Evasion I

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I locked my door behind me. Safe at last. I made sure to lock all of the locks and shut the blinds. I'm not paranoid, and I'm not in danger...but I could fool people. It's been 3 days and Mark won't leave me be. I don't know what's gotten into him, but after we shared one heated kiss, he won't let me be...and I'm freaking out. I've changed my number, and I'd change my address, but leaving the house is a risk...a risk that must only be taken when it needs to be. I kicked my shoes off and slumped on the couch. I had no idea what to do about my Mark problem. Thing is, I don't even know him really. We met at some meet and greet my friend dragged me to. I don't really get into the internet, I prefer books and movies...sure this guy is pretty handsome, but...I don't know him. I regret ever kissing him at this moment. I'm still not even sure what led up to that moment. I'd tell my friend in hopes that she'd come over and fangirl hard enough to spook him, but I doubt anything would get him to up and go. I've tried everything I can think of. Phone conversations, texts, emails, twitter DMs, even face to face conversations...and nothing is working. My only other option is to call police or get a restraining order-and I'd rather not do that. I don't want to deal with the mess or the aftermath. I heard a scratching on my front door. I knew who it was and what he wanted. I held my breath hoping that he'd go away. "Come on (y/n)..." he said. He's a nice enough guy, but this shit is creeping me out. "I feel something special with you." I did not respond. "I'll be out here all night if I have to." I shuddered. That's what I was most afraid of. "Don't shut me out, I need you." Need me? He doesn't know me. I shuddered again. "I don't know what you're doing, but please just stop. What happened the other day was a spontaneous thing...and it meant nothing to me." The noise stopped. "Okay, that stings a bit, but I'm staying here." I growled. Nothing. I could hurt him, threaten him, taunt him, I'm sure I could even hit him and he won't go. He has his mind set on becoming my...whatever. Fling? One night stand? Side chick? Girlfriend? Wife? Sex slave? I haven't the slightest idea. I decided to just go to bed, but I had no idea how I was going to sleep knowing that Mark was right outside the door just waiting for me to come out. "I'll do anything just to talk to you again. I have millions, I'll make more...think about it." "No thanks, I'm not that big into money. I'm more into dudes who don't stalk." There was a pause. "I didn't mean it that way...I just meant I can take care of you and give you a great life." I wanted to say something snappy in response, but I really had to get to sleep. I had work the next morning. I walked into my bedroom and locked it behind me, flinging myself onto my bed. My eyes were wide open, it was clear sleep wasn't happening anytime soon. I watched shadows dance on my wall, hoping that it would make me sleepy. It was working until I saw the shadow of a man jump across the wall. My breath hitched. "Are you in bed?" he asked. I pulled the covers up. "(Y/N)? Beautiful? Come on, talk to me." "I'd rather not. Please leave now. I'm tired." I heard heavy footsteps, and for a moment I breathed a sigh of relief...until I heard them returning. "Sorry, had to grab something real fast." Calling the cops was sounding more and more like a good idea. I reached for the phone but stopped myself. Why I don't know, but I couldn't bring myself to dial 911. I bundled up in blankets and forcibly closed my eyes. I had to at least rest for awhile.

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