiot I had made myself out to be by running around looking for mail and/or packages. I looked at the clock. It was just after 11...that left roughly 2 hours until whatever Mark has planned come to fruition. I patiently waited, watching TV, twiddling my thumbs, doing whatever I could to pass time. Just before one, someone knocked on my door. I fully expected to see the mail carrier or someone like them, but instead it was Mark. He seeemed awfully nervous, but was smiling. I almost jumped back a bit, not expecting to see him. "What are you doing here?" I asked, giving him a hug. "Clearly I've been stalking you." he said, laughing. "No, really, what's going on?" I asked, ushering him in. "I had to come see you again. I didn't get enough time with you when you came out. Honestly." I was moved. "That's sweet." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's more than that. It's love." I furrowed my brow. "Be my girlfriend, okay?" he asked, laughing. "We can do a long distance relationship, at least until you pull your head out of your ass and move closer." He nudged me. Everything felt surreal, and it took a lot of convincing for me to believe that my friend had actually traveled cross-country just days after spending time with me...becuase he loved me. "(Y/N) are you okay?" he asked, noticing my blank stare. "Yeah." He looked really nervous now. "This was a bad idea. I'm so fucking dumb. I should've asked you if you wanted to date before fucking coming over like this. I was trying to be romantic, I was trying to be cute...I failed." I felt awful. "No, that's not it at all, Mark...I'd love to date you...I just can't really believe that y-" he cut me off with a sloppy kiss. I kissed back instantly, putting my arms around him. We spent a moment like that, not caring about anything else in the world. He broke the kiss, gave me a little peck on the lips and asked me if I was okay with him spending a few days here before going home. "Of course! I'd be pretty upset if you just turned and walked away, especially after a kiss like that one." I said, blushing a deep shade of red. "There's more where that came from." he said. I tensed. "Oh yeah?" I asked, a bit nervously. He took me by the hand and pulled me against him. "I love everything about you (y/n)." he said. "Would you...would you...fuck me?" he asked. I could feel the nervousness radiating off of him. "I swear, that's not why I want you to be with me, but I've been wanting to do that with you for a long time now." I tensed harder. "God, I'm fucking this up so bad, aren't I? I don't know what I'm doing, you're just...perfect." I chuckled. "You're a strange one, Mark." I said. "But for the record, my answer is yes." His breath hitched. "Remember your joke the other day? Yeah, I thought about that for awhile after dark..." He planted another kiss on me, this time deeper. I felt my core throb and each time he bumped against me, it got stronger and stronger. I was pooling in my panties with raw desire. I broke the kiss to jump on Mark and press my body against his. he moaned and ground against me gently. "God (y/n), I need you so badly." I did more than feel that. I led him into my room and let him guide me to the bed. He rubbed my core through my thin shorts, and I bucked my hips against his fingers. He bit his lip, aroused by the situation, to say the least. "M-mark!" I moaned. He disrobed fast enough to break a world record, and crawled atop me, kissing along my body. He tugged at my shirt. "Take it off, babe." he said. I pulled it over my head, feeling insecure under his gaze. "Don't look that look amazing." he said. I blushed again, removing my shorts. He wasted no time lining himself up with me, parting my womanhood with the tip of his member. I jolted a bit at the contact, but he smiled and relaxed me by doing so. He gently slid in and paused, closing his eyes. " feel so good." he purred. He started slow, getting us used to one another. My breath hitched in my throat, and I clung onto Mark with all my might. "Sorry, but this is gonna be quick." he said, half laughing. That was fine by me, he was huge, and he was good. I was already feeling my climax begin to build. "Harder, babe." I breathed, hanging onto him like he'd fly away if I let go.He slowed up, panting with his voice rasping hard. "I'm so close." he said, getting sloppier by the second. I didn't want him to pull out, but I realized he had to. Being a nice guy, he finished me off, before pulling out and drenching my chest. He remained hunched over me, catching his breath before laying atop my body, not caring about anything. "That was incredible, (y/n)." he said. "I love you so much." I stayed laying on my back looking up at the ceiling, questioning reality. This really is happening...I got lucky. I played with Mark's hair. "I love you, too. Friends more than friends...forever." he laughed. "I sure hope so." he said.

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