Evasion III

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"So what do you think we should talk about?" he asked. "Why you see it fit to follow me around like you do." I said. He wrinkled his nose. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked. "Pretty sure I just told you why." I was skeptical that he meant what he said. "You seem nice and all, but really, what is this about?" I asked. He raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean by that? I'm here on my own free will...and finally you're letting me in. It's about time, do you have any idea how exhausting it is to chase someone around? You move quick (y/n)." "Alright, I said a normal conversation. You talking about how fast your prey moves isn't normal...not in this respect, at least." We were quiet. "So tell me, what the hell is it that you find so captivating about me?" He shrugged. "I have no idea. I wish I knew." I sighed. "You're like a brick wall. I'm getting nowhere with you." "There's nothing more for me to say...well, outside of asking you to date me." I looked at him, all bundled up in that oversized hoodie I lent him. "You seem like a nice guy...but I have no idea what to do with someone like you." "I can think of a few things." A shiver ran down my spine. I was afraid to ask what that meant, but judging by the look on his face, we both knew what he meant. I shook my head a bit, hanging onto my mug tighter. "What? You're not into that?" I looked at him flatly. "I am,but not usually with total strangers...especially total strangers who have been stalking me incessantly over one meaningless event." "Meaningless?" he asked, seeming offended. "Well...to me it was just a thing that happened...obviously it was something more to you." He looked hurt, but the truth is the truth. "Alright,  that's...hurtful...but maybe I could make it mean something." "Changing the past is impossible." I said. "I didn't mean it that way. Sit closer." There was something in his soft, deep voice that made me listen to him without much resistance. I sat near him, keeping a decent amount of space between us. "Look at me." he said, softly. I looked at him, dropping my gaze from his every now and again. He cupped my face and kissed me gently at first, but then grew more and more aggressive, working his tongue through my mouth, and all but pulling me onto him. I was startled by the move at first...it was brazen to say the least, but after feeling the power behind the action, I found myself going along with it gleefully, almost. He kept his lips planted on mine firmly, brushing me all over with his hands. He broke the kiss suddenly, and looked at me. "So...are you feeling anything now?" he asked, placing his hand on my thigh gently. I blushed, and looked away. "Maybe a bit." I said. It had been some time since I had been kissed like that...and made to feel that way. He rose to his feet. "Do you want to go further?" he asked. I shivered at the sound of his voice. "I think so." I said, standing. "Lead the way, (y/n)." he said. I walked to my room, heart beating out of my chest. "Don't be so nervous, it's only me." he said. He pulled me into a bear hug and pressed me against his body. Through all the layers of clothing, I could feel everything. I tried to figure out how he was able to get me to just waltz right into the palm of his hand, but it was to no avail. He put his hands all over me, and I felt myself begging for him internally. He slipped his hands down my thighs and bit into my neck gently, causing my breath to hitch deep in my throat. He eased me onto my bed,face up and peeled my shorts off of my frame. I watched him undress, and it was glorious. Every inch of him was pure perfection. He wasted no time climbing atop me and attacking my neck with sloppy kisses. I squirmed underneath him and protested a bit. "Are you not one for foreplay?" he asked. I blushed. "I'm kinda not." I admitted. He snickered. "Cutting to the chase is alright with me." he said, sliding himself deep in. My body jolted involuntarily and I moaned at his size. His breathing sped up, and he looked away, chuckling a bit. "What?" I breathed. "You feel amazing (y/n)." he said, bucking his hips slowly, getting us used to each other. He moaned my name softly, closing his eyes tightly now and again. "Fuck." he whispered, enjoying himself. He picked up his pace, searching for that perfect spot deep in my walls. It didn't take someone of his...size to find it. I begged him not to stop, all while questioning how this ever happened to me, and why. "Don't worry, baby, I'm not stopping until we're both finished." he breathed, thrusting harder. I twisted and turned under his body, writhing in pleasure, wanting to finish, but not wanting to give the feeling up. Mark huffed my names a few times,before planting a kiss on my neck that seemed to last for ages. "Fuck baby, I'm so close." he moaned. I wrapped my legs around him tightly, and urged him to go harder. "I-I dunno (y/n)." he stammered. "I don't want to finish in you." I hadn't even thought of that. "Just do what you have to." I said, twisting again. He pounded away into me, feeling ashamed that he was closer than I was, but it's not like I was far off. Each time he moved, I felt static from my head to my toes, and the brain fog that was creeping in was bordering indescribable. His breathing pattern grew heavier, and his actions grew sloppy. He pulled out suddenly, leaving my heat empty and wishing he was still there to fill it. He moaned my name as he came, looking at me with lustful eyes. He let himself have a moment to compose himself, before diving between my thighs with his tongue out. Electricity jumped through my veins as he flicked his tongue where it counted, paying attention to my body's reactions. I tugged at his hair as he licked my delicate heat. "You taste so good baby." he moaned, still licking his way to my undoing. All I could do was lay on my back, trying to no avail to make any sound I could muster up. I finally breathed out his name in segments before hitting my peak and soaking his face. I laid frozen on my back, trying to regain any semblance of total consciousness. I felt the bed move as Mark came to rest next to me. He drew me into a hug. "So tell me, does anything about me mean anything to you now?" he asked. "If you think that mind blowing sex is the key to my heart, you're wrong...but I'm not complaining." He chuckled. "Fair enough, but...do you think you could let me hang around...see where things go?" I thought about it. Who was I kidding, I was hooked. "I think that'd be okay, but please, no more hiding outside my home talking to me through the wall, and pissing the neighbors off." He laughed. "Alright, I promise." he said. He sighed as contentedly. "So...can I stay here?" he asked. "For now, sure." I said. "I think I'll be spending a lot of time here." he said. "In the future, with your permission of course." "Nice save." I replied. "Oh (y/n), hush and fall asleep or something." he said. "I'll stay right here and hug you." I had to admit, his strong arms felt pretty comfy to me. I stretched out and made myself at home. "Night (y/n)." Mark said in a song-song voice. "Night Mark." I said, rolling over, letting him be the big spoon.

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