He Catches You Doing Something Childish

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Harry: Harry had been adamant about getting home from the studio as quickly as possible. He knew this last final was the one that had been stressing you out beyond relief and he wanted to be there when you got home. But, you would have returned home hours ago and Harry was still stuck at the studio. He left around 9:00, aggravated but relived he had all his parts for the new album down. When he opened the door to the apartment you both shared, his eyes scanned the living room for any sign of you. “What… are you doing here?” you demand and Harry can’t help but burst out laughing at the sight of you dressed in your Belle costume from last Halloween complete with a crown. “What are you doing here?” he questions, gesturing to your attire as you cross your arms. “You do not get to judge me” you snap, storming off passed him back into the living room and his chuckles can be heard from the hallway.

Liam: Liam knows you’ve been ill, not up to par with how you usually feel and he hates that he’s worlds away. Not literally, worlds away but not close enough to do anything to help you get over the flu. He decides, on a whim, to fly home for his few days off to nurse you back to health. When he walks into the apartment he shares with you, everything is as he left it and that gives him cause to worry. He wonders upstairs, nearly dropping his things in the doorway when he spots you amongst Disney princess sheets he didn’t know you owned. You’re curled up in the bed, dressed in Disney pajamas with SpongeBob playing on the flat screen.  “What are you, twelve?” Liam teases, crawling into the bright Disney sheets and you glare at him. “Look who’s talking, what kind of boxers are you wearing?” you question through a stuffed nose and his laughter stops.

Niall: All Niall wanted to do was take a shower after working out with Liam. Which, in and of its self, was a bad idea without the added part that Niall doesn’t work out and working out with Liam was the worst. He slugs into the house, dropping his gym bag by the laundry room to wonder into the kitchen for water and food. He leans against the kitchen counter, not looking forward to talking the stairs to your bathroom when his legs feel like jelly. He eventually makes his way up the stairs, pulling his clothes off as he makes his way into your bedroom. He stops, completely naked, in the doorway of the bathroom to find you in the bathtub… surrounded by bath toys. “Where’d you get all that?” he questions, watching as you look up at him and he chuckles when he sees the bubbles you’d piled on top of your hair. “At the store” you tell him, lifting the Little Mermaid Barbie out of the water. “Wanna play?” you ask and he laughs out loud at the childish sound of your voice before he’s jumping into the tub to play.

Louis: You strut in front of the full length mirror, making sure to pose every few seconds. You pucker your lips as you make sure the outfit you were wearing was going to work for your night out with Lou. “OHH!!!” You shout in excitement as you run over to the iHome to turn up Bootylicious by Destiny’s Child. “Yeah!!” You say as you groove to the music, booty popping back to the mirror. You get really close to your reflection as you belt out the lyrics still knowing every word. “I don’t think he’s ready for this jelly,” you say to yourself after the song comes to an end, shooting yourself a wink and a smile in the mirror. “What was that?” You hear behind you. You turn around to see Louis leaning up against the doorway. “Did you just say you didn’t think I was ready for the…jelly?” He asks, repeating what you had said a bit confused. “Leave me alone,” you scold, walking into the bathroom to finish getting ready causing Louis to let out a slight chuckle.

Zayn: “Uhhhh……” You hear behind you. You turn around to see Zayn standing behind the couch looking on to what you had going on in the middle of the living room floor. He had left rather early this morning, leaving you alone in the house for the entire day. This meant that you were significantly bored which in turn meant that you were going to find yourself something to do. You had done that, and by Zayn’s reaction, he didn’t exactly understand why. You look at him with innocence and return to your project. “What are you doing?” He asks, walking around the couch to sit beside you. “Making a paper chain,” you answer, still concentrating on cutting more strips of paper. “Are you going to use all of the printer paper?” He questions, looking around at all of the paper you had used already. You shrug your shoudlers, and stack all of the strips in order. He looks around at the chain you already had started, wondering why you were still continuing to add on to it “Babe, this thing is already like twenty feet,” he tells you as he strings out a section. “I know,” you say as you begin to tape the newly cut strips. He shakes his head and gets up from the floor leaving you to your craft. 

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