We'll have to sleep at some point

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Colby's POV
Why can't I sleep? I mean I usually don't sleep that much at night but- "Ow." I sit up and hear Y/n whimpering in pain.
Quickly getting up from my bed she sits up and rubs her head. "Colby?! Why are you still up?!" She whisper yells.
I smile and remember why I was up in the first place. "What's wrong Y/n?"
Y/n's POV
He asked me the dreaded question. "I-uh-I've got a headache." Dammit.
"Do want any medicine?" Dammit! "No!" I said a little too quickly. He looked at me. Blushing I ask "Could-could you stay?"
"I'm not leaving I'm right there." He replies pointing to his bed. I look down and notice that he's shirtless. Quickly looking up I say "No like, here. With me."
He smiles a genuine smile. Not a smile of pity. Oh how I hate it when people pity you. They look at you like you're defenseless, which I clearly am not.
"Why?" He asks with a smirk. I smile and say "Not like that you pervert. I'll tell you just please stay." He nods his head for me to scoot over and I do.
He sits and opens his arms, I hug him and am instantly comforted. Don't get me wrong Colby's a nice guy but he seems like he has better things to do than spend time with me. That's why I can't like him that way.
"So what's this 'reason' Y/n? Or did you just want me near you?" I can hear his smirk and I smack him playfully.
"No.  I-it's a long story, and I don't really like telling it. But I'll tell you." He lays down pulling me with him and closes his eyes. "Tell me the short one then."
      I sigh happily. I'm glad he didn't want the whole story. Sitting up I say, "I- when me and Will graduated high school there was this party, I was happy. I'm not sure if Will told you but we dated." He sits up "Really?" I nod my head yes.
     "When me and Will were just hanging out with my friends I started getting dizzy, and I don't remember much after that only I passed out and woke up in the hospital. After I woke up I was there for a whole year."
He wipes away the tears I didn't know were falling. "Why where you in the hospital?" I shook my head, "I don't want to say."
Colby's POV
"Why?" She was crying. I didn't know what to do, she wouldn't tell me why she was in the hospital for a year.
Wiping away her tears she says "It hurts too much. You can go if you want. No one ever stays anyway." She whispers the last part like she thinks I'm going to leave.
"I'm not going to leave." I say she looks up and says "How do you know that?" I smile and say "You're the one person I've ever really laughed with. Besides Sam and them, you're the only girl."
She blushes and says "Tell me more about you." I nod and we spend at least an hour talking. Not flirting, or eating each other's faces off but genuinely talking.
I feel like that's all, girls see in YouTubers like me, Sam, Corey, and Brennen. Only sex machines.
*1 hour later*
"Okay one more." She says laughing "Baby you can be titanic and I'll be the iceberg, 'cause I'd let you go down on this." She laughs and clutches her stomach.
Laughing I say "We should get to bed, it's nearly five in the morning." She laughs and says "Time went by real fast." I nod and she says "You can go-if you really want to."
She says this almost begging me to stay. "I'm gonna stay, your bed seems softer than mine." She laughs as I climb on top of her and I stay there. After about two minutes of quiet I whisper "Hey. Y/n."
"Hmm." She says back, I smile and say "You should subscribe to my YouTube channel." She chuckles and says "I already have."
"Really when?" I say with a smirk on my face "Well, when I was in the h-hospital, Will came everyday and showed me you and the guys' videos, so I was like 'what the heck' and now I'm subscribed."
Laughing I say "Goodnight Y/n." She whispers back "Goodnight Colby."
Waking up I try to stretch, but can't because there is something, or should I say someones arms wrapped around me.
"Hey thunder- woah. You sure got busy." Will walks in and laughs I manage to throw a pillow at him and say "Close the door, or I'm gonna kill you."
Laughing he says "Fine fine. We don't want a repeat of last time." Noticing that Colby woke up Will says "Hey Colby d'you use protection?"
Colby sits up and pulls me with him. "Nope." He says and I try to conceal my laughter.
Will's mouth drops open, he runs out and yells "Ew! There's gonna be, Y/n and Colby spawns!" Colby laughs and I shake my head smiling.
"I'm exhausted." Colby says and I laugh. He looks at me and smiles. "You don't really smile a lot, do you?" He asks me.
I smirk and say "Nope." He laughs and I say "You wanna go to the store?" He replies from the other side of the room, "Which one?"
I say "Just the grocery store, I hate clothing stores." He goes into the bathroom and says "Yeah."
Fixing my bed, I change into some jeans and converse I argue wether or not to change my shirt and decide to.
Putting on just a plain black shirt Colby walks out of the bathroom and says "What's with the scars on your back?" I chuckle and put my shirt on.
"It's a hilarious story. I'll tell you when we leave." He replies "Okay."
* * *
"Where are the gross children going?" Will asks. Corey says "Why 'gross?'" Will acts disgusted and says "They didn't use protection."
Corey puts a hand up to his mouth and gasps "You two are disgusting!"
I roll my eyes and laugh. Colby laughs and says "Now I know why you two are right handed." I laugh and Will chuckles.
"Nothing happened last night Will." I say and Colby laughs Will says "I know 'cause you're loud as fuck when your being laid." The dining room booms in laughter and Sam walks in.
"Did I miss something?" Colby laughs and Will says "Only that the two most elegible bachelors were accused of only using their right hand."
Sam laughs and Colby whispers in my ear "You wanna go now." I nod and Will says "There they go at it again." Laughing I yell "Piss off William!"

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