Halloween II

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I just sat there for awhile unsure of what to do. I knew I had to figure out what just happened, but how? Part of me said follow him and see what he's up to, and the rest of me told me to let it go for now, he'll come back and say something to me eventually. I've always been a persistent person by nature, so I decided to just tail him silently, pretending to mingle with partygoers while focusing my attention on him. I stood with my friend and we shared a beer. "Things going okay for you?" he asked. "Of course. Why wouldn't they be?" He laughed. "Just wondering, you were a nervous wreck on the way over here." I acknowledged that. "You were right, he's pretty great." I said. My friend looked behind me, then simply walked off without saying another word. "I'm glad you feel that way (y/n)." I turned around to see Mark standing right behind me. I froze up, unsure of what to say. "I think you're pretty great, too. Sorry for just walking off on you. I hope I didn't make you feel weird." "Oh, no, no you're fine." I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm fine, huh?" he asked, half-jokingly. I blushed hard, and stammered a bit. "I'm only kidding...but for the record, you're cute when you get embarrassed." He winked at me, and continued to stand there just looking at me. I managed to squeak out a thank you. "Wanna take a tour of my house?" he asked. "I mean, you don't have to, but...what other fan has been able to do something like that?" He had a point.  "Of course, that sounds great." I said, trying to sound mellow about the whole thing. He led me into the house, and then through it, showing me around. I took in all of the sights quietly. "Last stop, my room. It's a mess right now. I kinda threw a bunch of stuff in here on the bed to get it out of the living room." "You should see my room. It's a thousand times worse. I don't know why, but I have a tendency to use laundry as blankets." "I'd love to see your room sometime." he replied. Okay, that was definitely flirtation. He'd love to see my room sometime. We both know what that means. I could either be bold and offer to take him over now, or wait to see how far he'd take things on his own. "Oh is that so?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip. "There's a lot of things of yours I'd love to see." Damn. So it was like that, huh? "Well...you have a party going on right now...but if you'd like to see my room, I'm pretty sure I remember where I left it." He raised an eyebrow. "Share for share. I like that." he replied. Oh my god, he said yes. I was half expecting him to politely decline because he was hosting a party presently. "I'll drive." he said. "We're gonna have to sneak out though." I shrugged. "Fine by me." I said. I followed him out of the house and into his car. "Where are we heading?" he asked. I gave him directions and he stared out the windshield. "One step at a time, maybe. I'm already lost." I laughed. "Go left." I said. I guided him step by step until we reached my place. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable bringing him into my home. It really was a wreck, especially since I had left all kinds of makeup and stuff all over the bathroom counter. "Here we are." I said. "Nice place." he said. "Oh you're just saying that." I replied teasingly. "No, really. Your place is nice." "From the outside all is peaceful, but it's chaos inside." He followed me in. "Alright, don't look at all the stuff." I said, trying to rush him past the living room. "It's not bad in here." he said. "Just a lot of books on the couch. So what? You're acting like you're a compulsive hoarder." I relaxed a bit. "Alright, maybe it's not quite that bad, but it feels bad. You're here." "Stop it (y/n), it's not bad at all. Don't feel awkward because of me. I'm a person just like you. Remember that...now where's your room?" he asked, deepening his voice a bit. I shuddered a bit. "Right this way." I said, leading him into it. My room is nothing special. Just a basic bedroom with basic bedroom furniture, a TV, and an attached bathroom. "Minimalism. I like it." "Thanks." I said, instinctively having a seat on my bed. "Can I join you?" Mark wants to join me in my bed? Am I dreaming?  "Sure." I said. He sat on the bed with me and I anticipated his next move. We just kinda sat there making small talk until he just kissed me out of the blue. There was no build up, no indication, it just happened, and I loved it. We shared a passionate kiss that lasted as long as either of us could manage it to. When we broke the kiss, Mark immediately apologized. "I am so sorry, I just...you're so beautiful...you're so nice, I know that doesn't mean I  can just kiss you, but I did it anyway. I'm...ugh, this is awful." My heart sank. Awful? I thought it was wonderful. "But...I loved it." I said. He looked at me. "Are you sure?" "I could go further." I said. "Are you sure? I don't want to for-" I cut him off with another kiss. He kissed back immediately and deepened the kiss by adding his tongue to the mix. I moaned into the kiss, and he pushed me onto my back in response. He climbed on top of me and ground against me slowly, making sure I felt everything. I broke the kiss and looked up at him. He was certainly looking more than a bit lustful, but he looked reassuring and friendly at the same time. "You're sure you want this?" he asked. "Yes. Are you?" "Oh god yes, not to sound awful, but I've been thinking about this for hours now." I blushed. How could I be mad? The first time I saw one of his videos I thought dirty things about him.  I slipped out of the bottom half of my costume with a bit of help from Mark, and he quickly removed his clothes. I admired his body, wearing a fair amount of blush on my face. He bent down and began to bite at my neck, drawing out soft moans and goosebumps. "I need you." he moaned. "Then take me." I replied. I felt his warmth leave my skin. He knelt and lined himself up with my entrance, looking at me periodically. I felt the tip resting at my entrance. I bucked my hips a bit, ready for him. He slipped inside gently, mumbling my name the entire time. He wasted no time bucking his hips into me hard. "Too much?" he asked, trying to read my face. "N-no." I stammered, hanging onto his body with a vice grip. He moaned my name, a sound I'll remember for the rest of my life. He bucked his hips faster. I twisted and turned under him, calling his name. "Oh god, (y/n)..." he drawled, getting sloppy. I felt a climax building deep within my core, and the more he attacked my g-spot the closer it got. "Mark, I'm so close." I cried, scratching at him. He pounded into me faster and harder until my body couldn't take it anymore. He wasted no time pulling out and finishing on me, narrowly avoiding nailing the upper part of my costume. He all but collapsed onto me and took a breather, while I laid flat on my back catching my breath. "At least the sexual tension is gone." he said, picking his head up. I tossed his hair. "Was that supposed to be funny?" "Maybe?" he said, smiling. We got up shakily and started to dress. "We've gotta hurry up and get back." he said. "I'm sure everyone knows we're missing by now." I hadn't even thought of that. I was caught up in the moment. "What do we tell them?" I asked. "That we went to get some more drinks. We have to stop and buy drinks." I laughed. "Good plan. You seem like you've done this before." "I might have." he said. We left my place in a hurry, laughing the whole way to his car. We were quiet for the beginning of the trip. "So...can we do this again?" he asked. I looked over at him. "Why not?" I said. He smiled. "Let's keep things between the two of us." he said. "I like the sound of that." he said. He pulled into the nearest liquor store and purchased enough to not be suspicious. "If anyone asks why it took so long, tell em we were looking for a specific drink." he said. "You really thought of everything, didn't you?" I asked. "I tried." he replied. He kept looking over at me on the way back. "I'm really glad we met." he said. "Me too." I replied. "I mean, I dunno yet, but I think we could go places." My heart fluttered. "I...that might be." I said. He leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I blushed deeply, and started thinking about how I was going to explain this away to my friend.

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