Chapter 4 " I want you back "

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" Kate "
I quickly pulled her off of me looking at y/n who looked confused.
" i missed you "
" uhhh, I'll see you at home okay "
" okay "
I watched y/n leave before I glared at Kate. I walked away while she followed me to my office.
" I'm back, and guess what I'm your new partner "
" WHAT "
" yes, but more importantly let's talk "
" there's nothing to talk about "
" yes, I want to talk about us "
" there is no us "
" JIMIN please "
" fine, talk "
" look I'm really sorry for leaving you "
" is that all "
" no, and i want you to know that I really loved you "
" well there no use of that anymore you left me and now I'm happily married to my beautiful wife right now "
" what, your married "
" yes I am "
I saw that she really wanted to burst into tears.
" but you are still married to me legally "
" yeah well I will be taking care of that soon "
I got up and was about to leave but she pulled me back hugging the back of me. I could hear her sobs while she backed hugged me
" I'm really sorry okay, it's just we were so young and I was afraid so that's why I left "
I lightly pulled her arm away from me looking at her.
" well, things wouldn't have been like this if you would've have told me before you left but either way I don't regret anything that happened in my life after I married someone I truly loved "
I turned around and left my office leaving her behind.
I really made a mistake when I left Jimin. I walked around his office looking at his desk. Seeing the photo of his wife and him kissing really makes my heart hurt. I came back because I was now better and more importantly I came back to get Jimin back. I took out my phone calling Jimin's mother.
" hello Kate "
" hey "
I decided to go and visit Jimin's mother I haven't seen her in awhile. I rang the door bell waiting for her to answer the door.
" KATE "
She hugged me and I hugged her as well.
" come in "
I came in and sat down in the living room.
" so have you visited Jimin yet "
" yes I have and I don't think he wanted to see me "
" don't be silly of course he does "
" no, he seems much happier now with his new wife "
" look, his new wife I don't like her at all "
" why is that "
" I feel she's using Jimin for money only "
" is she "
" yes, and now that your here Jimin will definitely leave her for you "
" I don't know about that Ms.park "
" don't worry leave it all to me "
" but I don't really want to do any harm, all I want is for Jimin to realize I still love him "
" of course "
Your POV
You came back home still confused on who that girl was that suddenly just hugged your husband. You really didn't want that question bothering you all day but you just were thinking really hard to remember where you heard that name before. The name Kate sounded familiar like someone told you about her. You couldn't really remember who it was. You heard the door opening getting up to go greet your lovely husband.
" hey, your back "
He smiled at you while kicking his shoe off and loosing his tie around his neck. He walked towards you giving you a peck on the lips.
" I missed you "
" me to "
You both walked over to the couch sitting down.
" so I don't mean to be all noise but who was that girl that hugged you earlier "
" ohh uhh, just an old friend of mine "
" are sure, didn't seem like it "
" well she is, don't worry about it "
" why are you lying to me "
" I'm not, she's really just an old friend "
You really didn't want to put a lot of stress on him with asking but you needed to know. You weren't really convinced that she was an old friend of his.
" Jimin, is there something you need to tell me please just tell me the truth "
" I am, what more do you want me to say "
" the truth "
" I AM, why are you being so noise right now I just got off work and I'm really tired so please stop with all these stupid questions "
You were taken back a bit because Jimin has never acted like this to you before.
" ohh sorry for asking "
You quietly got up to leave him alone. You came in the bedroom feeling really down after that. You laid on your side of the bed when you heard the door crept opened. You already knew it was jimin but didn't look.
" I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to yell at you "
You didn't care to even look or answer him. Instead you had your back facing him. You felt his arm wrap around your waist placing his cheeks next to you.
" I didn't mean to, I guess I was just under a lot of stress and I lashed out a bit "
You still didn't answer him but you weren't that mad anymore.
" please answer me "
You then finally gave in and looked at him. You turned around to face him while he hovered over you.
" it's okay, I guess it was my fault too for suddenly asking "
" it's okay "
He leaned down to kiss you while you ran you fingers through his hair. A soft kissed turned into a hot kiss. He bit your lip asking for entrance. You gladly allowed him to. He kissed down your neck kissing your sweet spot near your ear. You started to arch your back a bit giving him access. You opened you leg letting his rest in between your legs feeling himself harden. He started moving his hips creating friction between you two. You couldn't help but moan out a bit. Even if it's dark you could feel him smirking. The only light in the room is the moonlight shinning through the window.
" I love you y/n "
" I love you too "
He snaked his hand under your shirt touching your breast. You could feel yourself getting wet each time he touches you. He pulled your shirt off unclasping your bra alone with your shorts. You loved every touch of his, it would send tingles in your body.
" Jimin stop teasing me "
" what's the magic word "
" please, I need you now Jimin "
He then pulled his pants off as well throwing them somewhere else. He kissed down to your thighs.
" Jimin I need you please "
He kissed back up to your lips leaving love marks on your neck. You could feel your lips swelling up from all the kissing.
" ride me "
He flipped you two so now that you were on top of him. You slowly positioned yourself on top of him before sinking down completely. You started moving your hips slowly while moaning out a bit. You placed your hands on his chest while still riding him. He interwind his fingers with yours supporting you.
" JIMIN I'm close "
He quickly flipped you over so now he was topping you. He started moving his hips faster.
" wait for me baby "
He started going faster making you hit your orgasm. He then quickly realised his hot seeds inside of you. He plopped down next to you while looking at you while still breathing heavily.
" your so beautiful y/n "
You smiled at your sweet husband.
" huh, maybe makeup sex is much hotter "
You rolled your eyes and turned around making your bare back face him. He pulled you closer to him wrapping his arm around you. He kissed your cheeks before falling into a deep slumber. The next morning you woke up Jimin already left for work. You came to take a shower and got dressed. You decided to call Jimin and ask him if he was at work already.
" hello y/n "
" did you go into work already "
" yes "
" okay well I'll drop by later on "
" alright "
You decided that you would go visit him again. You decided to bring him lunch again. You cooked him some good food and nicely placed them in the lunchbox. You heard a text notification from your phone.
From: DEAN ✌️️
" hey, y/n it's dean I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out for lunch later "
" hey, dean umm I'm sorry I have something to do for lunch but for sure I can tomorrow " 
" that's great, I'll see you tomorrow then "
" sounds like a plan "
You put your phone back in your purse before heading to see jimin. You walked in happily holding his lunch. You walked past someone and that person suddenly stopped you. She looked like the same girl who hugged Jimin yesterday.
" hey aren't you Jimin's wife "
" umm yes "
" I'm kate "
She stuck out her hand for you to shake and you gladly did.
" well be seeing each other often "
You just have her a smile before walking off to see Jimin.

[ UGHH a other CLIFF HANGER! I'll be back update again soon! Until then why don't you guess the next chapter ]

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