Halloween I

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Costume parties can be fun, but I don't know how well I'm going to fit into this one. My friend knows Markiplier. I have been in love with his channel for years now, and my friend is going to his Halloween party...and he invited me to come with him. I said yes, of course, but now I'm almost wishing I wouldn't have. I have no idea what to wear, what to say, I'm totally clueless. I want to make a good impression, but not too good...I don't even know what to think. I'm nervous as all get out. My friend says he's laid back and fun, but I can't help but wonder if that's true or not. He might be...but what if he isn't? All I know about him is what he allowed me to see on his channel. For all intents and purposes he could be a snooty jerk who thinks he's better than everyone who isn't rich and somehow famous. He could be a recluse afraid of the general public because stupid tweens and teens have tried getting his personal information online. I really just don't know but in an hour, I'll be finding out because in my mind, it's too late to back out.

I finished dressing myself. Every year since high school I've dressed up as a 'sexy soldier.' I think I might be getting a bit old for this. I gave myself a once over in the mirror. I looked alright as far as I was concerned. I twirled around a few times, playing with my hair. It wasn't gonna get any better. I sprayed myself with perfume and went outside to wait on my friend. I hoped he remembered to take his mask off this year...last year he damn near got arrested for driving with it on. I laughed to myself remembering that. Last year's Halloween would probably be more fun than this one. I should be stoked. I know good and well that there are plenty of people who would kill to be in my position right now, but I have this nagging feeling that Mark isn't gonna be the same Mark I've been watching online all these years. There's an old saying that goes: never meet your heroes. What that means is if there's a celebrity you idolize, it may just be a good idea to admire them from afar, because so many of them are fake. They smile so beautifully for the cameras, but as soon as they get away from the limelight, they turn into monsters who don't care about anything or anyone. I shuddered at the idea of Mark being one of those people. That would genuinely upset me for a long time. I didn't see how someone who came off as so sweet and humble could ever behave like that, but stranger things have happened. I watched the neighborhood kids walk from door to door collecting their candy and having a good time. Suddenly I wished I was 8 and going through the neighborhood again...at least I wouldn't have to feel so stressed out about Halloween if that was me. I sighed, drawing pictures in the dirt with my finger. My friend pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. "You look great." he said. I stood up and smiled. "You do too. Nice job remembering to take your mask of to drive." He rolled his eyes. "Get in." he said. I nervously got in the passenger side. "You look like you just saw a ghost." he commented, pulling out onto the street. "I'm fine." I said. "No, you're not. We've been friends since dirt, I can tell when something is bothering you. Tell me." I looked at him. "Come on, tell me or I'm pulling over and forcing you to tell me." "Alright, creepy. Um...I'm just a bit nervous about tonight." "Why?" "What if he hates me?" "Then he hates you." "Oh real helpful. You know what I mean." "I don't actually, but I'm gonna guess that you're worried someone you look upto isn't gonna be the person you think they are." "That's preciesly what I'm nervous about." "That's a rational fear (y/n). Trust me, you'll love him, and I see no reason that he wouldn't like you. You're a really likable person. Hell, he'll probably invite you to his Halloween party next year." I shrugged. "Seriously, he's a really nice guy. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body." I sighed. "If you say so." I replied. "Well, I say so. Now get it together, you're bumming me out." I looked over at him. He smiled reassuringly. "Seriously though, you've worn that costume for several years in a row,  but tonight you look extra great. What'd you change?" I couldn't think of anything. "You must need your eyes checked or something, I changed nothing." "You sure?" he asked. "Positive. I swear, I didn't do anything differently." He shrugged. "Maybe it is just me then." We drove in silence for a few minutes. "So are you at all excited about this? I thought I was doing you a favor by inviting you. I know how much you admire his work." "I'm excited, but it's buried under a bunch of anxiety." I replied looking out the window as we drove further and further from the skyline. "Alright, fair enough. I'll stop bothering you about it, I just want you to feel comfortable." "Are there going to be tons of people there?" I asked. I hate huge crowds. "Nope. Just a few of us. He doesn't throw huge parties, he does have neighbors you know." "And I'm sure they hate him to an extent for those outdoor videos he makes." My friend laughed. "You never know. Maybe they do. Their houses are pretty close together." I laughed, starting to feel better. We rolled up to his house and parked. "Here we are. Don't go giving his address out, (y/n)." My friend teased. "Oh as if I would ever do that." I said, getting out of the car. I waited patiently for my friend. "You lead the way. You two know each other." He rolled out in front of me and I tailed him, but not too closely. He knocked on the door and my heart started pounding in my chest. Oh god, this is crazy. This is actually happening. I thought. The door opened and right before me and my friend stood Mark. