One More Night- Maroon 5

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Louis: “You and I go hard at each other like we’re going to war, you and I go rough we keep throwing things and slamming the doors”

Being in a relationship for 5 years with Louis hasn’t been easy, because of tours and all that things of his band. You truly loved him but when he came back from his last tour, he started acting like someone completely different. He was rude, he wasn’t patient he wasn’t as sweet as he used to and now it was like your apartment was a warzone. At the beginning you tried to stay calm and treat him right, but now you couldn’t take it anymore and you both were really hard at each other, every night you cried and he decided to stay in the guess room. You needed to talk to him, if things weren’t to be alright it was better to leave it and start a new life by yourself. The next morning you made him breakfast, his favorite and he ate really happy. “Louis, I need to talk to you, I just can’t keep dealing with this, is not fair. Tell me you don’t want to be with me anymore and I’ll take my stuff and leave forever, but this relationship is not healthy” For the first time in days he looked you into your eyes and tears were on his eyes. “I just can’t believe you cheated on me and then you acted like nothing happened” He answered. “WHAAAT? Louis I haven’t done that, for God’s sake I’ve been here waiting for you like an idiot and now you say that?” “I saw in E news, you were on a date with your ex” “Louis I was drinking coffee in starbucks and he was there too, he just said Hi and left” “Oh my God I’m an idiot, I’m so sorry (y/n) I just love you so much” “I can’t believe it, but we better talk about it” You said, but you were hurt, he didn’t trusted you.

Liam: “But baby there you go again, there you go again making me love you”

You were nervous about Liam coming home from tour, you didn’t know how things were going to be, because some days he just could talk to you like for 2 minutes and that wasn’t enough, even if you tried to understand you needed him.  You were waiting at the airport when you saw him walking in your direction with this huge teddy bear, and you almost die of happines he looked so handsome. You felt all the butterflies going crazy in your stomach, when he was in front of you he hugged you with so much love that you knew things were going to be super fine. You both went home and talked for hours about everything that have happened in the months he wasn’t there. You laughed lots and he looked so happy. “I’m so happy to be here next to you again sweetie, I love you” He smiled. “I love you too Li, I was so scared of things, but there you go again, making me love you with all your little details, I’m just so glad to be by your side” You kissed him, and you ended up talking until 3 am.

Zayn: “Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo and now I’m feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you”

He had cheated on you. For the third time, and you knew it, you knew it because you smelt his shirt and that smell wasn’t his. You confronted him, he begged you one more chance, and of course you have him one. Knowing he would never change. He was an amazing boyfriend, always taking care of you, loving you, making you feel special but that was his thing. He was now part of you, that part you just can’t let go, you needed him, you needed everything about him, probably he was going to cheat on you again, and of course you felt really stupid going back to him, but he was the one. You knew he loved you too, you knew he was never going to leave you, because the only thing he got cheating was sex, not true love as you gave it to him. So there you were again, stuck in him and never wating to leave stupidly believing someday he would realize cheating was wrong, but that wasn’t going to happen. But nothing is perfect, right? You relationship almost was.

Niall: “That I’ll only stay with you one more night and I know I’ve said it a million times but I’ll only stay with you one more night”

Niall was a sweet boy, he was amazing a little bit innocent but you loved that about him. You knew he was in love with you and he knew you had a boyfriend, none of you planned ended up in this situation. You started seeing each other secretly in any place, he knew this was wrong and you knew it too, but there was a part of him you couldn’t let go. It has been 5 months since the first time, and no one had a clue about it, so you thought you could keeping this, maybe at the end you both could realize you were meant to be, but right now you just decided to enjoy your time together. This time you both were at your place watching movies and eating sushi.”I’ll only stay with you one more night and I know I’ve said it a million times but I’m serious this time” He said. You just looked at him and gave him a little kiss. “I’m serious, (y/n) we can’t just keep doing this” “Don’t you love me, Ni?” You said. “You know I do, but if you want me then you’ll have to want me and just me” You gave him another kiss knowing you weren’t ready to leave your boyfriend. Hours later you went to sleep, next morning things were fine again, and you knew next weekend he was going to be here again.

Harry: “Try to tell you stop but your lipstick got me so out of breath I’d be waking up in the morning probably hating myself I’d be waking up feeling satisfied, but guilty as hell”

You’ve seen him since he enter the club. He was the hottest boy here, of course, it was the one and only Harry Styles. You’ve loved him since you were 15 and now you had your chance. He looked at you and smiled, you knew it, he wanted this too. He wen’t to dance and went there too, put your red lipstick on and you both danced. He tried to stop things but it was obvious he wanted you. “I have a girlfiend” He said. And it was the first time you were going to do this but you answered “What about here? She’ll never know” He didn’t said anything but keep dancing, you left the club and went to his hotel. The only thing he said before doing it was “I’d be waking up feeling guilty as hell but satisfied, you’re so beautiful (y/n)” Things happened and of course you felt guilty to but you just couldn’t resist. The next morning he was a total gentlemen, you took breakfast, gave him a goodbye kiss and you left, knowing you were never going to see him again. 

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