You Find The Ring

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Harry: “(Y/N), have you seen my wallet?” You sighed, lifting yourself from the couch to help your boyfriend find yet another lost item. “Where have you looked?” You called out. “I don’t know… everywhere!” Rolling your eyes, you made your way to his nightstand, pulling open his drawer, 99% certain his wallet would be in there. Shifting through the many, many things he’d shoved in his drawer, you came across a small ring box. With widened eyes, you slowly opened the box, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring. “Have you found it?” He asked, his voice getting closer. You threw the ring box back in the drawer, pulling the wallet out and slamming it shut quickly. “Uh- yeah.” He stepped in the room, and raised an eyebrow. “Where was it?” “Right on top of your nightstand. Hidden in plain sight I guess…” You shrugged, as he quickly glanced over at his drawer before taking the wallet from you. “Okay. Thanks love!” 

Zayn: You were searching hopelessly through the piles of clothing a random stacks of just about everything you owned that covered your room, trying to find your bracelet. You tossed aside one of Zayn’s packs of cigarettes with a sigh, resorting to checking the pockets of the jacket he’d worn on your date the other night, a small velvet box tumbled out of one pocket. Your curiosity getting the best of you, and you slowly flipped it open, your jaw dropping at the sight. Zayn was going to propose. Now you only needed to know when

Louis: Once again, Louis had forgotten to empty his pockets before throwing his pants in the laundry bin. One by one, you took everything out. God, how the hell to boys’ pockets fit so much? Your fingers brushed against velvet, and you raised an eyebrow, as you pulled out a ring box. You didn’t know what to do. Whether to cry, whether to open it, whether to toss it aside and forget about it. “(Y/N), have you seen my red pants?” You quickly slipped the ring back in his pocket and shoved the pants under a pile of clothes. “Um, you can look in this pile…” You suggested innocently. 

Liam: Liam gave you a quick kiss once he’d gotten home, and he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. Usually, this meant he was hiding something. “Everything okay, Li?” You asked through a giggle. “Yeah. I was just thinking we should do something tonight. We never really go on ‘dates’ anymore. Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?” He asked expectantly. “Sure! Where do you wanna go?” “I was thinking somewhere fancy…”

3 hours later, you were finally ready. “Wait, can you get my jacket for me upstairs? It’s right on the bed.” He asked. “Yeah, one sec.”  The minute you picked up the jacket, a Tiffany blue box fell to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, and of course, it just happened to open. You gasped at the diamond ring inside. “(Y/N)? Did you get it?” He called from downstairs. “Yeah! I’m just- uh- fixing my heels!” So that’s what he was hiding.

Niall: Signing off for the minuscule package, you stepped inside, confusion and curiosity consuming you. The package had TIFFANY & CO. printed across the top left corner, and was addressed to Niall. Why your boyfriend had ordered something from Tiffany’s was beyond you. You anniversary wasn’t for months, and neither was your birthday. When you walked towards the kitchen, where Niall had been on the phone, the mystery was solved. “Yeah man, it should be here today… No, I’m gonna propo- I mean, I’m gonna do it Friday night.” You ran back towards the front door, composing yourself in an attempt to act natural. “Ni! There’s a package for you, it’s from-” He came running into the living room, taking the package from you. “Thanks, babe!” Giving you a kiss on the cheek, and running off.   

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