The Night Watcher

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Harry: As he sat, knees up to his chest, he watched as your chest rose and fell with every gentle breath you took. Unable to sleep himself, watching you made him sleepy as well, his mouth already starting to stretch into a yawn. It was magical to him, watching you sleep, calming in a way, made him feel secure. He would press soft kisses to your temples, before snuggling back under the covers, joining you in slumber. “Night beautiful, love you…always…”

Liam: Sleeping was his time to discover new things about you, things he would never of known during your consciousness. Like, the way your nose scrunches up when you have a bad dream, or that you like to mumble things about your day. It was things like that, that made you even more adorable to him. He took pride and honor, in knowing that these were his secrets, and no one else. “Beautiful..” 

Niall: It was nights like these that he loved, the ones where he got to watch as you drifted to dreamland in his lap, your soft snores making him chuckle with delight. Movie nights were made for cuddling, and with his warmth pressed against you, it was lights out pretty soon. But he didn’t mind, it was nice knowing that you felt so comfortable around him to be so vulnerable. “Cute, simply cute…”

Zayn: With your eyes squeezed tight, and your breath evening out, you were finally in your most relaxed form. He smiled, gazing at the beautiful girl beside him, the one he knew he would make his one day. He stroked your cheek with the pad of his thumb, your smooth skin tingling beneath his touch. "You’ll be the death of me, you know that?…" 

Louis: After your cup of tea was finished, and your teeth were brushed, it was finally time to hit the sheets, your head rested softly on his chest. His eyes drifted over to you, watching as the girl he loved get comfortable, face getting softer with every breath. You were his, and he yours, and there was no doubt about it. “Goodnight my gorgeous girl…” 

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