Friends Forever I

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"Promise you'll come visit again, (y/n)?" Mark asked, as he handed me my bag at the airport. "I swear I will. How could I not? I had a blast." He looked at me sadly before hugging me tightly. "I'm glad, I did too. I wish you lived closer." I smiled. "It's a 14 hour drive. Anytime you want to get in the car and have at it...feel free." He laughed. "When I have the time to make a 28 hour road trip, I'll come to see you first. I promise." I broke the hug and took a good, hard look at my friend. I really didn't want to leave, time had come to an end. "I'll see you, Mark." I said, walking away, throwing glances at him over my shoulder. He looked bummed out and seeing him like that bummed me out. "Call me when you land (y/n)." he said. I promised I would and walked into the airport, feeling a mixture of emotions. I took my seat on the plane and stared out the window. Home didn't sound as appealing as spending more time with Mark. I didn't stop staring out the window for the entirety of the flight. As soon as I landed, I looked at my phone. It was late here, which meant it was later in California. Oh well, he told me to call. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. He answered, and his sleepy voice trailed into my ears. "It's about time." he said. "Sorry Markimoo, the plane was late getting off the runway." he laughed. "Even the air traffic is slow in LA." He was right. I nabbed my bag and started to walk to the lot. "I miss you already. We can't let that much time pass without seeing each other again." I agreed vehemently. "Next time, you're coming out here though. I'll be spending the next year paying off that damn credit card." I teased. "I'll come. Trust me." My mind went into the gutter, but I said nothing. "What's that pause for (y/n)?" Mark asked. "Nothing." I said, pretending I wasn't thinking dirty thoughts about my friend. "Don't lie to me. You caught my joke, didn't you?" Joke? That's not the kind of joke friends made between one another. "Yeah, I did." I laughed. "That's why we're friends." he said. "Listen, I'm sure you're really get your butt home and go to bed. I'll text you in the morning like usual." Hearing him was comforting for me...and knowing that things were going back to normal was comforting in a way too. I suppose I worried that after visiting him, he'd change on me or something. It had been some time since we'd seen each other. Last time we hung out, he was just taking off on YouTube. I bid Mark a good night and went straight home, falling into bed, half dressed. Jet lag is a real bitch. I figured I'd sleep right through Mark's text in the morning anyhow, so I turned my phone's volume off and drifted into a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked at my phone to see a variety of texts from Mark. The first was just his standard greeting, but what followed was cryptic to say the least. He has a surprise for me? He can't wait to see my response to it? I was curious to say the leat. The rest of the texts consisted of things like 'r u there' and 'hello', pretty typical messages to send. I pounded out a reply asking for more information. He simply sent me a winking face. "What do you have up your sleeve, Markimoo?"I asked myself aloud, rereading his messages.

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