You're Afraid of The Dark

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Niall: "What are you waiting for? Let's go," Niall pouts, sleepily wrapping his arm around your waist. The two of you had fallen asleep on the couch and had now decided to head back up to bed to get proper sleep. You eye the stairs and the darkness waiting at the top and really wish you'd gotten a light installed here. "What, are you scared?" he asks, a teasing smile on his lips as he wraps his arms around your waist and perches his chin on your shoulder. "Maybe a little," you admit with a small smile, your eyes tracing the darkness. He laughs a little and suddenly slings you over his shoulder, his arms tightly around your waist as he starts carrying you up the stairs. "Niall! Put me down! Stop!" you protest, laughing and slapping his back. "Nope, gotta protect ya from the dark," he teases, setting you down at the top and kissing your cheek. "Let's go to bed now, yeah?" 

Louis: "Make me breakfast," you groan, sleepily making your way to the kitchen table and watching as Louis idly stirs a mug of tea. "You're a very demanding morning person," he teases, leaning over and kissing your cheek. "What do you want?" You laugh despite yourself and really regret that extra drink you had last night. A little too much party for you. "Can you make me bacon and eggs and toast with raspberry jam?" you tease, getting up and placing some bread in the toaster. "Hmm...that does sound good, all right. I'll start the eggs, but the jam is downstairs in the pantry. Can you get it?" he muses, grabbing a frying pan from the cabinet and setting it on the stovetop. You wince. The pantry was dark and frankly a bit scary. He notices this and an amused smile falls over his lips. "You're trying to tell me you're still scared of the pantry? Because it's dark?" You shrug and eye the door to the pantry warily, waiting for him to offer to go instead like he always does. This time he doesn't. "It's hardly dark in there, babe. Come on, I'll go with you. You need to conquer your fear of the...pantry," he chuckles, wrapping his arm around your waist and leading you into the small and dark space. 

Liam: "Come on, we're almost there!" Liam calls out, motioning for you to follow him towards the car. You take a slow, careful step forward in your heels and really wish he'd parked a little closer to Niall's place. You two had gone over and hung out but it was getting late and it was really dark. Liam had parked far so he wouldn't draw attention to Niall's secluded little flat in London--and it worked...but it was really dark by the woods with the scarce streetlights and you were seriously freaked out. "What if there's bears?" you call back, eying the trees with suspicion. "Babe, there's no bears in London," he sighs, slightly amused. He jogs back over to where you're huddled in your coat and eyeing the darkness with fear. "Do you really think I'd let anything happen to you?" he asks, giving your hand a squeeze. "No," you reply honestly, slowly walking with him towards the direction of the car. "Good. Next time I promise to park closer, all right?" 

Zayn: "Why did the power just go out?" you scream, stepping out of the shower and fumbling for your towel in the dark. "Power outages because the rain," Zayn calls from the other side of the door, seemingly un-amused. You quickly start to panic when you realize you're in the perfect horror movie scene--dark, alone, bathroom. "Zayn! It's pitch black in here, I'm freaking out," you call, trying to find the door knob. "Hey, calm down. It's just the dark," he replies, his voice getting closer. You hear him lightly tap on the door and you nearly have a heart attack. "You scared me, God," you sigh, fiddling with the lock and unlocking the door. Your eyes adjust to the dimness from the moon shining from outside as you wrap him in a hug--you were absolutely afraid of the dark. "Aw, you're all wet," he sighs, although he's got a small smile. He thinks your fear is pretty adorable and he loves acting kind of like a superhero when you're afraid. "Here, I think we have some candles or flashlights or something in the kitchen, hold my hand," he says softly, grabbing your hand and squinting in the dark as you make your way down the hall. 

Harry: "Why is it so dark?" you sniff, cuddling closer against Harry's side. "Because there was a power surge and someone's gone to go flip the breaker," Harry says softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders tight. You'd been with him and the boys at the studio when the power had gone out. Knowing your fear of the dark, Harry'd been at your side in moments (after accidentally bumping into a few workers and tapping Zayn's ass in the darkness). "Aw, you're scared of the dark?" Louis coos from across the room, a hint of brotherly teasing in his voice. "Boo!" Niall calls out from somewhere nearby, causing you to nearly have a heart attack and kick the air. Your foot collides with something and you hear a soft thud. "Aw, cut it out," Harry growls, just as the lights flicker on. "Guess I deserved that," Niall moans, rubbing his head where you'd kicked him. "You totally did," you stick out your tongue and join the boys in laughter as Niall shows off the small stiletto print on his temple. 

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