Power Shower (Mark x Reader)

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I just moved in with my boyfriend Mark, and I'm still shy about letting him see me naked. I change in the closet sometimes just to avoid it. I'm weird like that. We haven't done anything other than make out thus far, and I've been considering taking things to the next level, but...I'm not sure if he wants it. He insists I can change in front of him without fear, but I don't feel the same way. I don't want to be judged...and I don't want to make him feel sick. It's been a long day of working out outside and I'm sweating like a pig. I have to shower before Mark gets home from running errands. No one wants to cuddle a living, breathing puddle of sweat. I turned the water on and started from the top, working my way down slowly, being sure to get extra clean. God, I hate exercise, but it's good for me, so I do it. I took extra good care of my hair, since it by far was the most drenched in sweat, humming my favorite song as I did. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. My wet hair dripping on my back was bothering me, so I snatched Mark's towel and put it around my head. I let my towel fall on our bedroom floor and I started searching for something to wear. The heat outside was making me want to avoid black, but my love of black shirts was telling me to ignore the heat. I picked up one of my favorite black camis and tossed it on the bed. I didn't hear the footsteps behind me while I was looking for some yoga pants. "Babe." I turned to see Mark. I nearly screamed at the top of my lungs. I scrambled for my towel, but he grabbed my arm and gave me a gentle push backward. He looked at me up and down. "This is what you've been so afraid of me seeing? Why? I love it." He looked me straight in the eyes and I started quivering internally. "I don't...I don't know." I stammered, reaching for my cami. He stopped me from getting to it and pushed me against the wall, leaning into me gently. He kissed my cheek, and let his lips trace my neck down to my chest. My breath hitched as he gently rested his teeth on my bare skin. He looked up at me, asking permission with his eyes to take things further. I swallowed hard and nodded, feeling nervous, but ready. "You just got out of the shower, too bad I'll have to put you back in." he said, leading me back into the muggy bathroom. He turned the water on and made sure it was warm before stripping down and pushing me against the wall again, kissing me aggressively. He turned me around and all but shoved me into the water, following me closely. We stood under the water for a moment, caressing each other. "You sure you wanna do this (y/n)?" he asked, breathlessly. "Yes." I said. He gave me an uncertain look before accepting my response. He stood behind me, gently lining himself up with me. I put my hands on the wall and calmed my nerves. I felt him resting at my entrance, already moaning a bit. He slowly pushed himself in, reveling in pleasure. I yelped a bit, feeling a single sharp pain travel up my spine. "You okay, babe?" he asked, worried. "Yes, keep going." I breathed, just wanting some friction to ease the discomfort. He bucked his hips slowly at first, getting acclimated to my size. He grunted my name, complimenting my body and the way everything felt thus far. He sped up, clutching my hair, bending and twisting me around to suit his needs. "Fuck (y/n), o-oh my god!" he moaned, his voice echoing loudly off the tiles. He sped up again, slamming our bodies together in a fury of passion. My knees felt like they were going to buckle beneath me. I pressed myself against the wall as much as I could without collapsing. "F-fuck baby, I'm so close." he growled. "M-me t-too..." I stammered, closing my eyes, focusing on finishing. He jolted my body around roughly before asking me if he can finish in me. "Yes!" I breathed. "Please do!" I wanted to feel everything he could give me. I felt his member twitch hard and my core tingled aggressively. He choked my name out a few times, almost gasping for breath. He eased me onto the shower floor, and turned me around, kissing me roughly, forcing his tongue wherever he wanted it. His hands traced me up and down, one wandering down to my ass to give it a squeeze. He broke the kiss and looked at me. "I hope you won't be shy around me anymore." he said, chuckling a bit. I laughed breathlessly. "I don't think there can be any more shyness with us." I replied. He smiled and cupped my face. "Looove you." he sang. "Oh, no you don't." I said. He frowned. "I love you (y/n), you know that." I blushed. "I love you too, Mark." I said, tossing his hair. He kissed me again, waving me off so he could shower. I walked out of the room, wrapping myself in a towel. Life is good.

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