You're Best Friends P.2

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Niall:It was the next morning that you woke up with sunlight shining into the room and a warm arm wrapped around your waist. Slowly, you turn around and see that Niall’s still holding you tight even in his sleep. For several silent moments, you lay there studying his face. When he starts to move, you realize that he’s waking up, so quickly you pretend to be asleep again. You can tell when he’s awake because his breathing changes and you can feel his eyes in your face. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” he whispers, thinking that you’re asleep. “I love you.” After that confession it’s not like you can keep pretending, so you open your eyes, looking right into his bright blue ones. “What? You do?” Niall’s cheeks turn pink and he nods. “I live you too, Niall.” Reaching up, you pull his face down so that your lips meet his in the first mind-blowing kiss of many.

Zayn: A week past after your best friends near confession of love to you. He kept texting you, asking of you could hang out, but you were sick: a runny nose, slight fever, and stomach cramps. Not long after you tell him that you’re sick, there’s a knock on your front door. Of course, Zayn’s on the other side, there to help. All day long he sits on the couch with you, watching movies, making you food, and running to get more tissue boxes. By the end of the day, you go to the bathroom and see your reflection in the mirror. “Why didn’t you tell me that I look like a zombie, Zayn?” You ask seeing your red nose, pale face, and tired eyes. “I honestly didn’t notice, Y/N. You always look nice to me.” He welcomes you back under the blanket with him and then he kisses your temple. “Y/N, I tried to say this the other night, but I chickened out an I really think I should tell you but I don’t know if-” You decide to hush him, “Zayn. I love you. I really truly think I’m in love with you.” His mouth drops open and then he shakes himself and a smile covers his face. “Good. I love you, too. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.” He pulls as close as he can and then kisses the top of your head.

Louis:Your throat began to close up when you heard the news. It was straight from him. In a text. Not from some lying tabloid or stupid fans that were trying to start shit. Louis, yes, your true love Louis, was deeply in love and getting married. Four months. Four short months, each an eternity long, on your and he met a girl and fell in love. Louis’ invited you to the wedding in one week. Tears build up until you can’t hold it in anymore. This is it, he really can’t ever love you now he’s got this new girl. “Great, Lou. Congrats I’ll try and make it but no promises it’s such short notice.” you reply to him. When he receives that message, six hours time difference away, his heart breaks a little because it’ll be hard for him to go through with it too. But you don’t love him, you never will, so why not marry her? She’s as close to you as he’ll ever get.

Liam: A short kiss of summer heat on your cheek and then it’s free-falling from there. That’s how you and Liam began. You met him at a concert and he kissed you on the cheek. From that moment on you’d been best friends destined for more. So naturally there you were hanging out with him and the lads at the pool in your bikini, showing off for him. But Zayn’s eyes have barely left your body and if you’re being completely honest, you’ve always found the darker boy quite attractive. But how you feel for him is nothing compared to your feelings for Liam. That doesn’t matter when Zayn follows you inside and corners you in the kitchen, a smirk playing on his lips, he tells you you look good and he leans in to kiss you. It’s not like you pushed him away, but you weren’t pulling him closer or anything. That’s when your best friend walks in. “Y/N! Zayn!” he moves over and seperates the two of your faces. “She’s mine, Malik! I love you, Y/N.” he says it all very quickly and then presses his lips to yours roughly. Zayn chuckles, “Told you it would work, Y/N.” he then leaves you and your new boyfriend alone.

Harry: For once you wake up first. It’s early in the morning but you just had a nightmare and don’t think you can fall back asleep. So leaving Harry where he’s sleeping, you tip toe into your bathroom and begin getting ready for the day. After you get out of the shower and get dressed, you hear him moving around in your bedroom. Just as you turn in the water to start brushing your teeth, a wave of nausea smacks into you and there’s barely enough time to reach the toilet. “Y/N? Are you okay?” he asks. You don’t have the chance to answer, you’re too busy spilling out your guts. He comes into the bathroom and holds your hair back until you suddenly stop. Concern clouds his face and then his eyebrows furrow. “Is there something you want to tell me?” “No, Harry, why?” you’re leaning tired against the toilet bowl, resting your head on the cool porcelain. “Are you pregnant?” Abruptly, the thoughts connect. Morning sickness, recent heightened sense of smell, and come to think of it you did miss your last period. “Oh my God!” You stand up in front of the sink and pull your shirt up to reveal your tummy with already a tiny bump forming. “Oh my God.” you whisper, almost ignoring the father of your small bump. You get to brushing your teeth just to get the taste of bile out of your mouth. “You’ve got some toothpaste here.” Harry wipes at the corner of your mouth with his thumb and he lifts your chin up so that you’re looking into his emerald green eyes. “I’m here for you, I love you, Y/N. And I mean it. I really, really love you.” He leans down and kisses you lightly on the lips. “Really? I’ve loved you since forever, Hazza.” A smile appears across your face and you begin to think that maybe this surprise pregnancy could be a good thing.

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