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Harry: You were laying on the couch as Harry was putting up the last of the Christmas lights on the tree. You were too short to finish stringing them so Harry came in for the rescue. Once he was done you got up and started to put up some ornaments. You both agreed on having your tree be green, silver and red. Your silver and gold tree didn’t fulfill Harry’s christmas spirit. Once all the ornaments were up you demanded Harry to put up the star. “Why don’t we just put me on top of tree, I’m clearly the star.” He laughed opening the box. “Wow, you’re so funny.” you said sarcastically earning a nudge from him. Once the star was up you both stood back watching the tree. “Its so pretty.” You smiled leaning your head on his shoulder. He looked down at you and smiled. “What?” you asked lifting an eyebrow. “We’re under the mistletoe.” He giggled. “Is that so?” you asked and he nodded. “Well, then Mr. Styles, you better kiss me then.” You turned to face him. “Its basically Christmas law.” You added. “You’re such a nerd.” He said grabbing your face and laying his lips on yours. You were both smiling so it wasn’t much of a kiss, more like a friendly reminder of your love. 

Niall: You were in the living room prepping for Christmas dinner which is being held at your house this year. You turned on the oven and went strait to making desert. You were freaking out and felt overwhelmed. Niall’s parents loved you as a person but you wanted them to know that you’re feeding Niall’s big appetite well. As you were slicing up the bananas for your great Grammies home made banana cream pie Niall walked in with some groceries. “So I got the table cloth, beer, whine, sparkling water and grape juice for the kids.” He said placing each of the items on the table. You smiled as everything was falling into place until you realized Niall forgot the most important part. “Niall, where’s our child?” You sent him out specifically to get him from day care. “I already brought him to his room to take a nap.” He said letting you calm down. “You need to relax and let the pieces fall okay.” Niall said trying to be as optimistic as always. “Okay.” You said taking a deep breath returning to your pie making. Just as everyone was about to arrive you started to have anxiety. You were freeking out over the smallest things. Niall put Chase in his chair, picked mistletoe off from the counter and walked over to you. “Honey.” He said holding a hand over your head. “Niall I don’t have time for your childi-” He cut you off with a kiss. You were significantly calmer and went in for another as you pulled apart. “Relax, it’s christmas.” He said sucking on his bottom lip, thanking himself for the mistletoe. 

Zayn: You were laying on the couch watching Elf. Zayn was out buying necessary things that were needed for tomorrow that you forgot at the store. You were in the middle of Frosty the Snowman when Zayn walked in covered in white dots. “Its snowing?” You questioned standing up and grabbing a few bags. “Yeah, lightly though.” He answered slipping off his shoes and following you into the kitchen. This year you and Zayn are having your own little Christmas since you both live so far away from your parents. “So, what did you get me for Christmas, hmm?” He wrapped an arm around me as I was putting things away in the cabinet. “I can’t tell you!” You laughed turning your head a bit. “But they’re really good.” “Teasing, only with Christmas gifts this time.” He laughed pecking your cheek. “Would you like it the other way too?” You asked turning around in his arms and placing a hand on his chest. “Because I’m really good at that.” You said kissing his cheek causing him to chuckle. You walked back into the living room and he followed. He grabbed your arm at the stairwell leading to the upstairs right before entering the living room. “What?” You asked laughing. “Mistletoe.” He said looking up, the reflection of the lights on the tree in his eyes. “Well then kiss me you fool.” You joked grabbing his collar and landing a kiss on your lips 

Liam: You woke up a bit sore from last night. Liam took you to go ice skating and you fell multiple times bruising many parts of your body that you didn’t know could be bruised. You took off your t-shirt and put on one of Liam’s old flannels. You looked at your sleeping boy friend and decided that you were going to go make some breakfast and serve it to him in bed. You quietly walked down the stairs and started to cook the bacon. You were humming along to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood when you felt a kiss land under your ear. “Hello beautiful.” Liam said still a bit groggy from the sleep. “Hello.” You said turning the heat down. “You look really good in my shirts.” He said tugging a bit and the fabric hanging mid-thigh. “Thanks, I try.” You laughed as he went to sit at the table. “So whats for breakfast?” He asked. “Pancakes and bacon.” You smiled flipping the pancake. You looked to your right and saw some mistletoe. You quickly snatched it up and turned around. You noticed how he was checking you out. “May I help you?” You laughed putting the spatula down. “Just admiring you.” He shrugged as you walked towards him. You straddled his lap and smiled at him holding the little plant over his head. He glanced up at it then looked back at me. “You’re so cheeky.” He laughed puckering his lips and you grabbed his face and kissed him.

Louis: You were finishing up the three when Louis walked in from shoveling. You would usually help but Louis insists that you stay inside and do nothing. When he saw you doing the tree he gasped. “What don’t you understand about ‘Lay in bed and do nothing?” I’m pretty sure you standing on a ladder isn’t ok” He asked taking the tinsel out of your hand. “Lou, I’m pregnant not dead.” You said taking it right back out of his hand. “Now let me decorate.” You insisted. “But your 7 months pregnant therefore you need to be careful.” He said crossing his arms. “Go bring up the santa statues or I’m going to get them.” You said pointing to the basement. “Got it.” He said walking downstairs and soon vanishing out of site. Once you hit the bottom of the box you saw a mistletoe. You hung it up on the ceiling. You backed underneath it and watched the tree glisten. “Wow, it looks good.” A deep voice said behind me. You saw Harry leaving his coat on the chair. “Thanks I try.” You said crossing your arms and he joined you in the spot. “So how’s the little mama?” He asked putting his hands on your stomach. “The more and more you call me that the creepier it gets.” You laughed. “But I’m fine, and so is little Tomo.” You said as Louis walked in. “Hey Harry.” Louis smiled. “Hi Lou.” Harry smiled giving Louis a hug. Louis walked over to you and handed you a santa hat, placing it on your head. “Your under the mistletoe.” Harry blushed. “Now kiss!” Harry insisted. You looked at Louis seeing the glisten in his eye. “Come here Mrs. Clause.” He smiled kissing you, he then bent down and kissed your stomach. “And I can’t forget our little elf.”

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