Chapter 23 " this is it "

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[ MATURE CONTENT please please skip it if you aren't the appropriate age! LOLOL...CRYING because one more chapter left before this story ends! You guys have been great readers ]

[ STOPPPPPPPPP I know you are 13 reading smuts.... 😂😂

I already warned you lol

After getting to clean up a bit, you were able to rest. Jimin stayed by your side holding your hand. You were a bit worried because your little baby was born prematurely. Jimin leaned in and kissed the top of your forehead.

" everything will be okay, don't worry to much okay "
" I know I just want to see my little baby "
" you will, just wait for a bit "

After waiting for what felt like years the doctor came in making you shift yourself up.

" how is he "
" he's doing great but he maybe need to stay here for at least 2 days because of him being born so prematurely "
" but will he be okay "
" he will, you did great "
" may I see him "
" of course "

Jimin helped you off the bed, you tumbled a bit when you got off the bed. You were still a little weak from all that work earlier. Jimin held your hand while you went to the little room where they put your little jinsu. The minute you walked in seeing him, you burst into tears. It hurts you seeing all  these wires attached to him. You held onto his little hands.

" your mommy is here to see you, please grow quickly so you can come home quickly "

Jimin hands holding your other hand. This is the happiest moment in your life, seeing the little person who you carried for 8months inside of you. After about 15min of visiting your little jinsu, you had to go back. You went back to your room laying down again.

" you did great "
" thanks, but it still hurts me that jinsu can't go home with me tomorrow "
" I know, but I promise you he will be in good condition soon and we'll be able to take him home "
" I know "
" you know you really scared me "
" what do you mean "
" I was so nervous, when I saw everything I thought I was going to faint "
" well luckily you survived everything "
" well that just means time for another one "

You lightly punched Jimin on the arm making him chuckle. He sat next to you smiling at you.

" I love you "
" I love you to "

He cupped your cheeks and started kissing you. But the kiss was starting to get heated. He pulled you closer to him. You heard a knock on the door making you two quickly separate.

" Y/n "
" yes that's me "
" okay, so you are good to go you can leave tomorrow but as for your baby he'll be here for another day but don't worry he will be fine and you will be able to take him home "
" thanks doctor lee "
" no problem, anyways just rest up and you will be good to go "

You made sure the doctor left completely before you lightly punched Jimin on the chest.

" you need to learn how to keep your hands to yourself "
" what do you mean "
" we almost got caught "
" for what ? making out "
" YES, do you know how embarrassing that would've been "
" hey, you didn't stop me sooo "

You gave him an annoyed face rolling your eyes at him. He smiled and hugged you. Through the whole night you have never slept so well. Doing all that work really made you tired. The next morning you woke up packing your things, Jimin holding the bag.

" Love Game 2 " sequel [ COMPLETE ]Where stories live. Discover now