BSM: You're Secretly Dating a Member of 5SOS

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Liam: Me and all the boys decided to go see a movie, since it was raining out. We voted on what to see. All the boys wanted to see The Conjuring, so that’s what we saw. During the movie I sat next to Calum and Zayn. Calum and I have been dating for 5 weeks, but no one knows about us. Something jumped up on screen and I quickly hid my face in Calum neck. I guess my minor mistake didn’t go unnoticed….. “(Y/n), can I talk to you for a minute?” Zayn asked. Knowing what this was about I said yes. “Are you and Calum dating?” “What? Why would you ask that?” I defended. “Because ever since I’ve met you, when it came to scary movies you hid on me.” He reasoned. “Ok, yes… But please don’t tell Liam!! He would make us break up!” “Ok, I won’t.” “Thank you!!” I hugged him and we went back inside. He kept the secret until 2 weeks later when he was drunk and told Liam.

Louis: Michael, Harry, Louis, and I were at the hotel pool. We were playing Marco Polo. Lou was it and Harry was messing with him baddd. Michael took this as an opportunity to kiss me. “Ummm, what are you guys doing?” Harry asked. Louis then opened his eyes. “(Y/n)! Michael!” “Yes?” I asked. “Why were you two kissing? Are you dating?” Louis asked surprisingly. “Kinda..” Michael mumbled. “Awe that’s so cute! Just don’t break her heart and we won’t have a problem.” Louis said. The 3 of us stared at him in shock for a good 10 min. Then we just let it go and went back to playing.

Zayn: All the boys, except Zayn, knew about me and Luke. They promised to keep the secret…… Until truth or dare one night. “Ok, Luke! Truth or dare?” Zayn jumped. “Truth” Luke quickly replied. “Do you like anyone?” Everyone was silent, no one said anything, we just looked at each other. “What? Does everyone know something I don’t?” Zayn questioned. “Um, Luke and (y/n) are dating!” Louis screamed. “LOUIS!!” Everyone screeched at him.. except Zayn. “What? How long..” “3 months” Luke and I said in unison. “Promise not to hurt her, take care of her, treat her right?” Zayn said. “Promise completely 100%” “Good. Now moving on. Luke it’s your turn, go.” Zayn happily pushed.

Niall: 5SOS just got off stage. While walking off, Ashton winked at me. That’s our signal to meet up in the lounge on the tour bus to hang out while One Direction were performing. I smiled back at him, wish the boys good luck and took off. As soon as I walked in Ashton tackled me. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” I kissed him. We went over to the couch and put in a movie. Half way during it we fell asleep. We were woken up to the boys coming in. “Shit.”, we both muttered. I tumbled to the one side of the couch while Ashton went to the other. “Hey guys, what’s u- (y/n) why is your hair messed?” Niall said. My eyes went wide and Ashton came over to me. “Niall, me and (y/n) have to tell you something.”

Harry: Me and Luke have been dating for 3 months. We’ve kept it a secret because we knew Harry would kill Luke. Right now we were in his bunk doing…..stuff. “Hey (y/n), Luke where are you?” Liam yelled out. Of course we didn’t hear him until the curtain opened. “Whoah!!” Liam jumped. Just then the rest of the boys joined in and saw. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!” Harry screamed. “Uh…we were just…uh….han-hanging out.” I stuttered out. “(Y/n), MY BUNK NOW!!” I walked out looking back at Luke, who seemed scared for his life.

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