Chapter 22 " arrival "

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[ LOVE GAME 2 coming to an end soon 😭. Probably about 2 to 3 more chapters ]

Your POV
" can I come with you once I leave "
" what, you want to go come "
" yes "

There was a long quiet pause before Hoseok answered you.

" y/n, I would like for you to come but "
" but "
" but, I want you to think about it first please don't make a decision your going to regret "
" your probably right "
" please please think hard about it, it's not that I wouldn't want you to come but think long and hard "
" thanks Hoseok, you always know what to say "
" anytime "

You watched Hoseok walk to his car, before he got inside he waved at you before leaving. You happily waved back to him. After you watch him completely leave you went back inside. You got to the door but you stopped.

" Jimin, are you okay "
" I'm fine "
" look, we need to talk "
" about what "
" Jimin, your mother isn't doing well and I know you don't want to hear it but she wants us to be together to help her "
" let me ask you something "
" what "
" do you love me "
" of course I do "
" then please let me go "
" I won't, I know you still love me "

You watched Kate walking to grab Jimin's wallet out of his jacket. She opened it showing Jimin the picture of her and Jimin.

" how do you know that picture was there "
" I remembered seeing you put the picture in the wallet "

You quietly knocked on the door before entering.

" your back "
" yes, umm Kate do mind if I be with Jimin alone "

She looked at me and Jimin before leaving us.

" look, y/n that was nothing "
" it's fine "

You looked on the bed with the wallet still there with the picture still in his wallet. You closed his wallet before giving it back to him.

" y/n, I meant to take the picture out its just I kept on forgetting "
" it's okay, Jimin "
" you aren't mad "
" no I'm not mad "
" is this a trap "
" no, I understand Jimin "
" y/n "

You stopped Jimin before he said anything else.

" I'm really not mad, I promise you it's okay you don't have to explain "
" are you sure "
" yes, anyways you haven't ate anything yet and you have to eat healthy to regain your energy back "
" alright "
" I'll go buy you some food "

You went out to go buy Jimin some food, you walked to the area where visitors wait. You saw Kate sitting down crying. You wanted to go over to her but you stopped and took a step back and decided not to walk over to her. You finally came back with some food.

" I missed you "
" I've only been gone for 15min "
" still, I have the right to miss my wife whenever I want "

You smile and walked over to him placing it on the table. You sat down watching Jimin eat. Something about seeing him eating warms your heart. He told you during his idol days he would always eat one meal per day and that honestly broke your heart. Seeing him eat makes you happy.

" why do you keep starring at me "
" I like seeing you eat well "

He flashed you his chinky smile another thing that warms your heart.

" Jimin why did you marry me "
" what "
" why did you marry me "
" why are you asking that "
" I want to know why you married, I mean you could've married anyone that was famous but you married me "

He put down his spoon and held your hand.

" I married you because, you aren't like everyone I met the way you always care about other, the way you aren't afraid to speak your mind, you are a strong person no matter how much people hurt you, you always still mange to keep strong "
" is that true "
" yes, and even if I could marry any idol I wouldn't because none of them have any of those unique things you have "

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