He Says Something Sexist And Another Boy Defends You

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Niall: “AW COME ON! YOU HAD A MAN WIDE OPEN!?!” Niall yelled infuriated at the men playing soccer on the TV. He and Liam had been watching the game all day ,and you ,being the sweet girlfriend you are, have been serving them so they didn’t have to miss anything. You were exhausted so you decided to rest in the couch next to Niall. You hadn’t been sitting five minutes when Niall waved an empty beer can in your face. “Babe, go grab me another beer, this ones all out.” Niall said not even turning his head from the TV. You scoffed in disbelief. “You can get up and get it yourself! Why should I get it!?” You asked with your blood boiling. “Uhm you’re a woman. That’s a woman’s job to serve the man. Now go get it.” He said still not facing you. You notice Liam’s eyes go wide and dart over to Niall, then to you, then back to the TV. “Oh really?” You asked gritting your teeth before smacking the empty beer can out of his hand before storming out. “Geez, what’s up with her!?” Niall said annoyed. Liam smacked Niall upside the head. “Niall! You don’t say things like that! Woman aren’t just servants for you to boss around! You’re lucky you have someone like y/n!!” Liam said shaking his head. “What?! Oh no so I just……offended her?” Niall asked in horror. Liam nodded “yeah mate, you better go apologize.” He said but Niall was already on his way. “Princess?” Niall said timidly as he peeked his head into the kitchen where you were sitting boiling in anger. “What do you want?” You said aggressively. He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and put his head in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry princess. You don’t have to serve me. I’m sorry I was such am idiot.” He said showering you with kisses. “Niall….Niall stop!” You said laughing as he peppered you with his lips. “Say you’ll forgive me!” Niall said in between kisses. “Okay okay I forgive you!” You said turning before kissing him on the lips. “Now y/n come and watch the game with us!” He said grabbing your hand and pulling you to the living room not even waiting for your answer.

Louis: You and Louis were having a small party with all your friends ,and you, Louis, and Zayn were talking at the bar. “Wow guys, it’s weird to think that you guys are ENGAGED!” Zayn said laughing as your eyes wandered to your left hand where a not to modest diamond lay on your ring finger. Louis noticed your eyes and intertwined his fingers with yours. “Yes, I’m so happy to have my….fiancée.” Louis said smiling from ear to ear. He could never call you his fiancée without smiling like an idiot. “Are we gonna have little baby Tomlinsons running around after the wedding?” Zayn asked stirring his straw in his drink. “Yes! That’s gonna be the first thing on our list!” Louis said wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you close to him. You looked up at him completely confused. “Uhm babe we talked about this.” You said through your teeth. “Well, I changed our mind.” Louis mumbled under his breath. “Changed our mind!?” You said a little too loud. “Yes. I want children and you’re the one to give it to me.” Louis said firmly. “Wait, you’re saying that’s all I am to you?” You said furrowing your brow and squinting your eyes. “No! I’m saying you’re a woman and that’s a woman’s job!” Louis said getting annoyed with you. You poured the drink you had in his face and stormed off. “The nerve of her!” Louis exclaimed to Zayn as he searched for a towel to wipe his face. “Uhm mate I think you’re to blame here. Women are much more than carriers for babies, and they don’t like to be treated like that.” Zayn said shaking his head. Louis looked at the floor ,and thought for a second. “I’ll go apologize” Louis said walking over to the booth where you sat, alone. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all by herself?” Louis asked sliding into the booth next to you. “Oh, I just have a jerk of a fiancée that’s all.” You said not looking at him. “Oh, I’m sure your fiancée” he paused to smile . Even when you two were fighting the word still made him smile. “I’m sure your fiancée is incredibly sorry, and he’ll listen to what you want.” He said grabbing your hand and stroking it with his thumb. “I love you.” He said putting his forehead against yours. You smiled “I love you too you jerk” you said causing you both to laugh.

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