City of Stars II

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This is wrong. This is so wrong. I have a girlfriend, but I can't stop looking at her. I'm totally drawn to her...I wonder how she feels about me. "Hi." I said as casually as I could. She looked up at me. "Hi." she replied, stopping what she was doing to stare into my eyes. "How are you?" I asked, melting already. I don't believe in love at first sight, but she might just change that for me if she keeps...existing. " I know you?" I shook my head, embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm Mark. You are?" "(Y/N)." A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. "I'm sure someone as gorgeous as you has a boyfriend...but I thought I'd stop and let you know how amazingly stunning you are." She smiled. "Thank you, Mark. For the record though, I'm single." I was surprised. I wanted to tell her that I'm single, too, conscience. I just froze and stared at her. "What about you?" she finally asked. "Uh..." I took a deep breath. "I'm single too." I said, feeling guilty as hell. I love my girlfriend...but...not enough to hang on forever. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I've been cheated on I know what it feels like. I swore up and down that no matter what I'd never cheat on anyone...and yet here I am lying about being single...because I want to be with another woman. "What a coincidence." she replied. "Wanna swap numbers?" I gave her my number hastily, and accepted hers with the same haste. She smiled and sent me a text. "I'll see you around, okay?" she said, starting to walk away. "Sounds great. Have a good night, beautiful...stay safe." She agreed to do so and left me to feel guilty and sick with myself. And what was I supposed to tell my girlfriend? I can't lie to her. I don't want to lose her. I wanted to marry her someday...but now, I'm not so sure. I looked at the number in my hand and the text on my phone. One or the other because both couldn't happen. I reluctantly picked my girlfriend. I deleted the text and pocketed the number, planning to just leave it in my jacket and send it through the wash, destroying it. I'd spent over a year with my girlfriend...that meant something, but as I walked to my car I couldn't forget (y/n)'s face. Or her voice. Or her figure. Or the way she talked to we'd met before or something. I put my head on the steering wheel as soon as I got in my car. What have I done? True nothing happened, I could pretend that I never met her...but I lied, and I know it. I decided to go pay my girlfriend a visit. I made the trip to her apartment, and to my surprise, she was alone. "Friends out?" I asked, sitting down. "Yep." she replied. "Why didn't you go with them?" I asked. Normally if she wasn't working, with me, or in bed, she was out wherever her friends were. "I just felt like staying in tonight. I was just about to call you to see if you wanted to come by...or if I could come over." "Huh. Interesting. I was just driving through the area, bored, so I thought I'd drop in." That wasn't quite a lie...I was passing through the area, after all...but I had a motive that was nothing related to boredom. "That worked out well, didn't it?" she asked, sitting beside me. She put her head on my shoulder, and normally, I'd hold her close. It didn't take long after we met for us to begin dating...and laying on one another was one of the first things we did together outside of the staples like holding hands and such. Tonight though, I didn't wanna hold her close. She didn't seem to notice. The whole time she laid on me talking about her day, her desires, her whatever I was thinking about (y/n). The guilt was eating me alive...and I was wondering if I had made the right choice. My girlfriend kissed me on the cheek and took me by the hand. I followed her like a zombie into her room. Afterward, I didn't feel anything at all. I was cold and performance wasn't even nearly as good as usual because I was hopelessly distracted. "What's wrong, Mark?" My girlfriend asked. "Nothing." I replied, sounding colder than what I meant to. "I don't believe that. Something is bothering you. What is it?" "Everything bothers me at some point or another. Honestly, it's just work." She seemed sympathetic and compassionate and it broke my heart. I turned away from her, sitting with my back against the headboard firmly. "I think I should go get some rest." I said. "You know you're welcome to stay here." "I do know that, but I need my own space right now." Oh shit. The one word you should avoid in a relationship: space. I said it. I watched her face go from normal to very worried. Her wheels were turning, I could tell she was asking herself what she'd done wrong. I wanted badly to tell her it was I who did something wrong, but I couldn't muster up the integrity to do so. I left her side quietly, telling her goodnight and that I loved her. It's true, I haven't spent the amount of time with her that I have because I don't love's just not true love I suppose. "I love you too, Mark." she called after me in a fake happy voice that made me cringe. I really hadn't meant to hurt her, but I did. My mind was too clouded to make sense. I walked down to my car hastily and made the trip home where I promptly went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was focusing on (y/n) again. I reached in my jacket pocket and pulled out her number, took a deep breath and sent a reply to that text I'd deleted earlier. A few minutes passed, and she responded with something sweet and funny. I was smitten for sure, and already completely addicted to everything about her. As strange as it sounds, I already knew I was going to love her forever. We continued to text until my eyelids were too heavy to keep open. I sent her a goodnight text and she replied with a picture of her blowing me a kiss. Electricity surged in my body and I felt myself becoming warmer and warmer. It wasn't even an indecent picture, but it was enough to turn me on. I let my hand wander in my sweats until I had to give it up and go to sleep.

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