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe. He greeted my friend then turned to me. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a friend with me. She's really cool...didn't have plans tonight, and she's a big fan of yours." I wanted to slap my friend across the mouth. Way to make me sound desperate and creepy! "I don't mind a bit, I told you that you're welcome to bring a friend along if you want." I breathed a silent sigh of relief. "What's your name? Great costume by the way." "Thanks...I'm (y/n)." "Well it's nice to meet you, come on in." I followed Mark and my friend into his house. My friend was right, there weren't many people there. I scoped out the area. "Everyone is going swimming. Did you bring a suit?" I shook my head. I should've thought of that. "God, (y/n), I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you." I played it off as if it was no big deal. "I don't really wanna get my hair wet anyway. I spent a lot of time on it." "And it shows." Mark said. What was that supposed to mean? Was it a geniune compliment, or was he flirting with me. "Are you sure? I have a t-shirt and some shorts in my trunk...I haven't worn em, I just keep a change of clothes in the car. You never know..." my friend said. "That's alright, I'll just watch." Secretly I hoped that Mark would just watch with me, but I knew that he wouldn't. He didn't know me, and his guests were swimming. I dipped my feet in the pool and mingled with the guests. They were all just as friendly and fun as Mark. I removed my feet from the pool and decided to get myself a drink. I was a bit surprised to find alcohol in the house. Someone else must've brought it. I opened myself a winecooler and took a seat in the kitchen, playing with my phone. "All by yourself?" A familiar voice startled me. I turned to see Mark, still a bit damp from swimming standing behind me. "Yeah. It's alright though, I don't mind." Mark took a seat beside me. "So it's not everyday that a fan comes to visit me in my home." "I'm sure it's not...and I'm sorry that I imposed. I'm sorry about my friend, too. He made me sound so desperate and obsessive. I'm not that way, I just like your content." "I can tell. I would've slammed the door in your face and sold my house if I thought you were one of the crazies." I laughed. "Look, if I was here to sell your information out, I'd be leaving with a PayPal account with six figures in it." He laughed. "Well, I appreciate you being respectful, but why don't you come join the party?" "Well, I don't have a swimsuit and honestly, I was feeling a bit warm out there." Mark looked outside. "The sun will go down soon...after that it'll get cooler. We're gonna stay in the pool and mess around in the yard...I mean, don't be shy (y/n), you seem great." Oh my god he said I seemed great. That was way more than what I was expecting. I beamed inside. "Alright, if you insist, I'll go outside." He smiled. "Glad to hear it." he led me outside and I sat in a lawnchair watching everyone swim. He jumped back into the pool and I watched my friend dunk him. I sat up and watched intently, worried a bit, but both of them came up laughing. I relaxed and went back to playing on my phone. "(Y/N), seriously, get into my spare clothes and get in here." Mark and my friend were looking up at me. Mark flashed me a killer smile and I decided to go out and get changed. I grabbed my friend's clothes from his trunk and found a bathroom to change in. As expected, the clothes were a bit big on me, but that was fine. I walked back outside to the pool and got in. Mark splashed me and my friend dunked me under. I came up swearing threatening to do the same thing to him. "Uh oh, sounds like you dunked the wrong person." Mark said to my friend. "Oh he did. He thinks that because we're friends he can get away with that sort of thing. He's wrong." I glared at him and he smirked at me. "Good luck with that." he said. I chased him around the pool until he tripped on the smooth bottom and dunked himself. "Nice job (y/n), he deserved that." Mark said. I beamed. "Yes, he did." I said, getting out of the pool and toweling off. I get waterlogged super easily. I changed back into my costume, hanging my friend's wet clothes on the deck to dry. Little by little, everyone filed out of the pool and changed back into their costumes, lounging on the deck and in the yard. Mark took a seat next to me and started a conversation. "I really do love that costume." he said. "Reminds me of my dad." "Oh, your dad wore a lot of fishnets and camouflage corsets, did he?" Mark turned beet red and put his head in his hands. "Let me rephrase that, he was in the military. I like your military costume." I giggled. "That's a bit different. Glad you like it, I've been wearing this same one for years now." "Well it suits you." "Why aren't you in costume?" I asked. "I literally forgot to get one." "You forgot to get one? For your own party?" "I never claimed to be a genius (y/n). I dropped out of school, remember?" We both laughed. "But you did well for yourself anyway." "Thanks to people like you." How sweet, he really does care. "My pleasure." I said. He looked like he wanted to do or say something, but he excused himself instead. I found that strange. I know he's fairly introverted, but still...people have to talk. I watched him stroll inside, looking back at me smiling every now and again. Hmm, something was going on and I needed to find out what it was.

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