Chapter 6 " the truth "

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[ I am so glad I got a couple of chapters done this weekend.. ANYWAYS CHAPTER 6 BEGINS


" I'm also Jimin's wife "
You gave her a confused look.
" what do you mean also his wife "
" me and Jimin were once married before but never got a divorce after I left "
" your lying "
" I'm not you can ask him yourself "
" stop I know your lying "
" I'm really not lying, but I would like to talk to you about something really important "
" no, please not today I don't want anymore bad news to ruin this important day "
You left her office still feeling shocked. Jimin lied and told you she was an old friend of his. You couldn't believe this. You were so into your thoughts you didn't even notice that you were already at his office door. You took a deep breathe before putting on a smile and walking into his office.
" hey your here "
" yeah, are you ready "
" yeah just let me turn my computer off "
" okay "
He turned off his computer and you two started walking to his car.
" what's wrong "
" nothing "
" are you sure "
" yes, I'm just really nervous that's all "
He placed his hand over yours giving you a smile.
" everything will be okay, having this baby will be great "
You smiled back at him but the news you just got earlier is still lingering in your thoughts. After about 15min of driving you guys reached the hospital. He interwind his fingers with yours kissing the back of your hand. You both walked inside telling the receptionist that you two had a schedule appointment.
" ahh yes Mr and Mrs. Park appointment at 3:30 "
" yup "
" okay, your in room 203 and Dr Lee will be in with you two shortly "
" thank you "
You and Jimin walked to the room sitting and waiting for the doctor. There was a knock on the door and came in the doctor.
" hello, y/n "
" hello dr Lee "
" so I see your here for a ultrasound "
" yes we are "
" I wonder how the husband is handling all this "
" he's great, he's been super supportive "
" That's sounds great, okay will you please lift up your shirt please "
You started lifting up your shirt half way while the doctor squeezed some cold gel on your stomach.
" just relax "
He then used the tool and started rubbing it around your belly. You looked at the screen seeing the heart beat of your precious little peanut growing inside of you. You smiled so hard and even started to tear up a bit. You looked at Jimin who was also very happy to see the baby's heart beat. He held onto your hand tightly sharing this moment together.
" your about 6weeks pregnant already, your actually doing very well "
After the ultrasound your doctor explain some rules to you guys.
" so of course don't do heavy lifting and make sure to eat healthy for the baby also doing exercise will be good for the baby too "
" alright, thank you doctor "
Your doctor handed you a picture of the little heart beat. You held it smiling at the picture. You and Jimin left the hospital and went home.
" I know exactly where I want the picture "
He took one of the picture of the baby's heart beat placing it next to the phot of you and him on your wedding day, near the area where it shows the cars speed and everything.
" now when I go to work, I can look at the two person who makes me happy everyday "
You couldn't help but blush and feel really happy. After about another 15min of driving you two came home. You quickly went inside and took out a baby scrape book. You placed the picture in the scrape book and started writing in it.
" first check up with mommy and daddy! Hearing the little heart beat for the first time "
Jimin came in and hugged you around the waists.
" so this what your doing "
" I'm creating memories "
You put the scrape book away still feeling happy. You then remembered what kate had told you earlier.
" Jimin I know you probably don't want to hear my ask but do you have some past history with kate "
" no of course not, why "
" well she talked to me this afternoon when I came to get you at work and she told me that you and her are still married "
You looked at Jimin who seem a bit nervous.
" please tell me Jimin "
" I'm sorry y/n "
" why did you lie to me "
" I didn't want to tell you because I thought after I took care of it you wouldn't have to know "
" well now I know, and I want the truth please "
" okay, me and Kate were married once because my parents were in debt and needed help but I did love kate to so that's I agreed to the marriage at such that young age, that was during our junior year of highschool and we both did love each other but she said she was going to go study aboard and she called me saying she didn't want to marry me anymore and I was heart broken and you remember julie "
" yeah "
" well during that time she comforted me a lot and that's how I fell in love with her but then I met you and things changed "
" but why didn't you tell me from the beginning "
" because I didn't know myself that we were still married until Anna told me and don't worry I'm working on getting the divorce papers "
You didn't even want to make any eye contact with Jimin at all. You felt his hand lift up your chin making you look at him. He pulled you closer to him.
" hey, look at me I'm sorry and I don't want you to ever think I don't love you because I do so much "
" but what about Kate "
" don't worry about that I'll take care of that but please don't think I don't love you anymore because I do and having this baby is going to be a great experience "
