chapter 1 // casey

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**hey hello i haven't made a story in like 2 years and yeah sorry bout that lmao but this is for my friend and i'm making this for her so if you dont like it idc bc this im not here to satisfy ur needs yet if u still like it then ilysm and thank you but this is mainly for my friend dana and if she doesnt like it im going to have to set her on fire (ily)**

I'm Casey, Casey Tomlinson. My full name is actually Cassidy Tomlinson, but everyone's a lazy shit so they just call me Casey. I live with my mom and my older brother Louis. Sometimes, I forget I even have an older brother since he's never home. And when he is home, he's either making out with the girl he brought home or isolated in his room playing video games. We have a hate/love relationship, meaning that some days I could actually stand in the same room as him and the other days I can't even breathe next to him. 

Senior Student Athlete at East Darwin Highschool, Star Quarterback of the football team, 4.0 GPA, Had 4 relationships, and a total amount of 35 touchdowns since last season. While I, Casey Tomlinson, Going to be a Freshman at East Darwin Highschool, Successful internet blog owner, Had only 1 relationship, and a total amount of 4,562 followers on Twitter and Tumblr combined.  

I really never had a problem of my mom ever comparing the both of us, except my Dad. He always compared the both of us when we were little. Now, I don't seem to care about what he thinks, since he betrayed our family two summers ago when my mom found out dad was secretly seeing another women behind her back for the past 7 years of there marriage. It was a rough time, especially for my mom. She's still going through a rough time, but she's getting better.

Two summers ago, my mom was a fucked up mess. She refused to eat, and she wen't on unbalanced diets, not sure why. She still cooked for us though, but she never ate what she made. Sure, she grabbed one bacon strip and a glass of orange juice for breakfast, but that was it. She couldn't even sleep at night, knowing that the man she married and loved since grade school has betrayed her.

My older brother and I tried to comfort her day and night, and was there for her at her roughest times just like she was there for us. Just like the time, when I was 6, and a little boy on the playground called me too fat to go down the slide and too weak to climb across the monkey bars. I cried for 15 minutes straight, but it would have been longer, if my mom didn't comfort me right after. Of course, that wasn't the WORST thing that happened to me, but it's nice to know, my mom was there for me anyway. 

I helped my mom recover, and I told her everything was going to be okay. Today, she's feeling 30x better than she did before. Sure, she broke down. Sure, she wasn't the strongest before. But she is now, and I admire her a whole lot because of that.

I will never forgive my dad for what he have done.

What my dad did, is why I have trust issues. Well, not the only reason. I just sorta hate people. Okay no, let me rephrase that. I just don't fully trust people easily as I used to before. 

For example, Jacob Anderson and Becca Ross.

He was in my middle and elementary school, and surprisingly thank god, he's not going to be in the same highschool as me. We used to date, for like a month. (thank god it wasn't any longer) Till I found out he was cheating on me with my best friend Becca. Let's just say, I wasn't really head over heels for him, and when he asked me out I only said yes because A). He was cute and B). He was the only crush I had who actually liked me back AND asked me out.

But when I lost my boyfriend AND my best friend, that's when I knew I was alone. I had no other friends, my only friend just stabbed me through the back for a guy she didn't even talk to untill I introduced both of them. (Gee, thanks bitch)

Knowing that I was lonely, made me feel depressed for quite a while.

Till, my last year of middle school, I didn't give a fuck anymore, but I still had trouble trusting people since everyone who walked into my life just left like that.

 --end of chapter 1--

this was more like an introduction, but yeah sry if it was 2 deep 

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