Chapter 10 " i want to tell you "

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[ I want this chapter to not be so much about Kate and Jimin's mother. I really can't get to everyone comment but I didn't think this story would be so popular to you guys. But I have so many people telling me they love it that it makes me feel happy about writing it! You guys encourage me to write it for you guys! 😘😘 ANYWAYS CHAPTER 10 BEGINS ]


I sat outside waiting for an hour before the doctor came in.
" how is she, how's my baby "
" don't worry mr. Park, your wife and the baby is fine just some bruises that's all no harm or anything "
I took a deep breathe and calmed down a bit.
" hey don't I know you, you came in with that lady before not this one but the other who fainted "
" ohh umm, it's a complicated story "
" oh well, your wife is fine "
" can I see her "
" of course "
I followed the doctor to the room y/n was resting in. She was sleeping and she looked so peaceful. I came in sitting next to her grabbing her hand and holding it. She felt my touch and turned to face me with a smile.
" are you okay "
She shook her head while closing her eyes. She started to cry a bit, I got up to hug her.
" hey don't cry, the baby is fine "
" because of my we almost lost the baby "
I cupped her cheeks making her look at me.
" hey, it's not your fault okay don't blame yourself as long as the baby is fine don't worry too much about this "
She nodded and laid back down resting.
" how did this happen "
You weren't going to tell Jimin that his mother came over because if you did he would blame her. She was the one who spilled the water on accident but you were the one who slipped because you didn't think it spilled that much. And you didn't want Jimin to be anymore mad at his mom.
" i didn't see the water on the ground and slipped accidentally "
" are you feeling hurt anywhere "
" no "
" good, because for the next week I'm taking those days off to take care of you "
I leaned in kissing her forehead making her smile even more.
" do you think I'm going to be a bad mother "
" of course not, your going to be great our baby girl or boy is going to grow up happy with us both "
" I hope so to "
The doctor came in the room giving us some information.
" okay so Ms. Park you are fine just some minor bruises so you'll be able to leave tonight "
" great, thank you doctor "
The doctor left the room leaving me and y/n alone.
" are you sure they will let you off of work for a week "
" yes they will "
" it doesn't have to be a week maybe just a couple of days "
" no I want to make sure you are in good condition "
After y/n got discharged we went home. I looked at her grabbing her hand kissing the back of her hand. I started driving home. We got inside and I told y/n to go rest.
" wait before you go rest, are you hungry "
" umm no, not right now "
" okay "
She headed to our room while I went to go take a shower. I came back out and y/n was sitting down reading a book instead. I had a towel wrapped around my waist when I came out. I could tell y/n was looking at me. I crawled over to the bed trying to get her to look at me but she didn't.
" I know you were starring at me "
" no I wasn't "
" yes you were "
I crawled in closer laying my head on her lap.
" hurry and get dress you weirdo "
" I want you to admit that you were looking at me first "
She rolled her eyes and looked at me
" fine I was looking at you "
I smirked at her and lifted myself up but to only give her quick peck on the lips.
Your POV
You were laying down but couldn't sleep. You turned to face Jimin and he fell asleep while reading his manga, you could hear his cute little snore.

You smiled and reached over to grab his book placing it on the night stand

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You smiled and reached over to grab his book placing it on the night stand. He had a rough day today, and you really wanted him to get as much sleep. You were feeling for tea right now so you got up to make some tea for yourself. You put the water in the pot placing it on the stove waiting for the water to heat up. You were waiting for the water but Jimin startled you when he called your name.
" y/n "
" you scared me "
He was half awake and a half asleep, he walked towards you hugging you.
" you had me so worry "
" why "
" I woke up and you weren't there "
" it's okay Jimin, I just came to get some tea you want some "
" sure "
You walked to the cabinet and tried to reach for the two cups but couldn't reach it.
" where's namjoon when we need him "
" what do you mean I can so reach for that "
You crossed your arm looking at Jimin.
" oh really without having to climb the counter "
" w-well, I can "
He walked towards the cabinets and he had a hard time reaching for so he tip toed a bit and finally got it.
" see I got it "
" yeah okay "
You put the tea bags in and poured in the hot water. You drank the tea feeling relaxed.
" I'm excited to get to spend the rest of the week with you "
" me to "
After you and Jimin finished your tea you two went back to bed. He made sure to hold you close to him and that actually made you fall asleep faster. The next morning you woke up Jimin was still asleep. He looked really soft looking when he's asleep. Sometimes you felt so lucky to get to wake up to his beautiful face every morning. But then you remember the deal and you get upset again.
" your awake "
" I just woke up right now "
" let's do something today "
" like what "
" I saw this beautiful beach that I really want to take you to "
" really, I can't wait "
" okay well let's get ready eat alittle break fast and we'll go "
" sounds like a plan "
You got up and took a shower, you came out of the shower trying to find something to wear. You picked a light pink flowy dress that was great for pregnant woman like you. You did light makeup and straighten your hair. You were all set waiting for Jimin to get ready.
" you look beautiful "
" thank you "
He walked towards you giving you peck on the lips.
" shall we "
We walked to the car but before we went we stopped at a restaurant for some breakfast. Like always you ordered a few too many foods well only because a pregnant woman like you is eating for two now.
" I love seeing you eat "
" you do ? "
" you look extra cute when your eating "
" stop being cheesy "
" I'm serious "
After you two had your breakfast you two were now heading to the beach. Today you were going to put all negative thoughts to the side and just enjoy this day with Jimin. After 30min of driving you two arrived at the beach. It was beautiful it such a beautiful scenery. You two walked on the beach hands intertwined together just talking and laughing. You two sat on the sand looking at the water. You sat in between Jimin's legs while he held you close.
" I wish we can be like this forever "
" we can be like this forever, what are you talking about "
You really thought that you should tell Jimin but you promised not to tell.
" Jimin I have to tell you something "
" what "
" I- "
" you what "
" I love you "
" I love you to "
He leaned in giving you a kiss on the lips. You wanted to burst into tears but you tried so hard to hold them in.
1month later
Your next baby check up and this time you get to find out the gender of the baby. You were so excited to know what the baby gender. Even if you were excited about this day it just means the closer the date gets the closer you would have to leave Jimin and your baby. You waited for Jimin to look for the car keys.
" Jimin hurry the appointment is at 4 "
" I know I know, I can't find the keys "
You went to room looking for the jacket he wore yesterday and searched his pockets.
" it's right here you left them in your jacket "
" okay let's go "
We went to the car while he drove us to the hospital. You both went to the froth desk and checked in. You were nervous to find out the gender of your baby. Jimin interwind his fingers with yours.
" ahh, Mr and Ms park your back for your checkup "
" yup "
" are you excited you are going to find out the gender of the baby "
" yes, I am "
" well let's go "
We followed the doctor to the room, I laid down lifting up my shirt. The doctor put some cold gel on my belly and used the tool and started rubbing it on my belly.
" your baby is doing so well "
" that's good "
" well, do you want to know the gender right now "
You looked at Jimin who looked really nervous but excited. He smiled and nodded
" yes "
" your going to have a "

[ CLIFF HANGER! YOU PICK THE BABY'S GENDER!! Which ever has the most comment that will be the genders baby. I want you guys to be apart of the this story and help me create it. ☺️☺️☺️ ]

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