Chapter 14 " trust "

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[ I really want everyone opinion on this book ? Also spread my book around tell your friends, cousins anyone. Anyways I appreciate everyone out there who sends me little messages giving support on my stories! anyways LETS BEGIN ]


Jimin POV
Kate took out her phone showing me pictures of y/n and dean. She was holding his hand and hugging him. At the same time I didn't want to believe it because y/n said not to worry and that nothing was going to happen. I was alittle bit mad but I wanted to hear from y/n myself.

" why are you showing me this "
" because I don't want you hurt "
" well showing this hurts me even more "
" Jimin can't you see she doesn't care about you, she even went and cheated on you with my brother "
" SHUT UP, get out of here  right now "
" you're not listening to me Jimin, why do you still care for her after this "
" because, I need to hear about it from her myself "
" fine, but when you do I'll be here waiting for you "

Kate left my office and I was now filled with angry. I sat on my chair rubbing my face with my hands. I looked at the computer where I made the reservation. I'm not going to let this ruin today. I'll just try to hide it until after the date. I already promised her I was going to take her out today.
Your POV
you were taking a quick shower and getting ready for your date. After taking a shower you went to the closet and took out the outfit you picked for tonight's date. You were super excited for tonight because you really just needed time alone with your husband. You quickly blowed dried your hair and lightly applied some makeup. You didn't want to go to extra heavy on the makeup tonight. You looked at the clock that was on the wall

" 4:30, Jimin should be coming home any minute now "

You waited until Jimin came home, you heard the door open and you smiled and went to greet your husband.

" how was your day "
" great "
" well, I'll wait for you to get ready "
" okay "

You leaned in to give a peck on the lips but usually he would've had said something to say to you but he didn't. He just let you kiss him and walked away. You were worried that he was probably mad at you for something. You didn't want to think to much so you just let that slide. You sat on the couch waiting for Jimin to get ready. After about 15min Jimin came back out with a nicely button up shirt with some jeans.

" you look great "
" so do you "
" shall we go "
" let's go "

You both walked to the car and you were excited to see where he would take you.

" so where are we going "
" I made reservations for the both of us "
" really, I hope it wasn't too much "
" of course not, I'm prepared to make this date special for the both of us "

Jimin POV
I was still thinking about what happened earlier. Every time I look at y/n I think about that picture I saw of dean holding her hand. It makes me jealous and angry but I wasn't going to show it tonight. I didn't want to ruin this night for me and her especially her because I knew how happy she was. We arrived at the fancy restaurant, I walked to the other side of the door and opened the door for her. I interwind my hands with hers giving her a smile. We walked inside stopping at the front entrance.

" reservations for Jimin table of two "
" ahh, yes Mr. Park your table is right over here "

We followed the waitress to our table. The waitress started taking our drinks orders

" what would you two like to drink "
" we'll both just have water "
" alright then "
I looked at y/n who was already looking at the menu.
" order anything you want, it's on me tonight "
" Jimin are sure, everything on this menu is so expensive "
" I'm sure, I want you to enjoy this night "
" your the best "

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