Chapter 16 " timing "

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[ sorry about the slow update. I had a lot to do so I couldn't update. IM SUCH A BAD AUTHOR! 😭 but anyways I'm back with chapter 16 ]

Your POV

You took a step back from jimin. You couldn't believe he said those hurtful words to you. He probably noticed what he had said and stopped for a minute. He looked at you and started walking towards you but you didn't let him get near you.

" y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that to you "
" well you already said it "
" I'm sorry please, I didn't mean any of those words at all "
" yes you did, otherwise why would you have said it "
" I'm so sorry please don't be upset, I love you "
" no you don't, you really hurt me Jimin "
" I know, I'm sorry please "

You walked to the room, while he followed you calling out for your name. You ignored it went inside the room slamming the door closed. You sat down on the bed balling your eyes out. You felt so worthless, you felt like everything you did was wrong. You decided to pack some clothes and go stay with your parents for a couple of days just to cool down a bit and get away from all the stress. You opened the door and Jimin was sitting down on the couch waiting for you. He looked down to see your bags of clothes.

" where are you going "
" to my parents house, I need some time to think "
" y/n please don't go please "

He walked towards you holding onto your hand. You looked into his eyes and you knew he was going to burst into tears any moment now. You reached to cup his cheeks, he placed his hand over your hand cupping his cheeks.

" I think you need some time to think also, I'll be back in a few days "

You opened the door and left the house. You went inside your car and poured your emotions out. You were driving with tears still in your eyes. You were having flashback to the time when Jimin proposed to on your second anniversary with him.

Today was your's and Jimin's second anniversary. You haven't seen Jimin because he's been a bit busy this week with promotion and stuff. But today was going to be different he was coming back and he wanted to take you on a date. You were excited for the day but mostly you were excited to see your boyfriend Jimin. You looked in your closet to find the best outfit you had. You waited until Jimin called you. You were applying some light makeup when your phone started ringing. You quickly went over to pick it up.

" hey are you here yet "
" sorry I won't make it tonight "

You replaced your happy expression with and upset one. This Isn't the first time he bailed on you.

" ohh, okay then "
" sorry, I really wanted to take you out but my manger has me going crazy about coming out too see our girlfriends during promotion "
" no it's okay I get it, I mean it's only our second year anniversary not important right "
" y/n don't say it like that, it is important I didn't mean for this to happen "
" no don't worry, I get it anyways I should hang up don't want to interfere with your work "

You hung up the phone feeling upset and mad at him. He always bail on you on the last minute and it makes you so angry. All you wanted was to see him. Later on that night Jimin texted you

" hey, let's meet up "

You rolled your eyes not wanting to answer but you also wanted to see him so you went. You went to the place he asked to meet you. It was in a nice restaurant. There was no one inside but you. You looked around the whole place was filled with roses and  beautiful decoration. You smiled while looking around the fancy restaurant filled with roses. You walked to the table and saw a note.

" I love you so much, y/n will you marry me "

You stopped for a moment turning around seeing Jimin already on one knee with the ring in his hand.

" will you take the honor of marrying this dummy "

You had tears in your eyes, you nodded your head and hugged him feeling happy.

" I love you y/n "
" I love you too Jimin "
You wiped the tears off your eyes, you felt so hurt about everything. You felt bad you were putting your baby through this much to. You finally arrived at your parents house. You rang the door bell and your mother opened the door.

" y/n, is that you "
" it's me "

Your mother hugged you tightly, while you embraced in her hug. You missed her hugs so much.

" what are you doing here, where is Jimin "
" I came alone mom "
" why "
" long story "
" we'll come inside "

You went inside and everything still looks the same. Even your room from when you were still in highschool.

" my beautiful daughter has grown so much, I missed you "
" me to "
" I can believe my daughter is pregnant, I can't wait to see my beautiful grandson "

You broke into tears and hugged your mom.

" what's wrong, why are you so upset "
" I'm upset about everything "
" come, let's sit while I make you some tea "

You walked into the kitchen while your mother made some tea for you both.

" so, what's going on "
" there's so much stuff going on "
" are too having a little problem with Jimin again "
" yes, and only this time this isn't little "
I laid in bed but it felt different because y/n wasn't here. I felt so upset with myself I never meant to hurt her at all. I don't love Kate anymore but I don't know why I said that. Maybe because I was just mad and I said it. I really didn't want this to be like this. I thought about it long and hard and I'm not going to hold this off and longer. I'm going to get Kate to sign those divorce papers. I got out of bed and went over to her place.

" Jimin what are you doing here "

I didn't even say anything but just entering the house. I held the papers in my hand.

" Kate, you need to sign this "
" I don't want to "
" why not "
" I already told you, I'm here to win you back "
" Jimin clam down "
" NO, I won't calm down because I want this all to be over "
" don't worry it will soon "
" no, you have to sign these papers right now "
" WHY JIMIN WHY ARE DOING THIS, I don't want to lose you "

I looked at kate who was already crying.

" you always used to tell me to never give up on what you want, and that you will always fight for us "
" I know what I said bu- "
" but what, is everything you say lies I'm doing what you couldn't do I'm fighting for us to be together again "
" I know but ever since you left things change "
" what changes Jimin "
" feelings change "
" mine didn't "
" well, mine did "

I looked at her and she was already in a crying mess.

" I went away to get cure and to come back to you without having to feel like a burden to you "
" you were never a burden to me, you just left "
" Jimin, I do love you "

She tried coming close to me and kiss me but I stopped her before she could.

" I'm sorry Kate, please don't do this I only came here to get things settled "

No ones POV
I was on the plane going back home, I spent the last two years in New York learning the most popular dances. It felt nice to come back home to friends and family. I was now getting off the plane and I couldn't wait to see all my friends again. Especially y/n I haven't seen her in so long that I really do miss her a lot.

[ CLIFF HANGER! GUESS WHO'S BACK! the story will get way more better now! ]

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