Chapter 1 " I'm afraid "

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[ seems like people wanted it up tonight, so I'm posting the first chapter tonight! I really hope you guys read and stay with my until the end of the story! If you haven't read " love game " yet please do. ALSO thank you to all of those who kept up with me you guys make me feel famous! Also don't be afraid to message me. Talk to me be my friend! LOLOL anyways let's start the chapter! ]
JUST A LITTLE HEADS up there's going to be a little touchy touchy with Jimin in here lol... I've decided to post chapter 1 to pump you guys up

You pranced around the room walking back and fourth waiting for your pregnancy test. You really wanted to be pregnant. It's been 3years since you and Jimin have been married. You and Jimin have done it a million times not that you were counting. But it seems like every time you two get intimate you never seem to get pregnant. You were waiting for about 5min which felt like years. You heard the beep meaning it was time. You quickly grabbed it closing your eyes. You opened one eyes looking at it. It didn't show double line which meant you weren't pregnant. You sat down on the toilet seat feeling upset again. You Heard a light knock on the door
" hey, babe you okay in there "
" uhh yeah "
" open up "
You threw the used pregnancy test away, washing your hands. You opened the door seeing your husband.
" what's wrong "
" nothing "
You were going to walk away but he grabbed your arm lightly making you look at him.
" y/n, I know your lying remember when we got married we promised not to keep secrets from each other "
" fine, I was testing out to see if I was pregnant again and I'm not "
He pulled you in for a tight hug, feeling comforted.
" it's okay, like I said we can always try again "
" but Jimin we've done it like a million times and still I'm not pregnant "
" it's okay y/n "
" not it's not, I'm getting old and I really want us to have a child soon "
" seriously, y/n you are only twenty-four "
" yeah and that's old "
" well, we can try again and plus that just means more se-"
" don't you dare "
He chuckled while hugging you tightly again.
" I love you y/n "
" I love you too "
" come on I made breakfast "
" you did, well what a great husband you are becoming "
You chuckled at him making him look at you.
" I do this all the time "
You went into the kitchen seeing your plate of breakfast. You sat there eating your breakfast when Jimin was already rushing.
" I'm sorry, I got to get to work "
" okay, I'll see you later "
Your husband kissed you on the lips before leaving for work.
I feel really bad for y/n because I know how much she wanted a child. I really wish I could make her happy somehow. I don't want her thinking just because she can't get pregnant now that she won't have a child later in the future. but we are trying really hard. I was fixing my tie when I got a call. I pressed the button on the Bluetooth answering the call.
" hello "
" hello is this Mr. Park "
" yes this is "
" hi, we notice something about your marriage contract and would like for you to come in and discuss it with us "
" oh, of course "
" can you come in tomorrow "
" yes of course "
" thank you "
I hung up the call and that actually made me worried. Y/n doesn't know this but I've kept a secret from y/n for a while. I never told her because I'm afraid if I tell her she wouldn't want to marry me. I suddenly got a text, I picked up my phone to look at it.
From: mom
" Jimin I heard you got married what about Kate "
I looked at it before deleting the text message. I ignored the rest of the messages. I came into work going to my office. I'm not saying I'm singing anymore with my group but I needed a break. Since I married y/n I wanted to give her all my attention. I've started working in a company where my friend jinyoung got me the job. He's head office and I've been working with him for a while so I got the job as 2nd head office. I came into my office and started working. I heard a light knock on my door
" hey "
" hey jinyoung, what's up "
" nothing I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out with us and the guys tonight "
" oh, I don't know I have to ask my wife first "
" ohh come on it's just us guys "
" yeah but, you know I gotta ask first "
" well, how's you and that wife of yours "
" fine "
" have you guys you know "
" seriously "
He chuckled laughing at me
" I'm just kidding, well if you decide to go just give me a call "
" yeah "
He left leaving me to my work, I suddenly got another text from my mother.
From: mom
" I know you see this message, and me please "
I ignored it again and deleted the messages.
Your POV
You stayed home to do your daily work in the house. You sat down placing your hand on our stomach. You really wanted to be pregnant. You felt like if you didn't give Jimin a baby soon he'll leave you. You shook your head from over thinking things. You started doing laundry and cleaning the house. You later got a text from jimin
From: 💕 Jimin
" tonight will be another special night , so look hot for me tonight "
" shut up "
" lol "
You actually was looking forward to tonight. You made sure you cleaned the whole house. Later that night you decided to make dinner for you and him. You were chopping vegetables when you heard the door open.
" y/n where are you "
" In the kitchen "
He walked to the kitchen giving you his chinky smile. He wrapped his arm around your waists.
" what are you making "
" our dinner "
" but what if i want something else for dinner "
You lightly bumped Jimin chest with your shoulders.
" hurry up and go change "
" fine "
He kissed your cheek then your neck but you turned around to stop him.
" no, just once I would like to make dinner without you distracting me into doing something else "
" fine "
He left to take a shower and changed. After he came out the dinner was all set for you and him. You two had dinner together eating and just talking about each other's day. After dinner you cleaned up and washed the dishes. You went into the room seeing Jimin looking through his phone waiting for you. You came and laid on the bed next to him. He put his phone down looking at you. He move a piece of strand away from your face.
" Jimin do you love me "
" of course, what kind of question is that "
" it's just that, I'm afraid "
" afraid of what "
" I'm afraid your going to leave me if I don't have your child "
" listen to me y/n, I will never leave you even if you don't have my children I love you so much that I had to go through so much in highschool just to get you to marry me "
You smiled at him while he held you close to him.
" yeah, because you were being so dumb in highschool "
" hey, we are past that "
He leaned in to kiss your lips then your neck. You closed your eyes feeling every touch of his. Even after 3years of marriage he still manage to make you feel this way for him. You loved his touch on you. He kissed down to your breast. Sneaking his hand up your shirt cupping your chest. He climbed on top of you pulling your shirt off.
" you still look so beautiful "
" I can say the same about you "
He smirked at you before continuing what he was doing. He pulled the covers to cover the both of you and that night went on like that. The next morning you woke up naked with the blanket up to your chest. You looked around looking for Jimin but he was already gone. You got up to take a shower getting dress. You saw a note on the table and looked at it.
" don't wait for me, I had an important meeting to attend and had to leave early "
You just left the note and went back to your daily routine.
I had to leave early in the morning to go talk to someone about my marriage license. I really didn't know what was going on but I also had a feeling about what it was. I really didn't want it to be about who I thought it was but it was also impossible to because she ended it already. I felt nervous about meeting and talking about it. I went to the little cafe that Anna said to meet her. She was the one who did my marriage contract for me and y/n. I saw her sitting down waiting for me.
" hey Jimin "
" hey Anna "
" so how's you and y/n doing "
" were doing fine "
" that's great "
" so Umm you said there was something wrong with my marriage contract "
" umm yes "
" is it bad "
" well I wouldn't say bad but I read through your marriage contracts and looked at your marriage license and something really came to me "
" what please tell me "
" well according to your marriage contract your still married to someone name Kate "
" what "

CLIFF HANGER! [ I kept the chapter short because I wanted to bring more stuff in the next coming chapters ]

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