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Your POV
you called Hoseok before he was going to leave.

" hello y/n, you're up early "
" umm your leaving today right "
" yes, but I will stop by before I leave "
" no need "
" why, I want to see jinsu to "
" I'm actually outside your house right now "
" what you are "
" yeah "
" I'm coming "

You waited until Hoseok opened the door. He opened the door seeing that you had your suit case.

" what are you doing y/n "

He invited you inside his house closing the door behind you. You turned around to face Hoseok while crying.

" this is it Hoseok "
" y/n, please think about it what you're giving up "
" please don't make me think the more I think about the more it hurts me "
" are you sure about this "
" y-yes "
" alright, the plane leaves in an hour well both go together "
" thank you "

You sat down waiting for Hoseok to pack his things. You looked around his house seeing a picture you haven't seen in a long time. It was a picture of all of us back in highschool

" Jessica, namjoon, Jin, yoongi, Hoseok, j-Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook "

You smiled seeing the picture, you wished everything was like that again the nine of you guys together again, when it was all about having fun together. You still kept in contact with them all but their all so busy with their lives you hardly got to talk to them.

" are you ready "

You turned to see Hoseok already all packed. You took a deep breathe and nodded. You grabbed your stuff, Hoseok called for a cab. He helped you placed your things in the trunk. He placed his hand over yours assuring you to be calm.

Jimin POV

I turned to face y/n side of the bed I reached over to the other side of the bed but she wasn't there. I heard jinsu and quickly got up but something was off. I saw Kate inside already holding jinsu. I just assume y/n let her in.

" Kate, what are you doing here "
" shhhh jinsu is sleeping "

I was a bit confused I looked around the house calling for y/n. I couldn't find her anywhere.

" Kate where is y/n "

She put down jinsu and walked over to me.

" Jimin, I'm your wife "
" what are you talking about "
" she left Jimin "

I dropped my phone that was in my hand on the floor. I felt like my heart just dropped

" she's gone Jimin, But I'm here for you "
" Jimin it's my turn, my turn to take back what's really mine "
" w-where did she go "
" Jimin, leave her I'm still here I'll love you and jinsu "
" NO "

I picked up my phone going to the room running my hand through my hair. Y/n where the hell did you go, I quickly dialled y/n number but went to voice mail. I called and texted her leaving voice mail. I started to panic and crying more. I looked on the night stand seeing the ring. I grabbed it looking at it, my voice cracking from the crying I did.

" where did you go y/n "

I walked back out to the living room seeing Kate still here.

" get out now! "
" why "
" you aren't my wife and I don't love you "
" you can say whatever you want I won't leave "
" why did y/n leave for "
" she agreed to leave "
" no there has to be a reason, she wouldn't just leave without a reason "

" Love Game 2 " sequel [ COMPLETE ]Where stories live. Discover now