You Play Hard To Get

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Harry: “Oh, aren’t I a little young for your taste?” you question Harry Styles, tipping your beer back against your lips and Andy Samuels burst into laughter. “Baby, you could never be too anything for me” Harry promises, eyeing you in your bodycon dress and you roll your eyes. “How cute. Why don’t you go play with your new fond toy and leave me to the big boys, like your friend here” you tease, eyeing the overtly sexy Andy and he winks at you. Harry tightens his jaw, leaning forward until you’re pressed back against the bar behind you and your breath catches in your throat. “You don’t know just how badly I’d destroy you and Andy over there… he couldn’t spell half the things I’d do” he promises against your ear, stepping back as your knees weaken. “Well, I’m sure your grandma of a ex could attest to that but then again… her feeble bones probably couldn’t even handle the missionary position so I think I’ll pass” you sneer, swallowing the lump in your throat while pressing your thighs together because let’s be honest… his words had the desire effect. “I think you’ll go for it, by the end of the night you’ll be just where I wanted you… on you back beneath me as I fuck you stupid” Harry promises cockily, downing the rest of his whiskey before disappearing and you’re finally able to breathe because even you know, despite your best efforts, in his bed is exactly where you’ll be.

Liam: “No thanks” you say again to an overly persistent Liam Payne. He shrugs his shoulders, tossing another piece of caramel corn in his mouth while watching the tennis match in front of him. “What are you doing after this? We could go out” he asks boldly and you raise an eyebrow at him. “I have a boyfriend” you tell him which isn’t a lie. Your boyfriend’s just away at the moment and by away, you mean probably banging some other girl while you’re watching the tennis match of the Olympics. “It could be a friendly outing” Liam offers and you turn your head to him. “Really? I didn’t know boys with one kidney could have friendly outings with girls they’ve been hitting on all day” you tease and he blushes. “It’d be a first” he says, turning his attention back to the match as you stand to move over away from him but he just follows you. “Persistent aren’t you? Even after I told you I have a boyfriend” you tell him, stepping over a man to sit to his left between him and someone else. “Just say yes and you won’t have a boyfriend to worry about anymore, not until me at least,” Liam says, leaning forward over the man who just raises an eyebrow at you. “No” you tut, crossing your arms and Liam sighs while leaning back in his seat to leave you alone, which while it’s refreshing is still the last thing you want.

Niall: “Have you been drinking? You should let me drive” Niall Horan offers, sliding into the seat beside you as you search for your keys. “Drinking what? Coffee, then yes and no” you tell him, plucking your keys from his hands and walk towards the door but he follows. “I could show the world, if only you let me” he tells you and you chuckle. “Disney, smooth. What are you, a prince or something?” you tease, stepping out into the cool air of London and he shrugs his shoulder as he falls into step beside you. ‘Why don’t you let me show you” he asks and you scoff, rolling your eyes you stop at the corner and he slides in front of you. “You know you want to say yes” he teases, stepping backwards into the street and you gasp. “Are you going to give me a ride on your magic carpet? You know what, don’t answer that” you tell him at the sight of his cheeky grin, stepping around him while rushing towards your car. “One date” he pleads, placing himself between you and the car door and you roll your eyes. “I don’t know you so no” you tell him and he chuckles. “Everyone knows me… say yes” he says, stepping backwards slowly as you watch him. “Are you crazy! What are you doing?” You cry, tugging him out of traffic and he chuckles. “Is that a yes?” he questions as you slide into your car and speed away. 

Louis: You weren’t impressed with him in the least, and the fact that he was famous honestly got on your nerves. He was trying his hardest though to get your number and you were just stringing him along. You had thought about giving it to him at the beginning of the conversation but thought otherwise once you realized how fun it was playing with him.  He’s looking at you now as you sense he’s giving up on himself. “You going to buy me another drink?” You ask hoping to boost his confidence again. He smiles and grabs the bartender’s attention. “You going to give me your number now?” He asks again. You take a pen from your pocket, and write down the first digit of your number on his hand. You shoot him a smile as he looks down at his hand and sighs, knowing he’s got a lot of work to do.

Zayn: “Nope,” you say to him for what seemed to be the five hundredth time. You’d been on the phone with him for an hour as he tried to convince you to go out with him. There was nothing more you hated than the attention everyone gave him and his band mates and you wanted no part of it. You liked him yes, you just didn’t want to be associated with the drama. “I promise (y/n), it isn’t going to be like you think,” he says trying to reassure you that going out with him isn’t as bad as you think it is. “No Zayn,” you say with a smile, knowing he is going to continue to do his best to convince you and that eventually you were going to give in. 

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