Vampire footprints

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     A/n: D'you like the last chapter? Yeah? Then you'll love this one! This is a long chapter by the way it's: 1848 words, which is an achievement. Also they'll be a song on this chapter but I didn't put it on here because it wouldn't add up to the words so you can play it if you want when they start singing. One last thing I didn't put the whole song/lyrics because that'd be copyright even though I mentioned the writers/singers. If there's any mistakes please tell me. Okay, read on children.

^^thats Bradlee just in case you don't know who he is

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^^thats Bradlee just in case you don't know who he is.

                    Colby's POV
       It's been two weeks since I last saw Y/n. Will told me she went to stay with some friends from her childhood.
     I had made Anastasia leave and told her that if she came back she would really regret it.
    "And what if I do come back?" She asked and I faked a laugh. "I'll actually let Y/n punch you."
     You could see the fear in her eyes then they went back to defiance. "I'm only here to ruin whatever this is." She smiled and walked out.
     I sat in our room with Y/n's   sweatshirt in my hands when my phone rang.
     The screen showed that it was Brennen trying to face time. I groaned and answered.
     "Hey man!" He said and I saw that he was at Bradlee's, but someone else was there.
     "Hey." I said and he looked at them and they told him something I couldn't really hear.
     "Bradlee and Y/n are filming a music video for Y/n's second YouTube channel and Bradlee asked me if you wanted to come watch."
      I bit my lip at the mention of her name. "Sure." I said and hung up. I ran around the room and then it hit me.
     Bradlee wanted me to go not her. But she was going to be there, so there's no way I'm not going. 
     She would've had to agree with them.
     I put on a sweatshirt and some jeans and walked out of the room closing the door.
     I grabbed my keys and just before I walked out Sam called my name and asked "Where are you going? You haven't been out since-"
       When it dawned on him, he said "Can I go?" I shrugged and said "I mean yeah why not. But we're going to Bradlee's 'cause they're singing."
      I said my face clearly lighting up. I loved it when Y/n sung.
     She never did sing in front of me because she said that I would pay close attention and she doesn't like it when she's the center of attention.
       But sometimes I watched her videos,  I loved the way she sang. "D'you want me to drive?" Sam said grabbing his jacket.
       "I can." I replied and the ride to Bradlee's went very calm, even though on the inside I was jumping.
Y/n's POV
       "Brennen!" I whined and fell on the sofa. "Hey! You said I could invite whoever I wanted." He replied putting his hands up in defense.
       "Yeah, besides you would've had to talk to him anyways." Bradlee backed him up.
     "But what if I mess up?" I said feeling my heartbeat accelerate at the thought of messing up in front of him.
     "We'll just re-do it." Bradlee said shrugging.  "I'm playing the drums Bradlee. Once I mess up on them I don't re-do it."
      They rolled their eyes, then Brennen's phone buzzed and he said "They're on their way. Y/n you'll do great just calm down and don't overthink."
       "But overthinking is what I do best." I said chuckling as he threw a pillow at me.
      "We've got to get ready. You okay?" Bradlee asked me and I nodded. I stood up and sat on the stool.
      I got the drumsticks and breathed in. Just as Bradlee sat up my camera and Brennen cracked a joke there was a knock on the door.
      I nearly jumped but knew if I did the whole set would just fall.
    "Hey Y/n." Sam said and I smiled. Colby just stood there nervousness clearly shown.
     I swallowed and said "Hey Colby." He looked up and I smiled and he blushed and smiled.
     "Hey guys! This is Bradlee, and today we're going to be covering Everything has changed by Taylor Swift, featuring Ed Sheeran! Hope you like it." I said and Bradlee started by strumming the guitar.
      I felt more nervous than ever, but started singing anyway.
"All I knew this morning when I woke, Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before."
     My fingers slowly started moving with the beat as I hit the drums.
     Then Bradlee started singing.
"And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago is green eyes, And freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like,"
Then I continued as I felt all their stares piercing through me.
"I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now, I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now,"
Bradlee stepped in as I was running out of breath. "I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now I just want to know you, know you, know you"
Then we both sang as the song picked up the pace.
"'Cause all I know is we said hello,
And your eyes look like coming home,
