You Do The Boyfriend Tag

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Harry: "What is one unique talent she has?" you read off your iPhone. Harry gives you a cheeky grin. "Well (Y/N) is great in bed…" he starts but you cut off his last word, "Harry keep it clean!" you exclaim with wide eyes. "What!? I was just gonna say that she’s great with bedding, she can quilt and knit blankets and stuff. Its kinda cool…What did you think I was gonna say babe?" he asked innocently. "Nice save" you said rolling your eyes.

Niall: "Who wears the pants in the relationship?" you ask. There is an awkward silence as you wait to se what Nialls answer was "Um…I’d say me" he says a bit unsure. You raised your eyebrows and gave him a look. "Ok…she does" he says making you laugh. "Well its more of a half and half, we each have one pant leg" you explain as you pat his leg. Niall chuckled and nodded his head, happy with the compromise. 

Liam: "Who said I love you first and where were you?" you questioned. "I did" "I did" you and Liam say at the exact same time. "What? Liam, I remember it was on our 2 month anniversary and I told you after dinner" you said. "No. I told you before that, over the phone" Liam argued. You thought back and realized he was right,but you were too stubborn to admit it. "Well that doesn’t count then" you said firmly. "Fine. I knew I loved her first but she said it first" he admitted, letting you win.

Louis: "How and when did meet?" the question said. You and Louis had answered this question so many times before and so you decided to spice it up and reenact the day you met. You remembered the day clearly, Louis had looked so cute and your heart did a flip when he asked for your number. You were about halfway through the reenactment and you were a bit bored so you just gave Louis a long kiss that you knew would leave him wanting more. When you pulled away he turned towards the camera with wide eyes and said, "That did not happen on the day we met". You grinned and he pulled you in for another.

Zayn: "Ok next question…she’s sitting in front of the screen, what’s on the screen?" You ask Zayn. "Um she watches Teen Mom, Jersey shore, and that kinda crap" he jokes. You gasp, "You know you love teen mom!" you exclaim. "No!! Trust me I don’t even watch that show" he lies, trying to save his manhood. "Oh my gosh, he’s lying!! We watch that show together all the time!" you argue. "I don’t know what you’re talking about (Y/N)" Zayn said crossing his arms. You just rolled your eyes at your silly boyfriend.

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