Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

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Harry: "Settle down with me Cover me up Cuddle me in..."

"Marry me...take care of me...make me feel loved, feel wanted..." you breathe, moving closer to his rested body under the sheets. "I'd do anything for you Y/ matter what the circumstances...anything" he mumbled, eyes closed but still conscious, throwing his arm around your waist, your nose buried in his neck.

Liam: "And your heart is against my chest Your lips pressed to my neck.."

"Don't leave me, please...I need you" he mumbled against your ear, your bodies wrapped up in each others, his arms snaked around your waist, your head firmly against his shoulder. "Never" you breathe, and a kiss is softly placed in your hair and a smile grows on his lips.

Niall: "Kiss me like you wanna be loved, You wanna be loved, You wanna be loved..."

"Do you want this? Do you want what I want? Because I want you...its always been you Y/N, always" he murmurs, a look of curiosity and promise in his soft blue eyes, locked on yours. "Yes, I want this! I want you Niall, I want you..." "Then kiss me" he whispers, your lips soon meeting up to his, furiously entangled, never stopping for air.
Zayn: "I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now..."

"You don't know me, not really. You don't know what I'm capable of...and what I'm not" he sighs, knowing that he can't love you like you want him to, he's not capable of it. "Yes I do...I love you, you love me...that's all that matters here Zayn" "I just...I don't want to be a disappointment" "You're not" you assure him, pulling his chin down, looking into his deep brown orbs.
Louis: "I've been feeling everything From hate to love From love to lust
From lust to truth.."

"I don't know what this is anymore, this feeling I have. I don't know if its love or if its lust... All I know if that I want to be with you, everyday, for the rest of my life" he utters, pulling you closer to him in one swift movement, hands rested on your lower back. "Then why don't you?" you whisper, causing a small grin to creep onto his lips, placing a kiss on your forehead.

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