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I'm not into candlelight, nor am I into rose petals, scented oils, nude massages, having my body worshiped or anything like that. I'm not like most women. Romance makes me sick. To me, nothing is better than simply straight up fucking. Fuck all of that making love and such, it doesn't have the same appeal as two bodies merging in a raw state of lust. "Go ahead." Mark taunted breathlessly. I pushed him against the wall hard and attacked his neck with bites, some of them harder than others. He seethed, grabbing at my moist flesh. He pressed his hips against mine hard, I felt every inch of him against me. The sharp hiss of a breath taken in quickly filled my ears as I pressed against him. He swore at me under my breath, I absolutely love sex swearing. He picked me up and dropped me onto the bed, face down. I liked where this was going. I felt him slip a finger into my panties and play with my heat. I bucked my hips against his finger, desperate for more friction. He withdrew his finger quickly, stinging my heat as he did. Rough bastard. I felt him dragging my panties off of me without any regard. I braced myself for impact, and he could tell...so he played with my heat using the tip of his member until I let my guard down. As soon as I did, he slammed into me as hard as he could. I cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as I felt him fill me all the way. He growled my name and gave me a few seconds to let the shock wear off. He held me in position and pounded into my core, swearing under his breath as he did. "I fucking love you so much." he grunted, picking up the pace. I wanted to respond, but I could barely breathe, let alone speak. "I'll take your silence as satisfaction." Mark said, a hint of a mocking tone in his voice. It wasn't all that often that someone could take my breath away like that. He kept bucking his hips roughly, losing his grip on me now and again due to the sweat brimming on both of our bodies. I could feel the nail marks sting as the salty sweat hit them and it was amazing when combined with everything else that was going on. "I'm gonna fuck you so good." he moaned, going one handed so he could play with my sensitive bud. I tore at the sheets, my breaths hitching in my throat. "Oh god, Mark!" I cried. "Yeah, you like that?" Mark taunted, attacking my core even harder. He sounded as if he was growing weary. I wasn't sure if it was from the physical exertion, or if he was getting close. I tossed a look over my shoulder. I saw him, roughly bucking his hips, looking at my exposed body, determined to make me too sore to walk the next morning. The sight was amazing, to say the least, and I would've continued to look at him had I not had to focus my attention on what was in front of me due to my neck feeling like it was gonna break. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling a climax begin to rush to my core. "Close, baby?" Mark asked through clenched teeth. "Y-yes." I stammered. "Good." he moaned. "Me too." I felt him pull out roughly and his heat left my body. My core craved to feel him filling it again and I whimpered at the lack of his presence. He came back, and I heard the wrapper of a condom crinkling rapidly. He fumbled with it, his hands shaking from being so 'involved'. He finally managed to put it on, and pick up right where we left off. He slammed into me as hard as he could manage to. I don't even think the end of the world could bring him to a stop. My core collapsed around his throbbing manhood and I squealed in delight as the waves of pleasure radiating from my core consumed me. His thrusts got slower and he fell out of his rhythm. Finally, his dam broke and I felt him, but more than anything else heard him finish hard. He breathed my name and swore at me a few times before taking himself out of my soaked heat. I fell forward and he climbed atop me, resting for a moment before moving over to his side of the bed. I cuddled up to him, and listened to his heartbeat slow back to its normal pace. "(Y/N), you are so amazing." he muttered, playing with my hair. "I try." I replied, letting my head rest on his damp skin. "Next time, you top." he said, looking at me weakly. "I can't wait." I said, thinking about what we'd do next time...

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