The Harry Potter Couple You Guys Are Like

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Liam: Molly and Arthur Weasley-
As soon as the two of you meet you knew it was meant to be. After dating for not very long, you get married and nine months later have your first child. Throughout the years, the love you both hold for each other never wavers and you grow a big family full of children and their friends and you care for every single one of them.

Harry: Lily Potter and Severus Snape- He loved you and you loved him. But when he told you he loved you, it aw already too late because you were engaged to another man that you were deeply in love with. You figured that Harry would stop loving you because he's Harry Styles and he's got women throwing themselves at him left and right. A little over a year after you give birth to your son, you and your husband get in a car crash. He is instantly killed upon impact an you go into a coma. Over the next seventeen years, Harry stays in the background but he often visits you and he watches out for your son. The day you wake up from your coma is the same day that Harry commits suicide from the pain of losing you. You are conscious just long enough to hear what the last words in his note were: "I will always love her. After all this time. Always." And then your mind shuts down completely and you go to join him.

Niall: Ron and Hermione-
When you first started hanging out with One Direction, Niall didn't particularly like you. But one day a few weeks later, him and Harry save you from a creepy guy. You become better friends with the two of them until they're your best friends. It seems like everyday you argue with Niall over ridiculous things and normally you forgive him quickly. And you're starting to develop a little bit of a crush on him. When you've known them for four months, they invite you along to an award show. Instead of asking you like you had kind of wanted him to, Niall asks another girl to be his date. Zayn asks you to go with him when he sees how sad you are about it. Two months later Niall starts sort of dating a girl that both of you have known for a while. By then it's more than a crush that you've got on the Irish boy so you're extremely jealous. When he and the girl break up you hear him mumbling your name in his sleep. That's when you figure that maybe he likes you too. On New Years Eve, it's only you and Niall, sitting there next to each other at the strike of midnight. As tradition goes, you kiss and then he gets the courage to tell you that he loves you. You tell him you love him too and by that same time the next year the two of you are married. Your two children are a lot like him: they love food and sleep.

Louis: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley-
you'd been in love with him for years, just like Ginny had. As soon as you met him and you became friends with all of them, you knew that you were in for a wild ride. It definitely was wild with as crazy as those boys are and then when he finally kissed you that day when they won an award for best band in the world or something like that, you fell even deeper in love. The next few mo this were pure bliss but then he broke up with you because the fans were being awful and pressuring him to break up with you, so he snapped an did it; he didn't want you to keep getting hurt. Almost a year later he sees you again interviewing people on the red carpet of a majorly televised event and he can't contain himself. He walks over to you, planting a passionate kiss on your lips in front of all those people an cameras. Immediately after that kiss he gets down on one knee and proposes, telling you that he's missed you so much. Who are you to say no to Louis? You say yes and end up with the last name Tomlinson and three lovely, wild children.

Zayn: Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass-
he used to be in a relationship with that Perrie girl until he met you. You were a few years younger than him and you only knew him because your older sister was friends with him. Zayn met you at a party when Perrie wasn't there. It was love at first sight and he promised to see you again. One week later he broke up with Perrie for good and came back to you. You loved to trace your fingers over his tattoos and he loved to run his fingers through your hair. The wedding is a huge, elegant event that all the world wishes they were invited to. Your son is the spitting image of Zayn except he has your eyes and he's got your personality.

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