He Sleeps With You As A Bet and You Find Out

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Zayn: It had been almost 5 months since you and Zayn had slept together. You were scared to tell him that you had ended up pregnant. After thinking about it you went to the doctor and he told you, you were 4 months pregnant with a baby boy. Now you were on route to Zayn’s house to tell him. Your bump was now visible and when Zayn opened the front door he was very shocked. Before he can say anything else you cried, “It’s yours!” “Nah, it was just a bet I didn’t want a baby,” he responded utterly fast. You froze at his words, so the night 5 months he slept with you because of a stupid bet. You wanted to break down and cry but instead you threw the ultrasound picture at him. He was basically telling you it was a mistake and that now it was your problem. “I thought you were different but I guess not. Don’t worry he’ll never know about you and how he was conceived, I’ll raise my son by myself,” you say heading back to your car. Now he was telling you to stop and let him talk, but you were too hurt and broken.

Louis: “Like I already told you guys i don’t want the money,” Louis says over the phone. You had been lying in bed after you and Louis had sex. You got curious to find out what was going on so you followed him. “Yeah i know it was a bet, but I actually like her, I’m not taking the money.” You just stood there frozen, you couldn’t believe he had bet to have sex with you and he had won. After realizing what was going on you ran back into the room slamming the door behind you. You changed into you clothes and gather all your other belongings. Louis heard the slamming of the door because he stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you. “You heard everything, didn’t you.” he says with guilt in his voice. “It was all just a game to you, you too advantage that I liked you,” you say with watery eyes. “NO! Y/N it wasn’t a game, well at first it was but they only did it because I was scared of asking you out.” “I hope that bet was worth losing my friendship,” you say walking out the door.

Liam: It was your first time having sex so you were still sore. Liam was not in the room so you went an looked for him, but you found a note. “Went for a morning run, be back later.” After getting changed you cleaned his room which was a mess after what happened the night before. You thought it was the most amazing night ever but it would all change soon. While you went downstairs to make breakfast your heard a phone ringing. You went back into his room to see he had forgotten his phone and had a text message. You wished you had never opened it, as you read it, “So, how was last night did you finally get her to sleep with you - Louis” It was all a bet, you had lost your virginity to a joke of a man. You wanted to wait for him to come home and confront him, but you were to hurt how it all ended. Before leaving you left him a note. “How I wish I could take back what happened yesterday, how I was so stupid and naive to give it up to you, bye Liam.” You always loved him and now he hurt you so bad it would be so hard to forgive him.

Niall: “That was amazing,” Niall says kissing you forehead. “It was, but how about some breakfast,” you say getting out of bed. “What are you making?” he asked. “Umm… how about some scrambled eggs, bacon, orange juice and some toasted bread.” “Sounds delicious, let me take a quick shower and I’ll meet you downstairs okay,” he says walking into the bathroom. You were finishing up breakfast when Louis and Harry walked in carrying a beers. “Niall, here’s your reward for winning the bet,” Louis yells from the living room. “Yeah man, you gotta tells us how Y/N was in bed,” Harry adds. You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. Louis and Harry had bet Niall to sleep with you and he had accepted. With out either of them noticing you, you began to walk out the front door when you heard Niall say “Guys, where’s Y/N?” They had now seen that you had heard them talking about the bet, you were walking down the street with Niall calling you so he could explain, but you just wanted to get away from all of them.

Harry: You and your best friend were having dinner and you were telling her, how close you and Harry had gotten. She didn’t really like him because she thought he was a flirt and would only hurt if you got together. You didn’t know if you should tell her that you and Harry had already slept together. But Harry on the other hand had told all the boys. As you continued talking you saw Harry was with Liam and Zayn a couple tables away. You were going to say hi to them when you overheard him talking to them about sleeping with you. “Liam so we lost the bet he finally got her,” Zayn says laughing. He was only getting close to you so he could sleep with you. “So what was the bet Harry,” you say standing behind him. “Uhh…Y/N wh-what did you h..hear,” he say stuttering. “Enough to know you only care about having sex.” You didn’t let him explain before you and your friend walked out and her telling you sorry. But it wasn’t her fault it was yours for thinking you and Harry had something going on.

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