You wiped your tears feeling a lot better now.
" I love you y/n "
" I love you to jimin "
He leaned down to peck your lips making you feel even better.
I heard a text notification from my phone and went over to look at it.
From: MOM
" we need to talk, meet me at the cafe "
I looked at the text debating if I should go or not. But I ended up going because I also had to discuss with her about the divorce I'm going to do with kate.
" y/n I'll see you later "
" where you going "
" to meet with my mom "
" alright "
I kissed her lips once before leaving to the cafe. I walked inside seeing my mother sitting down waiting for me.
" what do you want to talk about "
" sit down first "
I sat down across from
" so how's everything with kate "
" I don't want anything to do with kate "
" why are you being like this Jimin, kate still loves you "
" no she don't, why else would she leave me then "
" because she had to "
" why "
" because she was sick and had to go get treated "
" what do you mean "
" she lied about going to study abroad because she was sick and she wanted to go get treated somewhere else because she didn't want to hurt you "
" well why didn't she just tell me I would've helped her "
" she didn't want to hurt you "
" is she all better now "
" she's okay now but still isn't fully recover that's why she needs you to help her "
" I can't do that, I'm already married "
" then divorce her "
" I can't because she pregnant with my child and I love her "
My mother looked at me while feeling angry and upset.
" how could you do this especially to kate "
" I never wanted to go back to kate, I found the person I love and I won't let her go just like that "
" you are not the son I raised "
" when have you ever raised me "
" don't you ever say that to me "
" I want kate to sign the divorce papers, I'll talk to Kate about it "
I got up and left because I really didn't want to talk about this anymore. I decided to call kate and talk to her.
" we have to talk right now "
I told kate to meet me by the little park near her house. I drove to her house and waited by the park. She jogged towards me and started hugging me.
" I knew you would never leave me "
I lightly pulled her away and looked at her.
" did you talk to y/n this afternoon "
She looked at me but didn't want to answer me question.
" did you "
" yes "
" why did you tell her "
" I'm sorry okay I just really want you back that's all "
" also, why didn't you tell me "
" tell you what "
" that you were sick "
She looked at me but broke eye contact with me.
" answer me "
" how did you even know about that "
" my mother told me "
" I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you "
" well imagined how more hurt I was when you left me and decided to never come back "
" I'm sorry Jimin "
She started crying and in a way I felt a little bit bad.
" but what was I suppose to do tell the person who I loved the most that I'm sick and I probably won't ever be cured "
" calm down "
" NO, I did that because I loved you and I didn't want you to be miserable taking care of me "
She kept crying and talking so I pulled her in for a tight hug trying to get to calm down a bit.
" stop please calm down "
" I'm sorry Jimin "
" I know okay, but please just calm down first "
I pulled away looking at her red and swollen eyes.
" I'm sorry, I just really wanted you back Jimin "
" I know you do but I'm married and I can't just leave her to go back to you "
" why not "
" because she pregnant with my child "
Her eyes widen a bit looking at me, her eyes getting all teary again.
" WHY, Jimin I really thought if I came back you would love me again "
" I'm sorry kate, but I love y/n "
" what about me "
" I don't know "
" but I love you Jimin "
I stayed quiet not knowing what else to say to her.
" I'm sorry "
I got up not wanting to look back at her, I was going to tell her about the divorce papers but I figured I'll do that another time. I mean even I can't take all the bad news in one day so I'll tell her another day. I got in my car running my fingers through my hair feeling frustrated. I drove back home because all I wanted right now was to see my wife. I opened the door being greeted by my beautiful wife. She was wearing an apron which meant she was cooking.
" Taste this "
I took a bite of her food and it was delicious like always.
" it's delicious "
She smiled at me before walking back into the kitchen. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist placing my chin on her shoulders.
" I love you "
I turned her around making her face me. I cupped her cheeks leaning down to kiss her. I pulled away and she looked confused
" ohh no what did you do "
" nothing I just wanted you to know how much I love you and that I would never leave you "
" Jimin if it's about that thing I'm over it already "
" no, it's just I want you to know I love you "
" yes, I know you do now let's eat I'm hungry "
" okay "
I decided to go to Mrs. Park house to talk with her.
" kate what are you doing here "
" I needed to talk to you "
" what is it "
" why did you tell Jimin about my sickness "
" he had to know the truth kate, so he will understand you better "
" but it's too late, she's pregnant "
" yes he told me earlier "
I felt tears forming in my eyes again
" so that's it, I can't get him back "
" don't worry, there's still another way "
" like what "

[ CLIFF HANGER! OHHH NOO now we're gonna get into some more in the next chapter 😂😘☺️ ]

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