Sam Colby and Heath

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    There's a guy in my room sleeping. "You know I would have expected a puppy or some other-" I take a look at his face.
    "Isn't this the guy on the YouTube videos you showed me?" I ask him as the blonde guy wakes up. He has a look of embarrassment on his face.
    Running his hands through his hair he says, "Um, it's not what it looks like!" He exclaims.
      I cover my mouth as I want to laugh at what he meant. "Uh, Sam, this is her room." Will says with a chuckle. Sam replies "Oh. Wait I thought you said this was my roo-"
       "Guys I can just take the spare room. It's fine." I say making an 'okay' symbol. "Are you sure Y/n?" Will asks me. I nod my head and Sam lays down and says "If you don't mind, I was sleeping."
Will and I left the room and headed to the third room. Before I entered the room I said "Will, will there be any other person in here?" He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Not that I know of at least." I laugh and he opens the door I cover my eyes and yell "Aaa!"
         Will runs back and says "What? Who is it?!" He smacks the back of my head and I throw my luggage at him.
"You wouldn't have run back if it was something important." I exclaim glaring at him. "No. No one is here, but Sam, you, and me."
"You and I." I tell him throwing myself on the bed. "Now leave I'm exhausted." I mumble throwing a pillow at him. "Shit head." I hear him whisper.
        "I'm gonna beat you up in the morning." He looks back, "For what?" He asks me. "For calling me a shit head!" He laughs and walks away, without shutting the door.
        "You're such a bitch Will!" I yell and get up to close the door. "You know you love me Y/n!" He yells back.
         "Could you guys shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" I hear Sam yell. The last thing that happens is we're cracking up laughing because Will slipped from coming out of the shower.
         "Morning thunder storm!" I hear Will yell in my ear. "Thunder storm?" I ask him as he laughs. "Yeah. 'Cause you are no sun shine." I laugh and see him looking at me.
"I see you still only sleep in a shirt. You might wanna change we have company." I groan and yell at him, "I haven't forgotten to beat your ass!"
I hear him chuckle in the hall and notice another bed on the other side of my room. Whoever the fuck is here is gonna bunk with me. I groan and change into a simple black shirt and sweatpants.
"Will?!" I yell and accidentally bump into another human being. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I say as I fall back and get whatever was on the floor on my shirt.
"Oh I'm sorry." I hear another guy say as he offers me his hand. I wave him off and Will walks in. "Either you too got food on each other or just had a very interesting get along." He winks and I get up and yell at him.
"That's enough! Go to that corner over there!" I point to the wall and he doesn't move. I glare at him and he smiles, "I'm not going." He crosses his arms. "Three..." I start counting.
"Oh you're counting. So scary." He says sarcastically but with a tone of fear. "Two..." His eyes go wide for a second.
I smile and slowly say "One." He starts running and chase after. Going outside in seconds I tackle him and am punching his stomach when I am stopped by laughter and someone lifting me off of him.
"Get off of me! Let me go!" I scream kicking and punching the air. "Ha! Y/n, you're too small to beat me up." Will yells pointing at me. I crack up laughing and he looks at me. "What?"
"Your. Nose. Is. Blee-" I can't speak because I'm laughing too much, basically I punched him so hard he has an injury.
"Dude, she's definitely not so small if you have a bruise on your cheek and your nose is bleeding." The guy who still won't let me go points out.
"Could you put me down. I need to go change, this douche is gonna be beaten up if he doesn't quit laughing." I say as the other guy, the one from the kitchen, keeps laughing.
"This is why I had to move last time! Now introduce yourselves and get inside, I've gotta go think of something cool to say when people ask me what happened." I laugh as he enters the house.
       "So, my name is Y/n." I say waiting for them to introduce themselves, as Sam comes towards us. "Oh hey Y/n." I smile and look at the other two.
      "Oh, my names Heath and this is Colby." Colby? I nod and leave. "Where are you going?" Sam asks with a smile looking not at me but at Colby,  who doesn't seem so amused.
      "Uh. I've gotta change. Oh, I just remembered whose gonna sleep in the room with Sam?" Heath raises his hand and says "Me." I nod my head.
That just leaves- "Oh no." I say running into the house and quickly change into a plain white t-shirt.
      I hear the guys talking and am seriously reconsidering not punching them while I could. "Dude, your girlfriend is amazing. She's gonna be my bestie." I hear Heath say as I, out of habit, know that Will rolled his eyes.
       "She's not my girlfriend for gods sake. I call her thunder storm and not sunshine for a reason." I roll my eyes as he says his stupid nickname for me.
       I grab my car keys and my phone, walking into the kitchen where they're at. "Hey Y/n." Heath says I look at him and nod my head. Grabbing a water bottle and an apple I make my way out the door. "Y/n!" I hear Will yell out to me.
"What Will can I not go anywhere without you. Remember the doctor said I have to try and be on my own." I say with a look that I think always works.
"I was just gonna say to take Colby with you." He says pointing to the door where Colby is smiling at something on his phone. "Oh and add them all on Snapchat, 'cause I know what it is and told them to add you."
"Is everything about social media these days?" I ask and he laughs. "Colby! You're going- where are you going?" He asks me "Um, hiking."
"Colby get your ass in the car you're going hiking!" Colby looks up with an amused expression. "What if I don't want to?" I smile and stifle a laugh and notice Colby smile.
"Get in the freaking car or I'm going to throw you off-" He doesn't have time to finish when Colby is already on his way over where I am.
"Let's go Y/n. We're obviously not wanted." He says as I laugh. We get in the car and Will is glaring at us. As I flick him off I back out of the drive way and me and Colby laugh as we get to know more about each other.
         The only thing I leave out is the part where I was in the hospital for almost a year.

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