Chaper 21 " I'm okay "

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[ CLOSE TO THE END!!! Don't worry NEW STORY COMING OUT SOON FOR THE ONE AND ONLY MIN YOONGI look forward to that ☺️! ALSO THANKS TO EVERYONE I'm almost at 3000 followers 😘😘 okay I'm done LET'S BEGIN ]


Your POV
after you helped Hoseok up you went after Jimin. You called his name from behind but he didn't answer you. You tried keeping up with him with his fast pace

" JIMIN, please slow down "

You saw Jimin getting ready to cross the streets. He parked his car on the other side and you parked yours on the other side. But you were going to go after him anyways.


He continued to cross the streets even after the sign said not to cross anymore. You heard a loud honk and that's where everything came crashing down. Your eyes widen you see Jimin on the ground with blood everywhere. You quickly jogged to him trying to hold him up.


You held onto Jimin with his blood all over hands. You saw Hoseok coming to help you.


You took out your phone but dropped it while trying to dial the number because of how afraid you we're. Your hands covering the phone in blood. Hoseok got up taking the phone and dialled the number in himself. You held Jimin's lifeless body in your arms.

" Jimin please don't leave me, please I'm sorry please don't leave me "

About 10min later the ambulance came putting Jimin in the ambulance car. You got in the car yourself holding onto Jimin's hand. All this seems so familiar to you except it's not you but him. You could see the paramedics putting the oxygen mask on his face. It hurts seeing Jimin all hurt like this. Finally arriving at the hospital you held onto Jimin's hand until you couldn't enter the room anymore. You saw Hoseok running down the hallway.


You started crying even more in his arms. You still had blood all over your hands.

" it's all my fault "
" no it's not "
" he's hurt because of me "
" STOP IT Y/N, it's not your fault "
" what if something happens "
" I promise you everything will be fine "

You were crying so much to the point where everything blacked out.

" y/n, I love you "
" I love you to Jimin "
" please, love jinsu I know I haven't been the best but I will be watching over you and jinsu "
" Jimin, what are you talking about "
" I love you y/n so much I hope one day we can be together again "

You quickly got up breathing heavily looking around. You saw Hoseok sitting next to you.

" where am I "
" you sorta fainted earlier "
" where's Jimin "
" he's fine, he's in the other room "

You took a deep breathe calming yourself a bit. You rubbed his face with your hands feeling a bit relieved.

" I want to see him "
" wait, you should probably rest "
" I can't rest until I see that my husband is doing fine "

You got up from the bed and went to Jimin's room where he was staying. You entered seeing his bruised up body on the bed with wires and oxygen mask on him. Seeing him like this made your heart hurt. Your tears already streaming down your face. You came and sat next to him holding his hands. He had cuts on his face and bruises. You carefully cupped his cheeks rubbing the part that was bruised.

" Love Game 2 " sequel [ COMPLETE ]Where stories live. Discover now