Mark x Reader I

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Sometimes when I get off work, I go home and then head over to my friend Mark's house. He's always got something fun to do, and no matter what kind of day he's had, he's full of energy for me. Today, I was somewhat pleasantly surprised to see Dark over at his house. It'd been a long time since Dark lived there, and a long time since he'd visited. "What's the occasion?" I asked, giving Dark a squeeze. "I woke up this morning feeling like I was dying. Come to find out, this asshole hasn't been eating I came over to figure out why. I haven't gotten an answer yet." He said, glaring at Mark. "I haven't been feeling well, Dark. You can eat to feed yourself." "I know, asswipe, but I don't wanna make a habit of doing it. It's not my fucking job. When are you gonna get back to eating regularly?" Mark sighed. "(Y/N), Dark was just leaving." Mark said, attempting to give Dark a little push. "Oh hell fucking no, you did not just touch me." Dark said. "I will snap you in half." Mark backed off a bit, understanding that Dark literally could do so, though I'm quite sure everyone knew he would never do it. "Alright, maybe not...but he was about to shut up and let us have some fun." I gave Mark a quick once-over. "Yeah, you don't look so great." I said. "Maybe I'll drop by tomorrow or something. Get some sleep." "I'm alright, I just feel a bit under the weather. I picked something up while I was traveling." He hacked a bit. "Yeah, that doesn't sound so great." I said. "You sure you want me here when you're coughing your lungs out?" I asked, not fearing getting sick. I have the immune system of a goddess. "It's fine. I saw a doctor, I shouldn't be contagious." "Good. If I get sick, I get a bit destructive." Dark said, chewing on a toothpick. "Go away, man. Let (y/n) and I spend some time together. I don't bother you when you're with her." "That's because I'd toss you into another dimension if you did. What are you gonna do to me?" Mark shot me a look. "Hanging out with both of you could be fun." "Could be?" Dark asked. "We always have fun." I nodded. "That we do,'s a different kind of fun." "Who says it has to be different?" Dark asked, seductively. "Dark I'm not feeling well among other things. It's not gonna happen." Dark rolled his eyes and seated himself on the couch. "Wanna watch a movie (y/n)?" Mark asked. "Sure, why not? I haven't had a moment to watch a movie in a dog's life." I sat next to Dark, who made a face at Mark in response. Mark sat down next to me and both of them fought over who got to put their arm around me. "Knock it off you two." I said. "You're both great in your own ways. Just get along for me." Mark agreed to it happily, and Dark just sneered at Mark. God, he was so bipolar with Mark. One minute they got along, the next minute he was hostile and mean to him. I put my head on Mark's shoulder and he brought me in close to him. Dark sighed. "Alright, I get it, I'm the third wheel. I'm out, I'll go find someone else to do...yes, I said someone. Watch a dumb movie, I'm getting my dick wet." He disappered from beside me. "Oh god, is he mad at me?" I asked, concerned. "No, he's mad at me. He'll get over it." I sighed. "(Y/N), don't sweat it. Seriously, he'd be thrilled if you text him right now and said you were on your way over. He's mad at me. He always thinks that our female mutual friends have to be closer to one of us for some reason, and so whenever one of them spends more time with me than him, or comes and cuddles with me rather than him, he gets petty." I giggled. "Really, he thinks we're competing over you ladies. I have no idea why. I mean, if we are, he's lightyears ahead of me...he's managed to get all of you in bed with him...I've never slept with any of you." A filthy idea crossed my mind, but I shook it away. "Well, I didn't mean to get you in trouble." "Oh please. I'm not in trouble because Dark is butthurt. Like I said, he'll get over it." "Well, at least now I understand why he can go from 0 to 60 in ten seconds when you're around." Mark laughed. "Yeah, he does that. He's hilarious, and pretty great in general, but he's a real fucking dick sometimes." I admitted that. As much as I like Dark, he has some serious mean streaks in him. "Enough about Dark...let's watch something awesome." I said. "Sounds like a capital idea to me. I've been having a shitty day, it'll be nice to just relax with a friend." He picked up a movie that we hadn't watched in a long time and stuck it in the DVD player. I cuddled closer to him, grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around us. "You read my mind." he said, snuggling into the blanket. We watched the movie at first, but those dirty thoughts I kept having just kept coming back and they were getting dirtier and dirtier as the minutes ticked by. I looked over at Mark. He was intently watching the movie, and obviously completely unaware of what was going through my mind as a result. My core tightened as I thought about straddling his hips. I bit my lip and looked away. Was I really thinking about going from friends to friends with benefits with him? Of course I was. "Mark?" "Hm?" "You know how you said that Dark has banged all your female mutual friends, but you haven't banged any of them?" He looked over at me, a confused expression on his face. "Yeah, why?" he replied. "Would you like to change that?"

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