Chapter 19 " all for you "

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[ this story is coming close to and ending! 😭😭 anyways you guys are the best readers! 😘😘 sending all my love to you guys ]

You closed your eyes but nothing happened. You looked at Hoseok who already moved away from you.

" I can't, I'm sorry I even brought up this topic "
" it's okay "
" i would be such a bad friend if I did this to you and Jimin "
" your a good person Hoseok and I knew you wouldn't do such thing "
" what "
" I already knew you wouldn't kiss me "
" but you closed your eyes "
" yeah, but I knew you wouldn't "
" I'm sorry y/n "
" it's okay "

You and Hoseok both hung out for a while before you decided to head back home. You looked at Hoseok who was laughing at you

" why are you laughing at me "
" you look like a penguin when you walk "
" well I'm a pregnant woman carrying another person inside of me "
" I know, you just look so cute "
" go home already "

He smiled at you before leaving, you got in your car and looked at your phone. Tomorrow marks the fifth month of your pregnancy. The time is coming faster then you thought. The More you think about it the more upset you got. You drove home and went inside seeing Jimin taking a nap on the couch. You felt so bad you were putting him through so much stress to. You touched his cheeks, while looking at him. He slightly opened his eyes seeing you and got up quickly to hug you.

" I thought you left me "
" why would I do that "
" I don't know, I just feel so scared when I feel like your going to leave me please promise you won't leave me "
" I-I promise "

You knew you were lying and couldn't keep that promise. You really hated everything, you hated the fact that you were hiding something from jimin you hated that you were going to leave and not watch two of the most important people in your life together. You hated everything so much right now.

" why don't we go on a date "
" shall we "
" yes, because the last one didn't go the way I planned it "
" okay "
" well you go and get ready first then I'll get ready "
" okay "

You hopped in the shower feeling the warm water on your body making you feel so relaxed. After your showerd you wrapped yourself with a towel and went to change. Jimin went in after you. You went to your closet and was trying to pick out an outfit but you couldn't. After Jimin took a shower he came out but you were still in a towel deciding what to wear. He walked up behind and grabbed one of the outfit

" wear this one, I like this one on you the most "

You grabbed the dress and wore the dress he picked out for you. You finished getting ready and was just waiting for Jimin to get dress. He finally finished getting dress and we both headed out.

" where are we going "
" let's go out for dinner first "
" okay let's do that first "

Jimin drove to a nice restaurant, and he always chooses the most expensive looking ones.

" Jimin you know we don't have to always have dinner at such and expensive place I'm fine if it was just burgers "
" I know, but I want to "
" but I feel bad and that you pay for everything "
" y/n everything I do is all for you only and I do it because I love you "

He grabbed the back of your hand kissing it before getting out. He went to your side of the door and opened it for you. You both went inside the nice restaurant and sat down ordering your food. You both decided to order the same thing. It felt great to just have Jimin all to yourself today. The food finally came and you were actually really hungry. After enjoying the dinner, Jimin paid and you both left.

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