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    A/n I'm very sorry I haven't updated. I've been very stressed lately, but schools almost out so I'll hopefully be able to update more.
     This one is unedited so if there is any mistakes please tell me, kindly though, I'm a human bean that has feelings. I know shocker.
                   Y/n's POV
       You know how on movies and tv shows the two people get together and everything's happy.
But, then something terrible happens like the day after. I feel like today's that day.
     "Five more minutes Colby." I groan and he chuckles. "No we have to go. Come on."
     He pulled on my arm and I pulled it back, pulling up the covers I say "I don't wanna go. My legs can't take that sort of abuse."
     Hearing no more of what he has to say I close my eyes. But to be woken up by a cold breeze hitting my face.
     "I'm awake! I'm awake just close the tent it's freezing!" He laughs and walks back in.
"Now, I-" he starts but doesn't get a chance to finish because my phone turns on and Will's face appears.
      "Wanna scare him?" I ask Colby and he smirks "How?" I grin and say "Make very sexual noises and we'll wing it from there."
      He nods and I answer the call. "Will. Now is not. The. Mmm. Right. Mmm. Time." I say with heavy  breaths.
      Colby covers his mouth to keep from laughing.
      "What! Who are you fucking right now?! And it is totally the t- wait a minute!" He yells and I hold the phone far away from my ear.
        "Colby isn't here either! So that means- holy crap! Are you-" I crack up laughing and Colby yells "Gotcha dude!"
He yells some profanities then calms down. "Y/n I need to come home. There's someone here that needs to speak with you."
I rolled my eyes and Colby played with my hair. "Why? I'm vamping with Colby and if it's who I think it is, no thank you."
Colby chuckles and his breath send chills down my spine.
"Y/n!" Will yells and I groan "Fine! But when we get back you can't say anything about-" I stop and remember he can't know about our relationship until we get home.
"About what?" He asks and Colby nods, signaling that he should find out on his own.
      "Uh. You'll see." I hang up and laugh. "That went better than I thought it would." Colby looked at me and pulled me down to him.
       "Do we really have to go?" I sighed "I guess." He buried his head in the crook of my neck. "But I don't want to go."
       I chuckled and said "Me neither." We stayed like that for about five minutes then got up and collected our items.
* * *
"Will!" I yell as I open the door. Colby has his bag in one hand and the other is around my shoulder.
      "Oh my gosh! I told you!" Will yelled as he walked into the living room.
     "You fucked my best friend. And also I told your mom." My eyes widen and I drop my bags.
     I start to breathe heavy and Colby holds my arm. "Y/n, are you okay?" I nod and say "Could you two just let me talk to her alone."
     They nod and walk off to the kitchen talking.
     I walk to my room and the witch is sitting on my bed with her head in her hands. "What do you want?" I immediately say blocking any emotion off.
     "Sweetie how are you?" She asked me and I scoffed "Stop the goddamn act."
      She smirked and said "You've caught me. I need you to move back in."
       I felt the disgust build up inside me. "Why are you gonna sell me to the man you blowed?"
       She got up and looked me in the eye. "You're moving back. I don't care what you say." I looked into her eyes and said "Try me bitch."
       She slapped me and I held my cheek. "You're a sorry excuse for a mother! I hope you rot in hell you cunt! Maybe Satan will like a nice sleaze like you!" I yell at her and run out.
       Colby comes out of the kitchen and I bump into him. I feel him clean my tears with his thumb and i push him away.
      "No." I whisper and run out. He should know where I'm going. I think as I run to the rock. I grab the hammer and hit it against the rock.
      "I hate you! I hate you! I-" Someone covers my mouth and I hold the hammer to my chest.
      "Hey babydoll." I hear someone say and turn around holding the hammer. Then I see him. My father.
Colby's POV
"I have to get her." I said struggling on Will's grip. "Let me go." I said wanting to reach her.
"She wants to be alone." Will said clearly not fazed with my struggling. "Stop." He said and I stopped out of breath.
"But-" I say and feel my eyes well up. Man up Colby! I thought and sighed "Fine." I walked to mine and
Y/n's room.
The woman had left and explained to Will what happened. He looked angry and disagreed with something she told him.
I laid on her bed and hugged one of her pillows. It felt cold without her. I knew she was literally five minutes away, but even that much space made me feel empty.
Before I fell asleep I thought When did she become so important to me?
• • •
I had, had the worst dream ever.
Y/n and I had a fight about a tweet from a fan. I woke up with the sound of someone calling my name.
"Colby? Colby!" I hear Y/n and open my eyes instantly. She smirked and asked "Why are you hugging my pillows?"
       I hugged her and she said "Woah. What happened?" She asked and I looked her in the eye.
      "Will told me not to go after you so I didn't. Then I almost cried so I felt like a baby. When I came in here I feel alders I guess.
                     Y/n's POV
      I laughed at what he said. "I told you you're the girlfriend of this relationship."
      He smiled and hugged me again. "Colby. Can't. Breathe."
      He let me go and said "I'm not the sensitive one in the sheets." Then he winked and I smacked his arm.
      "You're so gross." I laughed and he leaned closer to me.
     "Col-" he crashed his lips onto mine and I instantly replied. After a really long time I pulled away and smiled.
     "You want to watch a movie?" He laughed and said "Yeah. But you're not getting away from me that easy."
     I felt my cheeks heat.
    * * *
    After the movie I yawned and said "I'm going to bed." Colby smiled and said "Okay." The last thing that played through my mind was what he said earlier.
    You're not getting away from me that easy.

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