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed, All I know is you held the door, You'll be mine and I'll be yours,
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed."
• • •
I tied my hair in a ponytail as we wrapped up the song. Bradlee gave me a high five and said "You did great! So much for worrying."
I laughed and sat down on the sofa next to Brennen.
When Colby got up to use the bathroom Sam said "When are you going to come back Y/n?"
I almost spit out my water as I heard that question. "Erm-well you see, soon. I just don't know how well-"
"You just don't know if Colby will still-" I nodded my head before he could finish the sentence.
      "I'm sure he would. I mean he's sat on the bed with the same clothes, he just changed today by the way, hugging one of your sweatshirts. I'm surprised you're still in one piece."
Then he winked and I blushed and bit my lip.
Bradlee and Brennen laughed and said "It's the same with her. Max and Everly said that she laid in bed listening to music and had just changed today when we said we were going to pick her up."
I looked down chuckling. "It's not my fault I don't deal with these things like everyone would want me to."
Just as I said that Colby walked out of the bathroom and looked up and my eyes met with his blue ones.
"We need to talk." He said starring me in the eyes not even paying attention to the people around us.
"I-um-yeah okay." I said standing up and grabbing my jacket.
Holy shit I'm a sweating mess right now.
Colby looked at the guys and then said "I'll be right there." I nodded and walked out.
Colby's POV
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked them seriously, secretly jumping inside at the fact that Y/n and I would talk, alone.
"How she was scared to go back." Sam said taking a drink from his water.
I nodded. "Go." They all said at the same time making me rush towards the door.  
      She looked so perfect standing there admiring something on the wall.
     I admit I was nervous, but she made me feel so many feelings I never had felt.
      "Oh-hey sorry I had to ask them something." I said as I noticed her watching me.
      When I walked up to her she said "Where are we going?" I shrugged and took her hand.
       "Wait-but-Colby! Now I'm terrified." She said laughing making me smile.
      "D'you wanna go to Dairy Queen?" I asked her and she stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked she laughed and said "What about my car?"
      "We'll call Sam. He can take it back. Besides he needs a ride home." She smiled and let me drag her to go knows where.
       When we stepped outside we were met by a group of fans. "Y/n! Colby!" Her eyes widened and she said "Hello."
      Like she's known them for ages. We took some photos with them and then left.
      "So you want to-" she smiled and said "Yes I like ice cream." I chuckled and the rest of the ride went by quickly.
                             • • •
      We sat on a bench with ice cream, in a park. Like something you'd only see in movies.
      "So." I began and she smirked "I'd like to begin this time." She said and I nodded.
      "I'm sorry that I left and I know it's selfish but it hurt me so much to not have my girlfriend next to me these past two weeks."
      I smiled and she continued. "I'm not sorry, though, for the way I acted because if I could re-do that day there would be a hole in someone's face and not someone's wall."
      She giggled and then asked me "By the way, did they ever fix the-" I shook my head and she laughed.
      "Ew! They're happy." Someone yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Wait are they back together?"
      Someone else yelled and I yelled back "Yes!" She laughed and added "And piss off!"
      She sat down laughing and I stared at her.
                   Y/n's POV
       When I felt his stare I said "Take a picture it'll last longer." He blushed as he figured out o had caught him staring at me.
       "How about I just keep the model?" He said and I blushed biting my lip.
                             • • •
        "Hey wait. I have another week to spend without you." I said as Colby hugged me to him.
        We had come back to Will's place because there was no one here to figure out we were both back together.
       "No." He said kissing my cheek and trailing butterfly kisses down my neck.
      "But now that I see things, I-" he shushed me by straddling my hips. "I'm tired and you're a great pillow."
      "Colby." I whined but he stayed on top of me laying there 'sleeping.'
     "They're gonna come home-and you're gonna explain-" I said through breathes, as he kissed my neck roughly.
     "Okay. I'll also explain this hickey." I gasped and he chuckled.
      "Are you serious?!" I asked whisper yelling. "Yep." He said and I tried getting up, but to no avail.
      "I hate you so much Colby." I said slowly falling asleep.
      "I love you too Y/n." He said as I fell asleep.
     You're welcome. Are ya happy now? Okay I've gotta edit this cuz I was supposed to post this yesterday. *lols*

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