Chapter 15 " the truth hurts "

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[ before you read this everyone please clam your hearts! LOLOL please don't be mad.. 🤗🤗 anyways chapter 15 BEGINS 


You drove back home still getting a bunch of text from dean. You couldn't believe the only one friend you who thought would be a good one is actually not. After parking in front of the drive way you decided to look at the text message.

" y/n please answer me, I really don't know what your talking about "
" I did not set you up I swear, I didn't even know what was going on "
" I know you see this "
" pleas answer me "
" I don't want to lose a good friend over something like this "
" I'm sorry for whatever I did but please answer me "

You felt tears streaming down your face, you don't know if you could trust dean after this. But more importantly how could you get Jimin to believe you without him finding out. But the best way for this to be over is if you told him. But he didn't even want to listen to what you had to say.

" I'm sorry mommy, is putting you through a lot of stuff right "

You rubbed your growing belly wanting to cry even more. You finally got out of the car and went inside the house. It was quiet really quiet, you didn't think Jimin would be sleeping right now. You went inside the room seeing Jimin sleeping on the bed. You walked over to him and looked at his angelic face. He looks even more handsome when he's sleeping.

" I'm sorry Jimin, I wish I could tell you everything but I can't "

You got up to go change into something to sleep in. You climbed into bed with tears still in yours eyes. You couldn't wait for all of this to be over. Your eyelids feeling heavy, making you fall asleep. The next morning you woke up and Jimin was already gone to work again. You wished he would believe you when you said nothing was going on with you and dean. You were still afraid that he was still mad at you.

Jimin POV
I woke up early for work, because I had an important meeting to attend. I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I turned around to be facing y/n, I felt bad for doing this to her but I also felt so angry when I saw those pictures of them both. Just thinking about him holding my wife's hand makes me really angry. I don't like being mad at her but it just makes  me so mad. I finally got up to get ready for work. I really wanted to talk to dean about the whole situation. I called Kate asking her for dean's number

" hello Jimin "
" what's your brothers number "
" why "
" just tell me now "
" are you trying to call him "
" just give it to me now "
" but why "
" DAM IT kate just give it to me "
" fine "

She gave me his number and I gave him a call. I asked for him to come to my work place and talk this out with me. He actually agreed to come and talk to me about it. I waited about 20min before I heard a knock on my door.

" come in "
I saw dean coming in and stood up to look at him.

" you asked to see me "
" why, were you with y/n the other day "
" we were just hanging out "
" no I saw you holding her hands and hugging her "
" how did you see that "
" that's not important but what's important is you need to stay away from my wife "
" I don't know what's going on right now "
" don't play dumb with me "
" look whatever you saw or heard about me and y/n we were just hanging out and she was just comforting me "
" I know you're lying "
" I'm not, I would never hit on someone's wife y/n is a good friend to me and I would never ever do that to her and I know how much she loves you and she would never cheat on you either so I don't know who you believe, but i wouldn't believe whoever told you all these lies about us to "

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