Chapter 17 " regrets "

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[ you guys probably don't think I read your comments but I actually do and you also probably don't know this but you guys are helping me create the story. I wrote the story similar to what you guys want. ANYWAYS LETS BEGIN CHAPTER 17 ]


Your POV
you haven't talked to Jimin all day since yesterday. He did try calling you and texting you but you made no effort into picking any of his calls or text. But you got one text message that you really made your day ten times better.

" y/n I'm back "
" me to, let's meet up "
" okay, where "
" let's meet up at the little cafe near our old high school "
" sure "
" also bring Jimin, I would like to see my two good friend "
" actually Jimin is a little busy right now "
" okay well then, I guess I'll see you in a bit "
" definitely "
End of TEXT

you couldn't wait to meet with Hoseok. You haven't seen him in the longest time ever since he went to New York. You also haven't met his girlfriend yet either. You decided to get ready and go meet up with Hoseok. You didn't really into looking good because it's Hoseok one of your best friend who you were comfortable around with no matter how you looked like. You told your mom that you would be back later. You got in your car and went to meet with him. You parked your car and you could see Hoseok through the window looking through his phone. He looked the same he didn't change much from the last time you saw him. You went inside smiling when you two saw each other. You really wanted to cry from just seeing him. You walked faster finally reaching him and giving him the biggest hug you ever gave him.

" woah you must really miss me "
" of course you big dummy, I missed you so much "
" I missed you to, so how you been "
" I've been great "
" so I see your about to be a mother "
" yup "
" so how does Jimin feel about this "
" great, he feels great about it "
" well I really missed you both and I can't wait to come by to see you both later on "
" wait, you can't "
" why not "
" I really didn't want to start your day off with bad news but were actually mad at each other or I'm mad at him "
" what why "
" long story hosoek "
" so what has happen since I was gone "
" lots but I'll save that for another time I don't want to ruin your first day back with my sad stories, anyways tell me about you "
" well I learned the learn the most amazing dances from the most famous choreographers "
" really that sounds cool "
" I learned so much over there, that I can't wait to show you guys what I learned but New Yorkers can be a bit much to handle but their great people with a unique style "
" really, what about that girlfriend of yours I really want to meet her "
" ohhh right her "
" come on tell me "
" well we actually aren't together anymore "
" why "
" she broke up with me because of some stuff "
" like what "
" just some stuff "
" well, I won't pressure you into telling me "
" look at you all grown up "
" HEY "
" just kidding, anyways let's take a walk around I really want to just walk around with you "
" okay let's go "

You and Hoseok decide to just take a nice stroll in the park talking about memories. You really missed doing this with him. You may have other friends but Hoseok is a friend that you can trust and a friend who you can always count on.
it was nice just talking and catching up with things with y/n. I really missed her so much. She's the same y/n who I met in high school. To be honest one thing I regretted was letting her go. I regretted giving up on her maybe just maybe if I kept trying a little bit longer she could've been with me and not with Jimin. I know I sound like a horrible friend for saying this but I never really stopped loving y/n but now it's to late to even try to get her back. She's happy with Jimin and I can't really do anything about it but show her that I'm happy for her and that I'm fine with everything.

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