Dumped I

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I've been attacking my social media pages all day long now. I got dumped and I'm not taking it too well. I admit I'm ashamed, I'm a grown woman and yet here I am acting like your average teenager...all over a dude. We were together for three years. I never considered marriage, because neither of us were ready for it, but 3 years in a relationship is something to be proud of in this day and age, or so it seems. Then, for some awful reason, he just dumped me...via a text message of all ways. I was so caught off guard I couldn't even muster up a reply other than a simple 'okay' and three dots. I thought maybe he was joking since our 4 year anniversary was getting close, but...he replied and made it perfectly clear that he was serious. I could really use a friend right now, so I've been very publicly reaching out on Facebook and Twitter asking for some support. Yeah, it's lame, but right now I don't give a shit.

I laid on my bed, face down in the pillow wishing that this day was a joke. A buzz coming from my right jolted me out of my stupor. I checked my phone...I had a text. I hoped it wasn't from you-know-who...and it wasn't. It was from my old friend Mark.

I called him and we spoke briefly about our respective breakups and agreed to go out tomorrow night to try to shake everything off and reconnect

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I called him and we spoke briefly about our respective breakups and agreed to go out tomorrow night to try to shake everything off and reconnect. It'd been a bit of time since we'd seen each other, I felt like we were long overdue for some quality time. I went to bed feeling a bit better about things, but still angry, hurt, and confused about why my boyfriend had just randomly dumped me over texts. He was never really that big into texting, he preferred conversations in person or over the phone. Something just wasn't right about everything. I was beginning to wonder about there being someone else involved. The thought made me feel sick. I sighed, sitting up and staring at the wall. Hopefully, tomorrow night would bring about some kind of happiness for me.

The sun rose and I climbed out of bed, ignoring my phone. It was probably dead anyway, I'd left it atop my blankets without being charged for who knows how long. I sighed and got in the shower. Friday. Finally. One day of work at the law firm, and the entire weekend was mine to bask in. Plus, it's payday. That always helps matters. I showered, and changed into my formal attire. I love my job, but hate the dress code. There's something about me basically wearing suits that really doesn't feel right to me. I grabbed my phone and its charger and caught the early bus to work. Maybe if I came in early, my boss would let me go home early. That would give me more time to get ready for tonight. Jesus, it's been so long since I've been out I have no idea what's in and what's out. I probably only owned things that were out...but, what's that got to do with it? It's only Mark. I plugged my phone in at my desk and saw that I had several missed calls and texts, all from Mark. 

That was odd

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That was odd. Mark usually never panics. I brushed off his odd behavior as him acting out over breaking up with his girlfriend. Work seemed to fly by until the 3pm slump hit. My boss came in and checked on me periodically, complimenting me for showing up early and working so hard. I waited for her to excuse me early, but it never happened. I was trapped for an extra hour. Great. At least I'd rake in an hour of overtime pay. So much for trying to be an overachiever, I'll just go back to being average ole me. I stood up and stretched, grabbing my bags, feeling excited about going out. My phone buzzed again, this time it was not Mark. I quickly deleted the message. I don't care about the opinions of assholes. I walked to my usual bus stop and waited patiently for the bus. It came right on time, I boarded and sat in the back, plugging in my earbuds to listen to some good music on the way home. Normally, by the time I get off work, I'm kinda sluggish, so some music ought to help me get some pep in my step. I arrived home and quickly changed out of my work clothes and into somehing more comfortable. I studied myself in the mirror. No. This outfit wasn't working. It was too comfortable...I looked like I'd just rolled out of bed...after an earthquake. I changed again. Same. I must've changed 100 times before settling on an outfit I completely forgot I had. A nice pair of jeggings and a black shirt with cutouts. I smiled at myself. I guess I do have some stylish clothes. I fixed my hair, and grabbed my favorite zip up hoodie and excused myself from my apartment to wait on Mark. He arrived right on time and greeted me with a bear hug. "It's been too long." he said. "It's been a bit, hasn't it? What, like a month?" He laughed. "Yeah, something like. Sorry about that. Life, you know." I knew a few things about that. "Let's get going." he said, ushering me into his car. I hopped up front and took in the city. We were really about to attack LA. Jesus, I hadn't done this in YEARS. "You sure about this?" I asked him as he got in beside me. "Positive. Why?" I shrugged. "Just been awhile. Besides, you can't even drink." "Nah, but I can buy you a couple. Just don't hurl on me, please." I laughed. "That was one time years ago and I apologized."  He winked. "Still funny." I said. "Oh maybe for you." he said. "For everyone but you apparently." He shook his head, smiling. "You were pretty wasted that night. I all but carried you home." That I didn't remember. "What?" I asked. "You thought you floated to bed that night? I carried you in there and laid you there." I chuckled. "And you want to go out with me again?" "Sure do." he replied. We spent more time discussing out past together before everything blew up for both of us. For him it was YouTube, for me it was college. "Oh my god, I forgot about that!" I laughed, nearly slapping my knees. "Holy shit, back then we were nuts." "We still are, just a different kind of nuts. We're adults...kind of." It was then we realized he'd been basically driving in circles. "Where the hell are we going?" he asked. "Wherever. You pick." "Hmm..." he said, looking around. "How about there?" he asked, pointing to a place I hadn't seen before. "Why not?" I replied. He pulled in and we spent a few moments in silence. "You know, this has done a lot for me. I know I said we should go out, but you're probably doing more for me than I am for you. Thanks (y/n)." I was touched. "I...no, this is great for me. I can't remember the last time he made me laugh like that. I regret saying that the moment it came out of my mouth. I hoped I hadn't made it sound like I was into him. "Well, I'm glad I can make you laugh." he said. We got out of the car and took in the sweet air around us. "Let's head in." he said. "You look a bit lost, you're not drunk already are you?" I laughed. "No, jerk, I'm fine...I was just thinking about something. It's nothing, let's go."

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